Developing Of Expandable Polystyrene Industry Using Cleaner Production Technology
Aly, E.A.H.1, El Nadi, M. H.2, Khater, E.M.H.3

1Aly, E.A.H., M.Sc. student, environmental Eng. Dept., Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, ASU, Cairo, Egypt.
2El Nadi, M. H. Prof. of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. PWD, Faculty of Eng., ASU, Cairo, Egypt.
3Khater, E.M.H. Prof. of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Pilot Plant Dept., National Research Center, Giza, Egypt.
Manuscript received on July 20, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on August 10, 2019. | Manuscript published on August 30, 2019. | PP: 828-832 | Volume-8 Issue-6, August 2019. | Retrieval Number: F8027088619/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8027.088619
Open Access | Ethics and Policies | Cite | Mendeley
© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: In terms of the importance of cleaner production technology in industry for saving environment and cost, also with the importance of expandable polystyrene industry for the current development in Egypt in multi fields such as modern agriculture, construction and Building, home appliances and electrical instruments industries, the study deals with application the cleaner production technology on the expandable polystyrene factory. The study applied in EL Araby foam factory for backing and thermal insulation to reduce the energy csonsumptions and save both cost and environment. In year 2016 data was accumulated analyzed and points of weakness presentsed. Several scenarios and modifications were proposed and the most effective were chosen and designed, due to cleaner production technology study according to UNIDO rules a modification was selected as the most beneficiary option and was made by separate machines air pressure feeding to two groups one with high pressure from 6-8 bar and second with low pressure from 3-5 bar since January 2017 and the significant parameters for energy consumptions and wastes were measured again during year 2017 and the results were analyzed, evaluated and the difference between the before and after cleaner production technology application was illustrated. The totsal saving from this modification is 1,008,393 Kw that is equal 35% from compressors electricity and 29.45 % from total factory electrical consumptions. Also this environmentally achieved increasing the lifetime of compressors oil and change oil periods increased by 20%. The low air pressure used in EPS machines are not need drying and the dryer was removed its circuit, that reduces using of CFCs gases for dryers. Also it reduces the noise inside the factory from de-molding process by 10%. The total cost to implement this modification was 300,000 L.E for new air pipe line added to the machines circuits and two air tanks and man power cost. This achieved the reduce of the low pressure compressors maintenance annual expenses by 20%. And reducing the electrical consumption cost specially with annual increasing of electrical price by 20 % yearly until 2020. For new factories it saves in the low pressure circuit the air dryers and the pumps capacities and pressure that saves about 35% of the system cost in addition to 25% of its maintenance needs.
Keywords: Expandable polystyrene industry, cleaner production technology, application on industry.