Computation of Splicing Languages from DNA Splicing System Based on Sequences of Restriction Enzymes
Nurul Izzaty Ismail1, Wan Heng Fong2, Nor Haniza Sarmin3
1Nurul Izzaty Ismail, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Johor Bahru, Johor Malaysia.
2Wan Heng Fong, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Johor Bahru, Johor Malaysia.
3Nor Haniza Sarmin, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Johor Bahru, Johor Malaysia.
Manuscript received on 27 September 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 09 November 2019 | Manuscript Published on 22 November 2019 | PP: 31-42 | Volume-8 Issue-6S3 September 2019 | Retrieval Number: F10060986S319/19©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F1006.0986S319
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Abstract: In DNA splicing systems, restriction enzymes and ligases cleave and recombine DNA molecules based on the cleavage pattern of the restriction enzymes. The set of molecules resulting from the splicing system depicts a splicing language. In this research, an algorithm for DNA splicing systems is developed using C++ visual programming. The splicing languages which have been characterised through some theorems based on the crossings and sequences of the restriction enzymes, are generated as the output from this computation. In order to generate the splicing languages, the algorithm detects and calculates the number of cutting sites of the restriction enzymes found in the initial molecules, determines whether the sequence of restriction enzyme is a palindrome or not, and if the restriction enzymes have the same or different crossings. The results from this research depict the splicing languages obtained from the manual computations, which contributes to the development of computational software in DNA computing.
Keywords: C++ Visual Programming, DNA, Palindrome, Restriction Enzyme, Splicing System.
Scope of the Article: Computational Economics, Digital Photogrammetric