Volume-8 Issue-3S, February 2019

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Volume-8 Issue-3S, February 2019, ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)

Fraud Detection for Online Retail Using Random Forest
R. Abiramy1, Kumar Narayanan2, R. Anandan3, C. Swaraj Paul4

Effective Mining of Unstructured Twitter Data for Detecting User Persecution
A. Afiya1, Shaik Javed Parvez2, S. Arun3

Mitigating the Blurriness of Underwater Images and Quality Enhancement
P. Ajanya1, R. Balakrishna2, A. Sajeev Ram3

Analysis of Automatic Rice Disease Classification Using Image Processing Techniques
G. Jayanthi1, K.S. Archana2, A. Saritha3

Merge of Irregularity Detection and Misrepresented Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
B.G. Rhamya1, S. Sridevi2, Manikandan3

Remote Sensing Techniques for Mangrove Mapping
B. Pavithra1, K. Kalaivani2, K. Ulagapriya3

An Analysis of User-oriented Behaviour-based Malware Variants Detection System
S. Varshavardhini1, R.A. Karthika2, K.M. Monica3

SSAE Using in Histopatha Logical for Combining Heterogeneous Data
A. Manikandan1, R. Anandan2

Analysis of Learning in Splitting Fuzzy Data for Drift Statistical Techniques
A. Manikandan1, R. Anandan2

Brain Tumor Image Classification and Grading Using Convolutional Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
N. Hema Rajini

Design, Implementation and Verification of Image Compression in High Speed DWT Algorithm for VLSI Applications
M.K. Deepa1, Amay Shiva Naik2, Rashmi Priyadarshini3

Secure Content Delivery with Cooperative Content Replacement in Mobile Networks
A.M. Resmi1, R. Manicka Chezian2

Attendance Management Using Automatic Face Tracking System
Shruti Ramesh Babu1, Subhashree Navaneethan2, S. Prabakaran3

Uncertainty-Handling of Multi-Object Categorization in Scenes using Fuzzy Swarm Intelligence-based Deep-Belief Network
S. Kumaravel1, S. Veni2

Optimal Node Selection in Mobile Cloud off Loading Using Hybrid Swarm Intelligence
S.K. Piramu Preethika1, R. Gobinath2

Unseen Incivility in Workplace and its Impact on Work Allied Outcomes
V. Gowtham Raaj1, E.N. Anju2

An Effective Identification of Human Trajectory Data Using Parameter Tuning Optimization Technique
B. Suryakumar1, E. Ramadevi2

The Effect on Bifurcation of Acidogenic and Methanogenic Microorganism in a Compartmentalized Anaerobic Migrating Blanket Reactor
C. Aruna1, B. Asha2

Effect of Fiber Pattern in Strength of Light Transmitting Concrete
Dinesh Babu K1, Mercy Shanthi R2, Suji D3

Method of Proportioning Silica Fume Concrete
M. Dinesh Vijay Kumar1, Joe Paulson2

Rapid Chloride Permeability Test on Concrete with Nano Materials
Jemimah Carmichael. M1, Prince Arulraj. G2

Design and Development of Process and Product Control Sampling Plans
V. Jemmy Joyce1, K. Rebbeca Jebaseeli Edna2

Preparation and Characterization of an Aluminium 6061 Alloy based Metal Matrix Composite
G. Jims John Wessley1, Saidu Srinivas2, M.D. Azgar Ali3

Physical, Chemical and Engineering Properties of Chromium Contaminated and Harbor Dredged Soil
K.Jimreeves Donald1, P.D.Arumairaj2, Jeya Priya. J3

Balance Between Committment Towards Profession and Admin Work – Colleges in Chennai
G. Joicy Lidwina1, Mary Geetham2

Interactive Analysis of Pile/Pile Groups Subjected To Vertical, Lateral and Combined Loading
R.Kesavaram1, P.D.Arumairaj2, S.Janaki Raman3, V.Balakumar4

Level of Green Computing based Management Practices for Digital Revolution and New India
Debabrata Samanta1, Suplab Kanti Podder2

Optimum Location of the off Shore Wind Turbine Along Western Coastal Line of India
Rachel George1, C.Freeda Christy2, D.Samuel Abraham3

