Regional Development Planning According to Economic and Natural Resources
Amany Ragheb1, Rasha.A. EL-Ashmawy2

1Amany Ragheb*, Associate Professor, Delta University for Science and Technology, Egypt.
2Rasha.A. EL-Ashmawy, Assistant Professor, Delta University for Science & Technology, Egypt.

Manuscript received on March 27, 2021. | Revised Manuscript received on April 02, 2021. | Manuscript published on April 30, 2021. | PP: 101-109 | Volume-10 Issue-4, April 2021. | Retrieval Number: : 100.1/ijeat.D23680410421 | DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.D2368.0410421
Open Access | Ethics and Policies | Cite | Mendeley
© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: The sustainable urban development has emerged to achieve a better life and prosperity for the individual in modern society and in various areas of life. The aim of this study represents new planning vision for the western region of Delta to distribute it in new settlements out of Delta. It is a broad vision of balanced development goals, along western region of Delta, directing its physical expansion towards new potential growth centers (Poles). We applied the theory of the strategy of growth poles for economic and social growth potentials are selected to intensify the elements of development, activating the optimal use of its human and natural resources by working to convert some of its cities into a group of growth poles and mitigation centers. The output result of SWOT analysis leads to three main major growth poles, five sub growth poles and many linked growth poles specialized developmental functions that become competitive attractions for the existing urban areas according to human distribution, efficient use of economic resources, natural resources, and industrial technology. This leading activities and adequate infrastructure to not to waste development resources and investments available on large areas in the region. 
Keywords: Sustainable urban development; Regional planning; National Strategic; quality of life; Growth poles; Alexandria region.
Scope of the Article: Software economics