Volume-8 Issue-6S3, September 2019
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Volume-8 Issue-6S3, September 2019, ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Impact of Information Technology on Agriculture Development
Do Phi Hung
The Numerical Solution of Heat Equation by the Fourth-Order Iterative Alternating Decomposition Explicit Method with MPI
Simon Uzezi Ewedafe1, Rior Hirowati2, Shariffudin3
Application of Improved Chaotic Method in Determining Number of k-Nearest Neighbor for CO Data Series
Ahmad Basri Ruslan1, Nor Zila Abd Hamid2
Novel Method for Cricket Match Outcome Prediction using Data Mining Techniques
S.A.D.P Subasingha1, S. C. Premaratne2, K. L. Jayaratne3, P. Sellappan4
A Novel Hybrid Adaptive Filter to Improve Video Keyframe Clustering to Support Event Resolution in Cricket Videos
S. C. Premaratne1, K. L. Jayaratne2, P. Sellappan3
Computation of Splicing Languages from DNA Splicing System Based on Sequences of Restriction Enzymes
Nurul Izzaty Ismail1, Wan Heng Fong2, Nor Haniza Sarmin3
Optimization of Antioxidant Extraction in Hylocereus Polyrhizus Seed using Response Surface Methodology
Siti Atikah Zulkifli1, Siti Salwa Abd Gani2, Uswatun Hasanah Zaidan3, Mohd Izuan Effendi Halmi4
Application of Plackett Burman Design for Antioxidant Extraction from Actinodaphne Sesquipedalis leaves
Siti Fatihah Balqis Binti Jamaludin1, Siti Salwa Binti Abd Gani2,Uswatun Hasanah Binti Zaidan3, Paiman Bin Bawon4
Implementation of Shor’s Quantum Factoring Algorithm using ProjectQ Framework
Adjie Wahyu Wicaksono1, Arya Wicaksana2
A System Dynamics Model of Malaysia House Pricing
Muhamad Firdaus Ahmad1, Hasimah Sapiri2, Masnita Misiran@Bakun3, Zakiah Hashim4, Tisya Farida Abdul Halim5
Examination of Stability of the Mathematical Predator-Prey Model by Observing the Distance between Predator and Prey
Priyasih1, Miswanto2, Alfiniyah3
Design of an Agent-Based Traffic Control System
Adegoke Ojeniyi1, Taye Aro2, Ang Moon Thiak3
A Compression based Energy Efficient Protocol for Mobile Cloud Computing
D Satyanarayana1, Abdullah Said Al Kalbani2
Object Oriented VS Structured Analysis and Design in System Development Courses
Aslina Saad1, Nguarije Hambira2, Harnani Mat Zin3, Rasyidi Johan4, Wang Shir Li5
3D Virtual Learning Environment
Wan Abdul Rahim Wan Mohd Isa1, Ahmad Iqbal Hakim Suhaimi2, Nurulhuda Noordin3, Nor Azilah Othman4
Mathematical Models for Calculation of Mixing Zones for Coastal Effluent Discharges
Anton Purnama1, Huda A. Al-Maamari2, Easwaran Balakrishnan3
JACOB Voice Chatbot Application Using Wit.ai for Providing Information in UMN
Steven Wijaya1, Arya Wicaksana2
Implementation of Grover’s Quantum Search Algorithm using Rigetti Forest
Anthony1, Arya Wicaksana2
Extended Bounds of Beatty Sequence Associated with Primes
F. Deraman1, S. H. Sapar2, M. A. M. Johari3, K. A. Mohd Atan4, A. F. N. Rasedee5
Basin of Attraction from Modification Variant of Chebyshev-Halley Methods
Hilda Paramita1, Sumardi2
Cloud-based Non-intrusive Load Monitoring System (NILM)
Keh-Kim Kee1, Yun Seng Lim2, Jianhui Wong3, Kein Huat Chua4
Inflation: A Malaysia Story
Zetty Ain Kamaruzzaman
Robust Hybrid Optimization Method to Reduce Investment Portfolio Risk using Fusion of Modern Portfolio Theory and Genetic Algorithm
Nashirah Abu Bakar1, Sofian Rosbi2
Evolutionary Cost-cognizant Test Case Selection and Prioritization for Object-Oriented Programs
Abdulkarim Bello1, Abu Bakar Md. Sultan2, Abdul Azim Abdul Ghani3, Hazura Zulzalil4
A Novel Method for Dengue Management Based on Vital Signs and Blood Profile
S.H.U.Briyatis1, S. C. Premaratne2, D.G.Harendra De Silva3
Air Pollution Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms
Hanan Aljuaid1, Norah Alwabel2
The Time Equation Explaining Equations in Physics and Economics
Poramest Boonsri
Central Composite Design as a Tools for Optimization of Antioxidant Activity on Cocoa Shell Extract
Arief Huzaimi Md Yusof1, Siti Salwa Abd Gani2, Uswatun Hasanah Zaidan3, Mohd Izuan Effendi Halmi4
An Application of a Delay CSOH Model on the Coconut Farm
Adirek Vajrapatkul1, Sanoe Koonprasert2, Sekson Sirisubtawee3
Laser Marks Classification for Retinal Images based on Convolutional Neural Network
Mustafa Ali Abuzaraida1, Osama Mohamed Elrajubi2
Computational Form-Finding Analysis in Richmond’s Surface with Different Prestress
Yee Hooi Min1, Fatin Nurqamarulhuda Binti Ismail2
Safety and Operational Performance of Roundabouts
Li-Sian Tey1, M. S. Salim2, Shahreena Melati Rhasbudin Shah3, Prakash Ranjitkar4
Image Steganography using LSB and Encrypted Message with AES, RSA, DES, 3DES, and Blowfish
Masumeh Damrudi1, Kamal Jadidy Aval2
A Method for Arabic Handwritten Diacritics Characters
Faiz Alotaibi1, Muhamad Taufik Abdullah2, Rusli Abdullah3, Rahmita Wirza4, Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad5
The Coefficient of Variation Chart based on Median Run Length
Ming Ha Lee1, K. S. Khee Yong Si2, XinYing Chew3, Man F. Lau4, Patrick H. H. Then5
Virtual Simulations for Drone Education of Senior High School Students
Julia Dominic P. Espinola1, Jose Emmanuel D. Ignacio2, John Peter L. Lacaden3, Charles Brian D. Toribio4, Alvin Y. Chua5
Academic Dishonesty in Computer and Mathematics Assignments
Mahmoud Abou Naaj1, Mirna Nachouki2
Talent Retention in Private Universities of Malaysia
Suguna Sinniah1, Ramesh Kumar Moona Haji Mohamed2, Wan Rozima Mior3, Ahmad Harith4, Wan Nur Izni5, Zainab Ali Rawshdeh6
Impact of Supply Chain Management Strategies and Practices in the Textile Retail Sector in Islamabad, Pakistan
Mehwish Naeem1, Iram Tahir2, Zain Iqbal3, Hassaan Shafique4
The Effect of Disruption Technology, and the Future Knowledge Management toward Service Innovation for Telecommunication Industry 4.0 in Indonesia
Librita Arifiani SKOM MMSI1, Ir. Dyah Budiastuti M.M2, Wibowo Kosasih Erika M.Hum3
Exploring Strategic Management and Teachers Workload in School
Mohd Faiz Mohd Yaakob1, Mat Rahimi Yusof2, Mohd Yusri Ibrahim3
Public Low-Cost Housing Design: the Residents’ Perception
Sunusi Bashari1, Ahmad Hariza Hashim2, Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah3, Nobaya Ahmad4
Towards Adaptive E-Learning among University Students: by Applying Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Mahdi M Alamri1, Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi2, Noraffandy Yahaya3, Ali Mugahed Al-Rahmi4, Hussein Abualrejal5, Akram M. Zeki6, Qusay Al-Maatouk7
Channel Strategy to Customer Satisfaction: Case of Traditional Retail Channel in Jakarta
Pantri Heriyati1, Lita Tejaya2
Human Resources Management Practices and Affective Commitment among Financial Industry Employees in Malaysia
Gopal Perumal1, Suguna Sinniah2, Ilangovan Perumal3, Zafir Khan Muhammad Makhbul4, Ramesh Kumar Moona Haji Mohamed5
Usefulness of Social Networking Sites towards Malaysian Tertiary Education’s Student Life of Learning and Social
Ilangovan Perumal1, Azween Abdullah2, Muthaloo Subramaniam3, Mahadevan Supramaniam4, Sugumaran Selladurai5
The Tourism Development through Creative Economy
Dewi Nusraningrum1, Aditya Pratama2
Effect of Perfectionistic and Brand Conscious on Consumer Decision-making Style of Young Adult in Batam in Mobile Phone Purchase
Realize1, Tukino2, Emil Eka Putra3
What is Linked between the Green Human Resources Practice with Sustainability Business?
Lenny C Nawangsari1, Ahmad H Sutawijaya2
The Prospect of Turboprop Commercial Flight in Indonesia
Nugraha Arifianto1, Sigit S. Wibowo2
A Framework Proposal for Evaluating the Organizational Reliability and Capability of a Liner Shipping Operator in a Fuzzy Context
Nurul Haqimin Mohd Salleh1, Rudiah Md Hanafiah2, Abdul Hafaz Ngah3, Jagan Jeevan4, Lazim Abdullah5
Bloom’s Taxonomy and It’s Application in USIM’s iNaQ Model
Mahyuddin Hashim1, Noornajihan Jaafar2, Nurul Asiah Fasehah Muhammad3, Adnan Mohamed Yusof4, Norakyairee Mohd. Raus5, Ahmad Sanusi Azmi6
Military Equipment Innovation in the Pahang Uprising
Amnah Saayah Ismail1, Burhanuddin Jalal2, Nor Nazimi Mohd Mustaffa3, Nur Surayya Mohd Saudi4
Religious Learning with Social Media and its Implication for Understanding Religion
Supriadi1, Muhammad Roy Purwanto2
PBL Online Learning in Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics: Students’ Readiness
Elnetthra Folly Eldy1, Fauziah Sulaiman2
Development of Learning Chair Designs for Hyperactive Students Based on Cyber Technology in Inclusive Elementary School
Hartini Laswandi1, Heni Mularsih2
The Effect of Social Media and Peer Group on the SPIRIT Characters Formation of the Students
Arcadius Benawa1, Silverius Lake CJM2
The Effect of Brain Based Learning Strategies and Project Based Learning on Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Students of the Kinesthetic Learning Style Group
La Ode Ahmad Jazuli1, Etin Solihatin2, Zulfiati Syahrial3
Development of Physical Activity Play Management to Improve Prosocial Behavior
Pramono1, Nurhasan2, Nining Widyah Kusnanik2, Sudarsini4
Generic Green Skills for Creativity and Innovation: Tessellation of Regular Polygons
Abdullahi Musa Cledumas1, Yusri Bin Kamin2, Haruna Rabiu3
The Relationship between Innovative Work Behaviors and Subjective Career Success among Employees in Selected Private Organisation
Nur Fatihah Abdullah Bandar1, Fatin Adibah Binti Malek2, Zaiton Hassan3, Surena Sabil4, Dayang Kartini Abang Ibrahim5, Nik Norsyamimi Binti Md Nor6, Rekaya Vincent Balang7
Is There any Difference in Service Fairness between Private and Public Hospitals Influencing Customer Satisfaction?
Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro1, Mts Arief2, Diena Dwidienawati3
The Role of Entrepreneurial Personality on Competitive Advantages and Corporate Image based on Digital
Hari Muharam1, Harmon Chaniago2
Exploring Critical Success Factors in E-Learning Implementation
Kumar Raman1, Norasmah Othman2, Haryanti Mohd Affandi3, Zanariah Hamid4, Grace Danaraj5
The Implementation of Defense Development Policy with Blended Learning Technology
Wibisono Poespitohadi1, Soesilo Zauhar2, Bambang Santoso Haryono3, Fadillah Amin4, Zaenal Fanani5, Romy Hermawan6
Contributing Factors to Schedule Delays in Construction Projects in the United Arab Emirates
Abdulhamid AlGheth1, Md Ishak Sayuti2
Digital 2D Animation for Educational Visualization in Secondary School: A Development Courseware of Bintang Hati PT3 Novel
Mu’azah Md. Aziz1, Ainul Maulid Ahmad2, Gani Ibrahim Musa3, Wan Mahani Abdullah4, Mohamad Izril Ishak5, Mohd. Aswad Amat Mushim6
Computer Science Education in Malaysia Schools: the Challenges of Enhancing Computational Thinking Skills
Puganesri. K1, Saifullizam Puteh2
Role of Grit in Secondary School Students’ Academic Engagement and Performance: A Meta-Examination
Sofiazianti Saleh1, Zakiah Mohamad Ashari2, Azlina Mohd Kosnin3, Ariffi Suraya Rahmani4, Nurul Farhana Zainudin5
The Element of Fine Art Context in Multimedia Element in Teaching and Learning Material towards Motivation to Learn
Razali. S. S1, Ismail. A2
Can Universities Improve their Competitiveness using Information Technology?
Galih Abdul Fatah Maulani1, Nizar Alam Hamdani2
Using a Civil Judicial Collateral Estoppel as a Means of Self-Defense for Entrepreneurs in Administrative Tax Disputes
Leonid Belkin1, Yuriy Pyvovar2, Julia Iurynets3, Mark Belkin4
Effect of Exercise and Resistance Methods on Increasing 800 Meter Range Results
Johni Melvin Tahapary1, Moch. Asmawi2, James Tangkudung3
Bullying among Javanese Ethnic Senior High School Students
Chr. Argo Widiharto1, Padmi Dhyah Yulianti2, Sri Wahyuni3
Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Brand Loyalty in Sports Products
Sook Fern Yeo1, Cheng Ling Tan2, Mei Ling Goh3, Heng Yet Toh4
Willingness to Pay for Halal Transportation Cost: The Moderating Effect of Knowledge on the Theory of Planned Behavior
Hafaz N.A1, Jagan Jeevan2, Nurul Haqimin Mohd Salleh3, Taylor Tae Hwee Lee4, Siti Marsila Mhd Ruslan5
Mechanical and Barrier Properties of Composite Films Based on Kappa-Carrageenan-Polyvinyl Alcohol
HE Irianto1, Agusman2, D Fransiska3, Musfira4
Employability Skills Requirement for Technical Graduates to Face the Project-Based Employment
Ahmad Zubir1, R. A2, Yee M. H3
Structural Equation Model of Leader-Member Exchange and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour among Nurses in Malaysia
Junaidah Yusof1, Hashim Fauzy Yaacob2, Siti Aisyah Abdul Rahman3, Ang Kean Hua4, Noor Hafizah Abdul Halim5, Noor Eleena Nordin6
The Effects of Financial Restatement and Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Firm Value
Suhaily Hasnan1, Norazzie Md Zin2, Alfiatul Rohmah Mohamed Hussain3
Professional Learning Community in Malaysia
Roslizam Hassan1, Jamilah Ahmad2, Yusof Boon3
Instructional Leadership in Malaysia
Roslizam Bin Hassan1, Jamilah Ahmad2, Yusof Boon3
The Effect of Brand Awareness and Brand Image on Repurchase Intention through Brand Loyalty in Beach Tourism in East Java, Indonesia
Christina Esti Susanti
Evaluate Legal, Operational and Governance Framework Design from Whitepapers for Initial Coins Offer (ICO)
Wong Wai Wai1, Muhammed Siraj2
Evaluating the Intended use of Decision Support System (DSS) via Academic Staff: an Applying Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Ali Mugahed Al-Rahmi1, Ahmad Kaseri Ramin2, Mahdi M Alamri3, Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi4, Noraffandy Yahaya5, Hussein Abualrejal6, Qusay Al-Maatouk7
Forecasting ASEAN Tourist Arrivals in Malaysia using Different Time Series Models
A. Rafidah1, Ernie Mazuin2, Ani Shabri3
Evaluating the Suitability of Qualitative Methods in Wakaf-Zakat Housing Provision Research
Azila Ahmad Sarkawi1, Jamilah Othman2
Impact of Technological, Organisational and Environmental Factors on Public Companies Ability to Utilise Big Data with Moderating Role of Organisational Culture: A Conceptual Model
Nura Muhammad Baba1, Ahmad Suhaimi Baharudin2, Shehu Hassan Ayagi3, Ismail Basiru Sunusi4, Abubakar Muaz Ahmed5
The Contributions of Reading Strategies and Reading Frequencies toward Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill in Higher Education
Amril Amir1, Hasanuddin WS2, Atmazaki3
The Impact of Training and Employees’ Productivity at General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in the U.A.E
Rashid Ali Al Ali1, Rosman MD Yusoff2, Fadillah Binti Ismail3, Adnan Ali Alhisani4
The Impact of Training on Job Performance at General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in the U.A.E
Rashid Ali Al Ali1, Rosman MD Yusoff2, Fadillah Binti Ismail3, Adnan Ali Alhisani4
Employee Engagement and Retention in Automotive Industry in Malaysian Context. Job Stress as a Moderator
Vimala Kadiresan1, Wong Sook Khuan2, Thangaraja Arumugam3, Farrell Rasu4, Anastashia Shawna Theseira5
HR Practices and Employee Retention. Leader -Member Exchange (LMX) as a Mediator
Vimala Kadiresan1, Thangaraja Arumugam2, Neeta Jayabalan3, Hazrita Binti Ab Rahim4, Charles Ramendran SPR5
Renewable Energy (RE) and Theory on Business Sustainability: Malaysia Policy Development
Zeittey Karmilla Kaman1, Siti Fatihah Salleh2, Waznatol Widad Mohamad Ishak3
Evaluation of Health Examiners Training Programs for Pilgrim Candidates at the Puskesmas Level in Bapelkes Cikarang
Lukman Ruskanda1, Zulfiati Syahrial2, Atwi Suparman3
Forecasting Air Pollution Index in Klang by Markov Chain Model
Nurul Nnadiah Zakaria1, Rajalingam Sokkalingam2, Hanita Daud3, Mahmod Othman4
Segregation Peat Fiber and Pre- Consolidation Pressure Effect on the Physical Properties of Reconstituted Peat Soil
Norhaliza Wahab1, Kasbi Basri2, Mohd Khaidir Abu Talib3, Munzilah Md Rohani4
Enrich Awareness of Users to Detect Phishing Websites
Muhammad Dawood1, Othman Bin Ibrahim2, Waheeb Abdel Rahman Ali Abu-Ulbeh3
Evaluation of Democracy Education Implementation in Public Education in Central Schools in Surakarta
Yusuf1, Sri Yutmini2, Sutarno Joyo Hadikusumo3, Asrowi4
Improving Student’s Social Solidarity Value Awareness through Learning Community-Based Mentoring
Laili Mufatakhah1, Triana Rejekiningsih2, Triyanto3
21st Century Learning in Primary Science Subject via Flipped Classroom Method: A Teacher’s Perspective
Mohd Fadzly Wasriep1, Denis Lajium2
Level of Metacognitive Awareness Strategies among Technical Students
Yee M. H1, Zainol N. S. I2, Che Wan Razak C.W.H.S3, Tee T. K4, Kok B. C5
Interference of First Language in Secondary School Students
Alia N. Abdullah1, Melor Md. Yunus2, Harwati Hashim3, Siti Shakirah Binti Sayadi4, Nursyuhada Alia Binti Seman5, Zainie Binti Ibrahim6, Nur Alia Afifah Binti Zakaria7
The Effects of Financial Restatement and Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Firm Value
Suhaily Hasnan1, Norazzie Md Zin2, Alfiatul Rohmah Mohamed Hussain3
The Impact of Insurance Company’s Profitability on the Economic Growth
Siti Nurain Muhmad1, Wesam Salameh Alzboon2, Fatima Alhamshary3
The Environmental Aspect Examination of Maritime Transport, Environmental Pollution and Economic Growth in Nigeria
Ovuakporoye Emmanuel Clarke1, Mehmet Fatih Huseyinoglu2
Generalized Gaussian Jacobsthal and Generalized Gaussian Jacobsthal Lucas Polynomial
Arun Kumar Yadav
Development of Voltage Fields in Titanium VT1-0 while Forming a Thin Wedge-Shaped Twin
Nikolai V. Kamyshanchenko1, Alexander V. Gal’tsev2, Vladimir A. Belenko3, Tatyana B. Nikulicheva4
Evaluation of Big Data Analytics in Medical Science
Iwan Kurniawan Subagja1, Nurhadifah Amaliyah2, Ulpen Hiermy3, Budi Tri Rahardjo4, E. Laxmi Lydia5, K. Shankar6, Phong Thanh Nguyen7
Integrating Big Data with Medical Imaging
Rasdianah1, Fabian N.J. Souisa2, Iwan Kurniawan Subagja3, Budi Tri Rahardjo4, Wenny Anggeresia Ginting5, K. Shankar6, Phong Thanh Nguyen7
Stability of Uncertain 2-D Discrete Systems in Presence of Generalized Overflow Nonlinearities
Suchitra Pandeya1, Siva Kumar Tadepalli2, V. Krishna Rao Kandanvli3, Abhilav Vishwakarma4
Comprehensive Examination on Solar -Wind Energy Systems Grid Integration and Emerging Power Quality Challenges
Suresh Palla1, Jarupula Somlal2
Internet of Things (IoT) for Railways
Perumallapalli Krishna
An Economic Examination of Solar Energy with Storage based Supply Options: Solar PV-Battery and CSP with Thermal-Storage
Arun Kumar V1, Ashu Verma2, Lavleen Singal3
A Direct Method for Distribution System Load Flow Solutions
B Venkata Krishna1, N Padma Srinivasu2
Distributed Generation Integration to Grid using DG Controlled PQ Theory
Kranthi Kumar Vanukuru1, Pakkiraiah B2
Transmission Expansion Planning Considering Wind Energy Conversion Systems Using PSO
K. Indira1, B. Srinivasa Rao2
Wavelet Based Power Quality Assessment of Wind Energy Source Integrated 5-Bus System under Sudden Load Conditions in Presence of FACTS Devices
J. Pardha Saradhi1, R. Srinivasa Rao2, V.Ganesh3
Fault Examination of a 400kV Switchyard of 500MW Thermal Power Plant
Sudhakar Uppala1, S.V.S Phani Kumar.Ch2
Firefly Algorithm Based PID Controllers for Automatic Load Frequency Control in Different Power Systems
Manmadha Kumar Boddepalli1, Prema Kumar Navuri2
Optimal Size & Location of Distributed Generation using Bird Swarm Optimization with Cuckoo Search Sorting Algorithm
K. Sri Kumar
Iterative Based Parameter Estimation for Non-Linear Model of a PV Module
T. Ramesh Babu1, N. Prema Kumar2
A New Converter Topology Designed for Cascaded H Bridge Fifteen Level Inverter
S. Seetharamudu1, B. Pakkiraiah2
Hybrid Loop Controlled Dual Axis Mechanical Solar Tracking Systems and MPPT for Nano/Micro Grid Applications
Gorijala Anitha1, N. Prema Kumar2
Transient Stability Improvement of Wind Farm Integrated Power System using STATCOM
Mutyala Nagababu1, R.S. Srinivas2, Polamraju.V.S.Sobhan3, M.Subbarao4
Optimal Placement of Distribution Generation to Minimize Losses using Backward Forward Sweep Method in Distribution System
V. Shireesha1, R. S. Srinivas2, M. Subbarao3, Polamraju V. S. Sobhan4
Medical Information Retrieval for Healthcare: the Challenges
Irmawati S1, Muh. Hidayat Cakrawijaya2, E. Laxmi Lydia3, K. Shankar4, Phong Thanh Nguyen5
Prediction Model in Medical Science and Health Care
Jan Horas Veryady Purba1, Muhamad Ratodi2, Mumuh Mulyana3, Soegeng Wahyoedi4, Ririn Andriana5, K. Shankar6, Phong Thanh Nguyen7
Power Quality Improvement of AC Distribution System using 3 Phase PV Integrated UPQC with Advanced Control Strategy
Venkateswarlu M1, Pakkiraiah B2
Wavelet-Alienation Coefficient based Protection of Distribution System
Durgaprasad Bandaru1, Abdul Gafoor Shaik2
Religion Classes at Russian Schools: Reasoning and Thoughts
E.V. Gromov1, Sergey V. Smirnov2
Modeling the Relationship of Consumer Engagement and Brand Trust on Social Media Purchase Intention – A Confirmatory Factor Experimental Technique
Vipin Jain1, Mredu Goyal2, Manvinder Singh Pahwa3
A Critical Examination of Different Models for Customer Churn Prediction using Data Mining
Seema1, Gaurav Gupta2
Output Voltage and Current Ripples Performance Examination in Two Bus System with Boost Converters Fed UPQC and Reduction
G.V. Prasanna Anjaneyulu1, R. Hothri2, SK. Johny Begam3, P. Bhramaramba Vathi4, K.Chandrika5, T.Venkatesh6
The Complex Method to the Solution of the Problem of Polychromatic Images Segmentation
V.V. Bryzgalin1, E.A. Danilov2, I.I. Salnikov3
Improving QoS by Enhancing Media Streaming Algorithm in Content Delivery Network
Atul Garg1, Meenakshi Gupta2
An Examination on Advanced MPPT Methods For PV Systems Under Normal & Partial Shading Conditions
Buchibabu P1, Jarupula Somlal2
PLC Based Tower Type Elevator Model for Automatic Car Parking System
Gorijala Anitha1, N. Prema Kumar2
PV System Powered BLDC Motor with Energy Storage
M.V. Ramesh1, P. Sowjanya2, V.S.G.Lakshmi3
Development of Modern Production Prototypes of Wide-Coverage Sprinkler Irrigation Equipment
G.V. Olgarenko1, S.S. Turapin2, A.I. Ryazantsev3, A.O. Antipov4
Security Issues in Blockchain based Applications
Neha Jain
Solving Multi-Objective Probabilistic Factional Programming Problem
Berhanu Belay1, Srikumar Acharya2, Rajshree Mishra3
An Examination of the Moderating Role of Gender on Turnover Intention among Manufacturing Industry Employees in Malaysia
Gopal Perumal1, Suguna Sinniah2, Paul Anthony Mariadas3, Zafir Khan Muhammad Makhbul4, Ramesh Kumar Moona Haji Mohamed5
Generation Z Attitudes towards Internet Usage for E-Commerce in Selangor, Malaysia
Ilangovan Perumal1, Azween Abdullah2, Muthaloo Subramaniam3, Ramesh Kumar Moona Haji Mohamed4, Sugumaran Selladurai5
Effects of Problem and Project-Based Learning Methods on Students Performance in Building Technology
Yahaya Ibn Salihu1, Mohd Safarin Nordin2
The Importance of Self-Motivation Elements in Preparing Fresh Technical Graduates to Face Project-Based Employment
Siti Nur Maizura Binti Sharberi1, Yee Mei Heong2, Raudhah Adibah Binti Ahmad Zubir3
Student Perspective on Technology Enabled/Enhanced Active Learning in Educational: Rasch Measurement Model
Hassan. N. F1, Puteh. S2, Muhamad Sanusi. A3, Che Mohamad Zahid. N. H4
Influence of Growth Temperature on TiO2 Nanostructures by Hydrothermal Synthesis
Norazlina Ahmad1, Fariza Mohamad2, Mohd Khairul Ahmad3, Azman Talib4
Serious Game for Leadership Skills in the Learning Organization Training
Basuki Wibawa1, Pramis B.Wibawa2
Techno-Economic Analysis of Natural Gas-Based Polygeneration System of Electricity, Cooling, and Heating
Widodo Wahyu Purwanto1, Kriska Setyawati2
Suitability Analysis for DGPS Radio Beacon Establishment at Port Klang Malaysia
Muhammad Farid Mohd Yazair1, Tajul Ariffin Musa2, Rusli Othman3, Ahmad Zuri Sha’ameri4, Wan Anom Wan Aris5, Ivin Amri Musliman6, Muhammad Syazwan Ab Razak7, Roslee Mat Yusof8, Alimuddin Amirudin9
Employee Intention to Join a Union in Private University
Suguna Sinniah1, Ramesh Kumar Moona Haji Mohamed2, Syed Shah Alam3, Ravindran Nadarajan4, Siti Fazilah Abdul Shukor5, Che Natheera Banu Syed Abdul Aziz6
Examining Polytechnic Students’ Metacognitive Reading Strategies using Think-Aloud Protocols Technique
Mornita Deri1, Sarimah Shamsudin2
Nexus between Emotional Intelligence (EQ-I) and Entrepreneurial Culture
Jimisiah Jaafar1, Halimah Mohd Yusof2, Sallaudin Hassan3, Khairul Firdaus Adtrudin4, Rohaizan Ahmad5
Audit Committee Diversity toward Voluntary Disclosure Reporting With Existence of Regulatory Regime as Moderation Variable
Ali Shariff Kabara1, Dewi Fariha Abdullah2, Aniza Bint Othman3
The Relationship between Management’s Commitment with Job Satisfaction According to Shari’ah-Based QMS (MS1900:2014) at Malaysian Higher Education Institution
Hj. Hasan Al-Banna Bin Mohamed1, Mohd Hamran Mohamad2, Siti Arni Basir3, Norlaila Mazura Mohaiyadin4, Nur Surayya Mohd Saudi5, Wong Wai Loong6
Parenting Styles and Procrastination Behaviors
Vincent Ming-Wei Woo1, Kee Jiar Yeo2
Internal Marketing Elements and Internal Service Quality among Padang Food Restaurants
Examining the use of Glaser and Strauss’s Version of the Grounded Theory in Research
Mariann Edwina1, Sakenya D. Mc Donald2
Performance of Internet Finance Companies in China
Tian Zhongkaia1, Ahmad Fahmi Sheikh Hassan2
Developing Module of the Inventive Problem Solving Theory in Problem-Based Learning
Che Wan Razak1, C.W.H.S2, Yee M. H3, Tee T. K4, Kok, B. C5, Mohamad M. M6
Feature Selection for Phishing Detection with Machine Learning
Anierudh Sundararajan1, Gilad Gressel2, Krishnashree Achuthan3
Data Analytics of Social Networking sites using Game Theory Model
Satyajit S. Uparkar1, Khushbu R. Asati2, Prachi U. Sahahare3, Nalini V. Vaidya4
A Worldwide Analysis of Cyber Security and Cyber Crime using Twitter
Kartikay Sharma1, Siddharth Bhasin2, Piyush Bharadwaj3
Classifying Flowers Images by using Different Classifiers in Orange
Vijaylakshmi Sajwan1, Rakesh Ranjan2
An Automated Method for MRI Based Brain Tumor Detection using Berkeley Wavelet Transformation and Support Vector Machine
V. Vinay Kumar1, K. Sai Krishna2, S. Kusumavathi3
Forecasting Chronic Disease using Gradient Boosting Algorithm
K.Sindhanaiselvan1, Shridevi2
Influence of T6 Solution Heat Treatment and Intermetallic Particles Addition on the Hardness and Tensile Properties of Al-Si (A413) Alloys
Sridhar T1, H R Manohara2, Basava T3
Research on Structural Behavior of Composite Materials on different Cantilever Structures using FSI
Naveen Kumar K1, Vijayanandh R2, Bruce Ralphin Rose J3, Swathi V4, Narmatha R, Venkatesan. K6
Experimental Research on the Water Repellency Property of Beeswax Treated and Bacterial Cellulosic Material
Muthu Kumaran.V1, Pavithra S2
A Research on Identify Building Objects from Satellite Images
Manikantan M1, Paarivallal Ra2, Vakula V3
PCA based Regression Decision Tree Classification for Somatic Mutations
Anuradha Chokka1, K Sandhya Rani2
A Research on the Recent Advances in the Development of Energy Efficient Distributed Cooperative Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks in the Current Scenario
Raghavendra Patil G.E1, Thippeswamy M.N2
Blast Domination for Mycielski’s Graph of Graphs
K. Ameenal Bibi1, P.Rajakumari2
Microcontroller and Gsm Based Windmill Monitoring System
M. Mohanraj1, S.Premkumar2
IoT Based Smart Public Distribution System
R. Suresh Kumar1, S. Arunadevi2
Image Processing Based Production Flaw Detection in Knitting
J. Ramprabu1, Aswini N2
A Novel Method and Implementation of Digital Algorithm for First Order Non Linear Spherical Tank Level Control Process with an Integral Windup
R. Kiruba1, K.Malarvizhi2
An Automated Trash Monitoring Systemfor Waste Management Using IoT– (I-Bin)
Krithika. S1, Kaja Maideen J2, Madan T K C3
Forest Fire Detection System
D. Sathya
Sentimental Analysis and LSI Similarity Measure for Efficient Page Ranking
S. Anto1, S.P. Siddique Ibrahim2, S. Siamala Devi3
Hybrid SVD Model for Document Representation
P. Kalpana1, R. Kirubakaran2, P. Tamije Selvy3
Multi-Modal Authentication using Machine Learning Algorithm
Anil Kumar Gona1, M. Subramoniam2
Grid Partitioning for Anomaly Detection (Gpad) in High Density Distributed Environment for Mining Techniques
C. Viji1, N. Rajkumar2
Research on Impact of Nanofluids in Heat Pipes
A. Premkumar1, S. Senthilkumar2, B. Suryakumar3, M. Manikandan4
Enhanced Content Detection Method to Detect Online Spread of Terrorism
J. Kiruba1, P. Sumitha2, K. Monisha3, S. Vaishnavi4
Privacy Preservation using (L, D) Inference Model Based on Dependency Identification Information Gain
R. Deepika1, V. Divya2, C. Yamini3, P. Sobiyaa4
Assessment on Recurrent Applications of Machine Learning and its Behaviours
R. Dhaya1, M. Devi2, R. Kanthavel3, Fahad Algarni4, Pooja Dixikha5
Smart Home Automation Controlled by Robot using Matlaband Arduino
M. Pushpavalli1, L. Nikhil Manikanta2, P. Sivagami3, P. Saikumar4, P. Abirami5, M. Vikram Reddy6
Restructuring and Development of Conventional Bike for Electric Vehicle Application
Mahendra Chand Bade1, M Siva Rama Ganesh2
Cluster Based Hybrid Routing Mechanism for Mobility Management in Wireless Mesh Networks
D. Usharani1, P.Venkata Krishna2
Research on Sentimental Techniques
V. Senthil Kumar1, B. Vinoth Kumar2
A Face Recognition System using Directional Binary Code Algorithm and Multi-SVM
M. Tamilselvi1, S. Karthikeyan2
An Fuzzy Lexical Research
L.Latha1, Preethi M2, Grahalakshmi R3
Voice Based Email with Security for Visually Challenged
Latha L1, Babu B2, Sowndharya S3
Detecting Vehicle Motion using Deep Gaussian Mixture Model with SCI-kit Learn
Tamilarasu Viswanathan1, N. Vinothkumar2
Highway Traffic Management using Smart Toll Plaza
J. J. Nandhini1, K. Premalatha2
DSP based Controller with Switching Loss Reduction Technique for Brushless DC Motor Drive System
K. Premalatha1, D. Rajalakshmi2, R. Kavitha3
A Hardware Implementation of LUO Converter fed BLDC Motor Drive for Power Quality Improvement
S. Arun Kumar
Implementation of Logic Fault Detection Techniques using FPGA
N. Mohana Sundaram1, S. Arun Kumar2, A. Mahalingam3
Smart Grid Architecture Model – India and Germany
C. Sasi Kumar1, S. Jaganthan2, Ragvan T3
A Planar Inverted Feed Antenna for WiMAX and GPS Applications
Allin Joe D1, Karthi Kumar R2, Sriram S.R3
U-Slot Dual-Band Planar Inverted-F (PIFA) for 5G in Sub-6 Ghz Spectrum Bands
R. Darwin1, P. Sampath2
Road Traffic Monitoring System
G. Shobana1, M. Suguna2
Modeling and Simulation of Solar PV Energy Conversion Systems
Bharathy Priya D1, A.Sumathi2
Enhanced Data Security using Integrated Secret Key with Panagram Series
S. Yamuna Devi1, R.Kavya2, D. Monalisha3, O.V Dhivya Bharathi4, K. Ramya5
Research on Sentimental Analysis Techniques
V. Senthil Kumar1, B.Vinoth Kumar2
Design of Area Efficent 32 Bit Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) for DSP Processors
K. V. Ganesh1, V. Malleswara Rao2, Sreenivasa Rao Ijjada3
A Description Profound Fusion Recommender Scheme based on Self-Chipper with Neural Communal Filtering
P. Ajitha1, A. Sivasangari2, Bevish Jinila3
Brand Personality’s Effect on Brand Loyalty: in Case of National Banks from Srikakulam City, Andhra Pradesh, India
Koppalavenugopal1, D. Vishnu Murty2
Impact of E-Marketing Promotions on the Performance of Religious Tourism: in Case of Srikakulam District, A.P, India
Koppala Venugopal1, D. Vishnu Murty2
Woking of Advisory Boards in Maharashtra State: Serving Human Rights of Felons
Vinaya Bhosale1, Rajesh Karanjkar2, ArchanaUbhe3
Theories of Punishment: Changing Trends in Penology
Sagar Shelke1, Jyoti Dharm2
Mergers and Acquisitions: an Interface to Economic Development
Angi Sinha1, Astha Srivastava2, Anwesha Pathak3
Importance of Communication in Law
Anwesha Pathak1, Shivangi Sinha2, Astha Srivastava3
Research of Periodic Orbits and Chaos in Current Controlled Boost Converter
Jayant J. Mane1, K. Vadirajacharya2
Losing Glow of FMCG Brands(A Sustainability Challenge for FMCG Sector)( A Pilot Research Conducted in Vidarbha During April-19 to August-2019)
Aniruddha Bodhankar
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Aircraft Wing Made by LM 25 and ALSiC Metal Matrix Composite
G. Yeshwanth1, K. Srinivasulu Reddy2
The Academic Use of Smart Phone in English Classes
Muchlas Suseno
Contemporary and Practicable Technique to Produce Electricity using Waves
D. Rajalakshmi1, R. Priya2, N. Arun3
Reliability Analysis of Resultant Stress for Unsymmetrical Columns for Stress Follow Exponential Distribution
T. Sumathi Uma Maheswari1, M. Tirumala Devi2
Sentiment Analysis using LSTM
Ashok Tholusuri1, Manish Anumala2, Bhagyaraj Malapolu3, G. Jaya Lakshmi4
A Research on E-Health Systems in India – Issues and Challenges
Leena Kar1, B.B. Mishra2
Research of Wearable Textile Antennas for WBAN Applications
Tarannum U. Pathan1, Rajneesh K. Karn2
Behavior of R.C. Element with Partial Replacement of Copper Slag as a Fine Aggregate on the Properties of Concrete
M. Selvaradjou1, R. Baskar2, S .Senthil Selvam3
Multi Object and Dynamic Query Based CBIR System using DCT Incorporated with HOG and HTF
G. Suresh N.C1, Sendhil Kumar2, R.Murugesan3, P.Mukunthan4
A Recommendation System: Trends and Future
Shefali Gupta1, Meenu Dave2
Direct and Dissociative Ionization Cross Section of Oxygen Molecule from Threshold to 10 KeV
Ravinder Sharma1, S.P.Sharma2
e-Governance Through e-Seva in Tamil Nadu
C. R. Senthilnathan1, V. Dhayalan2
AES Cryptograph for Secure Cloud Storage
B. Mahesh1, K. Pavan Kumar2, M. Jahir Pasha3
Adenomatous Hyperplasia of Thyroid Nodule Classification: Texture Feature Analysis Methodoloy of Ultrasound Images
S Kohila1, G. Sankara Malliga2
Performance Analysis of Distributed Real Time Optimization Technique for Optimal Power Flow Problems
Shweta Singh1, Rajnish Bhasker2
Image Analysis using Deep Learning Techniques
P. Jayasri1, N. Subhash Chandra2
ANFIS Based Fault Detection and Identification of Control Valve Failures in Three Tanks Interacting Level Process
S. Nagarajan1, K. Kalaivani2, P. Navaseelan3, T. Kalaiselvi4, S. Sobana5
Design of Wearable Shoe for blind using LIFI Technology
V. Vijeesh1, E. Kaliappan2, B. Ponkarthika3, G.Vignesh4
Design of Hand Movement based Smart Automation System
B. Ponkarthika1, E. Kaliappan2, V. Vijeesh3, G Vignesh4
Modeling of PV Array For DC-DC Flyback Converter with Asymmetrical Output Voltage
J. Gowrishankar1, E. Kaliappan2, D. Fathema Farzana3, G. V. Chidambarathanu4, K. Pushpa Karthick5
Wireless Monitoring of Industrial Drives Using Internet of Things Technology (IoT)
E. Kaliappan1, B. Ponkarthika2, J. Gowrishankar3, G. Vignesh4, V. Vijeesh5
Flood Control and Water Management at Basin Level -at Orathur of Kanchipuram District
M. Jothilakshmi1, L. Chandrakanthamma2, K. S. Dhaya Chandhran3, A. Mohan4
The Photocatalytic Activity of Cement in Reducing Air Pollutants
L. Chandrakanthamma1, M. Jothilakshmi2, K. S. Dhayachandhran3, Rounak Goel4
Structural and Mechanical Design of Solar Tracking System
D. Billy1, J. Paulmar Pushparaj2, M. Vetrivel Sezhian3, S. Arulvel4, U. Omshakthivel5
Research on Mechanical Behavior of AMMC (Al-SiC) Composite in Disc Brake
Karthikeyan K1, Naga Chandrika K K2, Deepan Raj Kumar A3, Thiagarajan S4, Vishnukumar V5
Design and Fabrication of Centre Line Marker
Jeremiah. R1, Prabhakaran. D2, Jothi Prakash. V. M3, Prasath. P4, Raghavendran. J5
An Empirical Research for Secured Storage and Protecting Unauthorized access of Organ Donor Details
Geetha A1, S. Sobitha Ahila2, V.S. Vidhya Lakshmi3, S. Kalpana Devi4
Automated Irrigation and Smart Farming
S. Sri Heera1, P Suganthan2, S Sudarshan Athreya3, S Suriya Narasimman4, M Rakesh5
Secure Auditing and Storage Systems in Cloud Service
PVNSLSSR Murthy1, V. Khanaa2, Venkata Naga Rani Bandaru3, Abirami A4
Selection of Effective Control Factors for TMT Bars using Taguchi
B. Vijaya Prakash1, S. Sundarapandian2
Mechanical Property Evaluation of Banana Jute Fibre Along with Carbon Fibre Epoxy Composite Material
U. Tamilarasan1, P.V. Inbanaathan2
Performance of the Indian Banking Sector – An Empirical Examination
Ainsley Granville Andre Jorge Bernard1, Brahma Edwin Barreto2, Rodney D’Silva3
Image Enhancement based on Fusion using 2D LPDCT and Modified PCA
C. Rama Mohan1, S. Kiran2, Vasudeva3, A. Ashok Kumar4
An Examination on Adequacy of Law in India to Regulate and Monitor Media
Ramesh Kumar D1, Jayaprakash D2
Spoofing – An Attack on Node Identity and its Remedial Research
A. Udhay Kumar1, M Ganesh Raja2
Design and Enactment of Dynamically Reconfigurable Bus Enhanced NoC Architecture for Emerging Digital System
A. Mariyammal1, J. Rajprabha2, A. Sountharyabanu3, N. Sangavi4, G. Malarvizhi5
Robust Estimation by Drone for Surveillance and Bomb Detection using Actuators
S. Dinesh Tharun1, P. Siva Kumar2
Inset fed Triple Band U-Slot Antenna for GSM900/GSM1900/WLAN Applications
J. Rajeshwar Goud1, N. V. Koteswara Rao2, A. Mallikarjuna Prasad3
Statistical Analysis of Silicon Grease Coated Bushings Characteristics Under Various Contaminated Conditions
N. B. Prakash1, G. Shiny2, G. Kannayeram3, R. Madavan4
Flexural Behaviour of RC Beams with Recycled Aggregates
K. Rama Devi1, M. Juhi Hephzibah Shalini2
Energy Analysis of a Green Building using Equest Software
G. L. Sathyamoorthy1, T. Santhosh2
Research and Design of Shell Structure Resisting on Pile Foundation in Unstable Soil Condition using Etabs
V. Senthil Kumar1, P. Swathika2
Experimental Research on Strength of Concrete Prepared by using Coarse Aggregate from Concrete Debris
Vishnu. A1, Syed Aadil Moosvi2, Abiraagav3, Ponmalar. V4
Effective Management of Parking Area
Suguna M1, Shobana G2, Mohana Priya P3, Kishore R4
Noma-Stbcfor Uplink Mimo Channel
K. Kavitha1, N. M. Harshini2
Performance Analysis of a Low SAR Triangular Patch Textile Antenna for Health Monitoring Systems
A. Amsaveni1, M. Bharathi2
A Multiband Patch Antenna for WiMAX and S Band RADAR Applications
Allin Joe D1, Umamaheswari S2, Karthi Kumar R3
Design of Dadda and Wallace Tree Multiplier Using Compressor Technique
S N Shivappriya M1, Narmatha2, V. Madhusri3
A Multiband Antenna for GSM, WLAN, S-band Radar and WiMAX Applications
Allin Joe D1, Umamaheswari S2, Sriram S.R3
High Efficient DC-DC Converter with Low-Input Ripple
P. Maithili1, T. Dinesh Kumar2
Automatic Measurement of Garment Using Image Processing
Karunamoorthy Balasubramaniam1, J. Ramprabu2
A Smart Reader for Blind People
L Latha1, V Geethani2, M Divya Dharshini3, P Thangam4
Real Time Online Sensing of Illicit Discharge of Waste Water into Lakes
K. K. Pranesh1, M. Gayathri2, S. Muthukeerthana3, M. Elakkiya4
Automated Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy for Early Diagnosis using Exudate Images
P. Manimegalai1, S. Soundarya2, J. R. Aswath3, M. Sowmiya4, N. Raja Lakshmi5
An Efficient Dorsal Hand Vein Recognition Security System using Arduino and GSM Technology
N. Rajalakshmi1, Ramsankar M.P2, P. Manimegalai3
A Recapitalization on Crypto Jacking and end to end Analysis of Ransomware Attacks
G. Prema Arokia Mary1, N. Suganthi2, M. S. Hema3
A Research on the Performance of the Diploma Students in the Lateral Entry Scheme of Engineering Degree Program
G. S. Nanda Kumar1, L. M. Palanivelu2
High-Performance Feature Selection Model for Network Intrusion Detection System
L. Dhanabal1, S. P. Shantharajah2
Autonomous Rover Controlled by NAO
Ramkumar A1, Sasidaran K2, Yogesh M3, Suresh Kumar R4
Crash Analysis on the Automotive Vehicle Bumper
Raj Kumar G1, Balasubramaniyam S2, Senthil Kumar M3, Vijayanandh R4, Raj Kumar R5, Varun S6
Optimal Utilization of Hopfield Neural Network to Resolve Economic Load Dispatch Problem with Wind Penetration
Sankalpa Bohidar1, Renu Sharma2
Photo Voltaic Actuated Induction Motor for Driving Electric Vehicle
Vinay Anand
Metal Oxide Semiconductor: Future Material for Gas Sensors and it’s Synthesis Techniques
Binita Nanda1, Snehashis Panda2, Farida A. Ali3
Fault Recognition of Underground Cable using Internet of Things
Mukesh Gautam1, S. Veena Dhari2, Ravitesh Mishra3
Machine Intelligence Techniques in VLSI Hardware
Ashish Chauhan1, Laxmi Singh2, Sanjeev Kumar Gupta3
Robust Controlling of Thermal Mixing Procedure by Means of Sliding Type Controlling
Dharmendra Singh
Modeling of Resistive Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter
Sankalpa Bohidar1, Renu Sharma2
Modeling Investment Decision Through Perceived Risk
Pallavi Mishra
Global Activity, Impact and Collaborative Trends of Business Research – A Bibliometric Research
Ranjita Mishra1, D.B. Ramesh2
Smoothing Control Scheme of Photovoltaic Module through a Battery Energy Storage System
Bibekananda Jena1, Sonali Goel2, Renu Sharma3
Eco Centricismis the Nucelus for Development: An Ecocritical of Amitav Ghosh’s Hungry Tide
Ben J. Milton1, J. Sundarsingh2
Colonized Severing the Cords of the Colonizer: A Research of Various Aspects of Colonization in the Hadassah: One Night with the King
Crispine Shiny1, D. David Wilson2, R. Corneli Agnes Rosabella3
Deterritorialization and Traumatic Experiences of the Proto Ganist in Oleander Girl
V. Samuel Morris1, M. Poonkodi2
The Wreck of the Deutschland: A Poem of Adoration and Trepidation
Helen Unius Backiavathy1, Corneli Agnes Rosabella2
Cyber Space and Women: A Research
Mayura U. Pawar1, Archana Sakure2
Community Participation for Access to Justice to Children: a Road Map for Future
Ujjwala Sakhalkar1, Rashmi Dubey2
Institutions – Industry – Society Collaborative Learning Bring Success in Engineering Education in India
Arulananth T S1, Pallavi Goud2, Baskar M3
Design and Implementation of GPS Based Medical Services using Drone
Rahul S R1,V. Arun2, SVS. Prasad3
IoT Driven Automated Object Detection Algorithm for Urban Surveillance System in Smart City
D.V.B Pragna1, D. Laxma Reddy2, SVS Prasad3
A Research on Dual Fuel Operation on LHR Diesel Engine
Sivakumar Ellappan1, Prabhu Kishore2, P. Suresh3
Facing The Callenges in 5G using DPA-MaIMaO Architecture
Boddu Praveen1, I.Chandra2, D.Subitha3
Research of Optimization Algorithms used in MIMO-OFDM Systems
Shaik Zubiya Hashmi1, M. Vijaya Lakshmi2
Integrity Verification Mechanisms Adopted in Cloud Environment
Shakti Arora1, Surjeet Dalal2
Parameter Tuning of a Sampling Technique for Change Prediction
Ankita Bansal1, Abha Jain2
Health Afflictions and Quality of Work Life among Women Working in Fireworks Industry
K. M. Ashifa1, P. Ramya2
Health and Socio Economic Status of Tobacco Workers in Malawi
G. Thiruvasagam1, D. Rajasekar2, R. Vettriselvan3
Multilevel Inverter Topology with Reduced Number of Switches
K. Esakkishenbaga Loga1, SP. Umayal2
Weld Flaw Detection Based on Likelihood Estimation and Wavelet Transform
Mohanasundari L1, Sivakumar P2
Index of Site Congestion for Effective Material Storage at Construction Site
Nurul Fathira Misron1, Muhamad Azry Khoiry2, Noraini Hamzah3
Implementing Classification Algorithms for Predicting Chronic Diabetes Diseases
M. Kavitha1, S. Subbaiah2
Role of CSR in Corporate Long Term Survival and Long Term Sustainable Development – A Research on Nalco, Odisha
Santanu Kumar Das
5G-Smart Diabetes: Personalized Diabetes Diagnosis with Human Services Big Data Clouds
V. Narmada
High Performance Control Strategy of a LCC HVDC System for Power System Enhancement
G. Dharani1, Saidarao Nerella2
Transmission Line Fault Detection, Classification and Location using Wavelet Transform
P. Balakrishnan1, K. Sathiyasekar2
Deep Learning Based Energy Efficient Scheme For Massive MIMO
TRV. Anandharajan1, C. Murugalakshmi2, B. Adhitya3, K. Swetha4
GPS: User Position Calculation Including Advanced Troposphere Delay Modeling
Swathi Nalla
A Novel Statistical Based Methodology for the Feature Extraction of both MRI and CT Images
L. Malliga
A Chat Larva for Academic Systems
K. Aarati
The Forcing Restrained Steiner Number of a Graph
M. S. Malchijah Raj1, J. John2
A Secure Electronic Messaging System in Client Server Cryptography-RSA Algorithm
G. Geeta Sai Sruthi1, M. Raghupathi2
Multi-Level Trust Privacy Preserving in Data Mining
A. Damodar1, Srinivasulu Reddy2, K. David Raju3
Fractal Antenna Design for Various Multiband Applications
Abdul Rahim1, K. Raghavendra2
The Quality of Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)
Velpula Sundara Ratnam1, K.S Sarma2
Deep Learning Security Systems
C. Rajeev1, K. Kumar Swamy2
Grid Power Quality Improvement in Wind Energy System using Three and Four Leg Inverter Control
Brahmam Yadav Vakadani1, Yellaiah Ponnam2
An Enhanced Low Rank Approximation SVD-Based Method for Image Denoising
N. Sreekanth
Bit Error Rate Analysis of Cognitive Radio Network in the Presence of Primary Interference
Raj Kumar Samikkannu
On board Driver Monitoring System with Safety Enhanced Brake System
Dinesh Kumar C1, Subramanian M2, Dinesh B3, Sonya A4, Hemavathy P.R5, Arvinda Pandian C.K6
Efficient Way to Detect Bone Cancer using Image Segmentation
S. P. Anandaraj1, N. Kirubakaran2, S. Ramesh3, J. Surendiran4
Remote Information and Power Transfer for Multi Relay-Assisted Agreeable Communication
G. Harish Kumar1, S. Srikanth2
Antenna Beam Forming and Beam Controlling for Improving the Wi-Fi Signal
K. Raghavendra1, A. Swetha2, S. Naresh3
On Air Pollution Monitoring Systems using IoT
K. Ranjith Reddy
Modern Rounding Based Approximate (MROBA) Multiplier for the Design of Fir Filter
Karanam Anusha1, Ponnampalli Sudhakar Rao2
Appositeness and usage of Visual Cryptography: An Exploration
M. Raghupathi1, G. Geetha Sai Sruthi2
Machine Learning Algorithm Application in Software Quality Improvement using Metrics
Dharmapuri. Siri
Machine Learning Algorithm for Early Detection of Heart Diseases Using 3 Tier IoT Architecture
Y. Madan Reddy1, B. Pavani2
Advances in Conformal Antennas
K. Sumalatha1, Ch. R. Phani Kumar2
A Distributed Multi-Competitive Clustering Method for Wireless Sensor Networks using 5G LTE
G. Suprita Reddy1, V. Poornima2
Women’s Security using Wrist Band
P. Spandana1, E. Prashanthi2
Personalized Web Explore with Disguised User Contour Structure
A. Laxmiprasanna1, Srivalli2
Process Mining in Supply the Need for Rule-Based Knowledge Abstraction
Providing Security against Hole Attack in Manet Victimisation Agglomeration Methodology
P. Anupam1, G. Prabhakar2
Wireless Rechargeable Vehicle Based Energy Efficienct Data Transmisison in Wireless Sensor Network
Rajasekar Rangasamy1, P.Manikandan2, P. Ramkarthik3
Reducing Handover Latency of PMIPv6 using Extended Open-Flow Technique
L. K. Indumathi
Examination and Design of Bi-Phase Encoder for Short Range Wireless Communication
S. Sathish
Advancement and Improvement of CRM with the Use of Statistics Mining Strategies
Shabanaunnisa Begum
Accuracy of Prediction by Machine Learning Algorithms
Srinivasulu Reddy1, Damodar2
Pipeline Monitoring using Ultrasonic Sensors
K. Sudhamayee1, Swetha2, S. Naresh3
Trusted and Efficient Request Processing Using Packet List on Cloud
B. Deepika
A Modified Double-Precision Floating-Point Multiplier to Achieve Reduced Hardware Utilization
Y. Srinivasa Rao1, A. Bhanu Chandar2
Challenges and Research Disputes and Tools in Big Data Analytics
K. Venkatesh1, M. Jafar Sathick Ali2, N. Nithiyanandam3, M. Rajesh4
Selfish Caching and Facsimile Allocation over a Mobile Ad Hoc Network
B. Umamaheswari1, P. Arivubrakan2
Mining Social Media Content to Predict Peer Trust Level in Social Networks
Sumithra M1, Asha Abraham2, M. Rajesh3, N. Nithiyanandam4
AODV, DSDV and OSLR Protocols Performance Over MANET
Amit Garg1, Ashish Kumar2, Amit Chaturvedi3
Research Scope and Tools for Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Environment
Menaka1, M Sairabanu2
Eye-state-find: Sleepy or Yawn Driver Detection using Facial Features Extraction with Classification
Sarath Kumar S1, Mani. V2
Examination of Surface Finish in Burnishing of Brass and Copper
Kundan Kumar D1, B. Rajendra Prasad2, Vikash Kumar3, Eshwara Prasad Koorapati4
Constructing a System for Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Early Detection of Thyroid
Sayyad Rasheeduddin1, Kurra Rajasekhar Rao2
“Golden Startup” – A New Business HUB Proposal
Elangovan Muniyandy1, Indumathi A R2, Nilesh J Sompura3
Evolution of Concentric Fuzzy Hypergraph for Inclusive Decision Making
Nivetha Martin1, I. Pradeepa2, P. Pandiammal3
Research on Optimization Algorithm Design Techniques
Parul Sood
Factors Influencing Glass Ceiling focus on Women Administration in Higher Education in Malaysia: A Critical
Sharif Uddin Ahmed Rana1, Valliappan Raju2
'' Aloe Vera: An Innovative CSR Model for Sustainable Rural Development. ”
Aniruddha Bodhankar
A Report on Designing of Wireless Sensor Networks for IoT Applications
P. Ramchandar Rao1, S. Srinivas2, E. Ramesh3
Strength Behavior of M25 Grade Concrete Mixed With Two Artificial Fibers in Both Curing and Without Curing Condition
G. Gowri Sankara Rao1, Saikrishna Ippili2, Chintagunti.Vasudeva3
A Charge Controller Techniques for Solar PV System
P. Maithili1, K. Kanakaraj2
A Research on the Effect of Treated Grey Water on Workability and Strength of Plain Concrete
Jamuna M1, Ramadevi K2, Madhumitha P3, Gokul Mohandas V4, Satheesh T5
Video Steganography using IWT, DWT, LBP Methods and its Research
Dhandapani Samiappan1, PR. Buvaneswari2
Impact of Bancassurance on Financial Performance of Private Commercial Banks in India
Ansuman Samal
Performance of India and China in Business Research: A Research
Ranjita Mishra1, D.B. Ramesh2
X-RAY CT Reconstruction by using Spatially Non Homogeneous ICD Optimization
U. Satheeshwaran1, N. Sreekanth2, J.Surendiran3
Enhancement in the Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Arrhythmia For Health Monitoring System
Sowndarya K1, Srinivasan K2, Jeevanantham S3, Rukkumani V4
A New Framework for Video Data Retrieval using Hierarchical Clustering Technique
D. Saravanan1, J. Surendiran2
Video Data Retrieval using Image Color Histogram Technique
D. Saravanan1, J. Surendiran2
Student Intervention System using Machine Learning Techniques
Shubhangi Urkude1, Kshitij Gupta2
Implementation of Xor and Edge Identification Method in Steganography
Permella Abishai Jasper1, D.Jayanthi2, N.Arun Vignesh3, K.G.Maheshwari4
Energy Efficient Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing
Ch VijayaKumari1, M Aharonu2, T. Sunil3
Protected and Flexible Multi Keyword Search Model Over Encoded Cloud Data
Syed Mohammed Shafi1, K. Chinnaiah2, B. Kezia Rani3, P. John Paul4
Content Based Confidentiality Detection Method For Data Leakage Prevention
Subhashini Peneti1, Padmaja Rani B2
Detection and Prediction of Lung Cancer Using Different Algorithms
N. Sudhir Reddy1, V Khanaa2
Advanced User Interface of Wheelchair based on Android
D. Vijendra Babu1, M.Karthick2, C.Iyyapan3
Arduino Based Automatic License Issuing System
D. Vijendra Babu1, S. Dhanushya2, S. Aravind3, V.P. Mohammed Aslam4
CFD Analysis of Shrouded Diffuser Wind Turbine
L. Prabhu1, S. Prakash2, Praveen Aadithya3, Yoga Vignesh4, Sesha Rajakumaran5
Design and Analysis of Gearless Drive System
Praveen. R1, Prabhu. L2, Pranjal Khatri3, Niranjan Kumar Mistry4, Sahid Mondal5
Effective Reduction in Utility Cost in A Beverage Plant
C. Thiagarajan1, Karthick J2, S. Prakash3, J. Senthil4, M. Prabhahar5
Home Automation through Eyeball Motion for Disabled Persons
D. Vijendra Babu1, S.K.Sivasubramanian2
Performance and Emission Characteristics of Cashewnut Shell Liquid as Alternate Fuel with Five Hole Nozzle
Sangeetha Krishnamoorthi1, L.Prabhu2, Sakthi Kumar R3, Prabakaran K4, Pradeep M5
Performance and Emission Characteristics of Dual Biofuel (CNSL and Rice Bran Oil) Blended With Diesel in CI Engine
Sangeetha Krishnamoorthi1, M.Prabhahar2, G.R.Muthu Kumar3, Saberrish.S4, Solai Raja.R5
Performance and Emission Characteristics of Pongomia Oil using VCR Engine with Turbo Charger Setup
S. Prakash1, M. Prabhahar2, Rajkumar3, Saran Kumar. S4, Prasanth. S5
Design and Fabrication of Fleixible Ceiling Fan
Senthil J1, Saravanan M2, Reeshab Ram3, Avinash Khanderi4, Sagar C Mojar5
Reversible Data Hiding in Digital Image
Karpagaselvi Subramanian1, S.Vairachilai2
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of A VCR Research Engine Working With Cold Flow Analysis
S. Prakash1, M. Prabhahar2, Obeth Eanest. B3, Prabakaran. N4, Prasanth. D5
Mood-Based on-Line Learning System
R. Sudha Kishore1, A. Sudarsan Reddy2, R.Chittibabu3
Detection of Pancreatic Cancer in Individuals with New – onset Diabetes Mellitus using Endoscopic Ultra Sound Imaging
B. V. Sathish Kumar1, V. P. Chandra Reddy2, T. Vineela3
GUI Based Execution of Discourse Upgrade System
K Ashok Kumar1, A Karthik2
Sentiment of App with Word Vectors
Preethi Kulkarni1, C.V.P.R. Prasad2
Detect Wormhole attack and Application of Wireless Sensor Network
C. Rajeev1, K. Kumar Swamy2
Load Balancing in Cloud Computing
Sunil Tekale1, J.Gladson Maria Britto2, A.S. Gousia Banu3
Optimization of Vibration Parameters for Boring bar Operation by RSM and ANN
L. Prabhu1, S.Satish Kumar2, Sangeetha Krishnamoorthi3, S.Prakash4
Effectiveness for Securing Sensitive Data and Supporting Multi Data Applications in Cloud Forensics Environment
Sonya A1, Kavitha G2
Design and Implementation of Kogge Stone adder using CMOS and GDI Design: VLSI Based
S. Vasantha Swaminathan1, J. Surendiran2, B. P. Pradeep Kumar3
Removal of Lead from Polluted Musi Water using Bio Surfactants (Rhamnolipids)
K. Nagajyothi
Evaluation of the Implementation of Information Technology-Based Survey Practice and Hydro Oceanographic Mapping Practices
Kukuh Suryo Widodo1, Bedjo Sujanto2, Mukhneri Mukhtar3
Religiosity in Charles Dickens’ Novel a Christmas Carol Through Genetic Structural Method
Robert Juni Tua Sitio1, Yumna Rasyid2, Aceng Rahmat3
Data Cleaning in Knowledge Discovery Database-Data Mining (KDD-DM)
Fauziah Abdul Rahman1, Rahimah Kassim2, Zirawani Baharum3, Helmi Adly Mohd Noor4, Norhaidah Abu Haris5