Experimental and Analytical Nonlinear Analysis of RC Flexural Members Strengthened with Exterior Bonded Fiber Reinforced Polymer
D. Samuel Abraham1, Aiswarya S2, D. Yogesh3, S Janaki Raman4, Abishek R R5, Blessanth Jeyaseelan J6

Analysis on the Performance of Stone Columns with Different Materials in Soil Stabilization
Samuel Thanaraj. M1, Freeda Christy.C2, Brema.J3

Stabilization of Expansive Soil by using Agricultural Waste
V. Siva Sankar1, P.D. Arumai Raj2, S.Janaki Raman3

Experimental Investigation of Geogrid Reinforced Concrete Slab
Tharani K1, Mahendran N2, Vijay T J3

Investigation on Deformation Behaviour of Flexible Pavement with Different Composition of Material
N.V.Varun1, P.D.Arumairaj2, S.Janakiraman3

Application of Bird Swarm Algorithm for Optimal Allocation of Renewable Energy Driven Distributed Generation
Sabarinath.G1, T. Gowri Manohar2

Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion Quantification using Spread Bases Function
B. Rajeswari1, P. Abdul Khayum2

Performance and Emission Analysis of Ci Engine Fuelled with the Blends of Palm Methyl Esters and Diesel
G. Ravi Kumar1, Sai Teja Bezawada2

Hybrid Machine Learning Procedure to Handle Hybrid Attacks in Wireless Vehicular ad hoc Networks
Pavan Kumar B V S P1, S.S.V.N. Sarma2, C. Lokanatha Reddy3

Cloud Computing for Wearable Electronic Devices
N. Subbulakshmi1, R Manimegalai2, R.Chandru3

Data Security Issues and Mechanisms in Cloud Computing
Pratyusha.T1, B.M.G. Prasad2

Impacts of Differently Abled Human Computer Interactions and their Quality of Life
Venkatesh Sharma1, Sasikala Dhamodaran2

Front Design and Implementation of High Speed Hybrid Dual D-Fifo-Ff (Flip-Flop) Synchronizer Using Verilog
S. K Ganesh Kumar Pedapudi1, B.Rajasekar2

The Moderating Effects of Perceived Organizational Support on the Relationship Between Technostress Creators and Organizational Commitment Among School Teachers
Narehan Hassan1, Siti Aisyah Yaakob2, Nur Athirah Sumardi3, Mazuin Mat Halif4, Sharrifah Ali5, Rozilah Abd Aziz6, Afiza Abdul Majid7

CFD Analysis of Two Dimensional Subsonic Flow Over S1223RTL Airfoil
Gargi Sharma1, P.C. Gupta2, S. Kant3

Design and Fabrication of Energy Harvester using VIVACE (Vortex Induced Vibrations Aquatic Clean Energy)
Ashok B C1, Akshay B L2, Akshatha H3, Akash D L4, Bharath Yogendra5

Optimization of Production Inventory Model Demand Rate is Linear Function of Time and Shortage are Allowed
Bani Mukherjee1, Dharamender Singh2

Dynamic Threshold Selection Through Noise Variance for Spectrum Sensing
A.Sai Suneel1, S. Shiyamala2

Performance Measures of Bridgeless Sepic Converter and Boost Converter
T.V.Narmadha1, V.krithika2, K.sivakumar3

Multimodal Image Fusion in Medical Field – an Eagle’s Eye View
Mano Ranjitham E1, M.S. Josephine2, V. Jeyabalaraja3

Reducing Energy Utilization for Data Processing and Query Processing in Web Search Engines – Green Internet
B.G.Obula Reddy1, K.Rama Krishna Reddy2

A Maximize Remote Data Controlling and Checking Scheme in Cloud Computing
B.G.Obula Reddy1, S.Dhanalakshmi2, K.Yogitha Lakshmi3

Development and Design of Recommendation System for User Interest Shopping by Machine Learning
D. Kishore Kumar1, S. Prabakaran2

Trauma Resides in the Nervous System: Nomi Fredrickson in Anuradha Roy’s, “Sleeping on the Jupiter”
S.Leena Devanesam1, V.Manimozhi2

Secure Image Retrival with Different Classification Models
T. Srinivas Reddy1, CH. Shekar2, J. Prabhakar3

The Estimationof the Reliability of the Software by Using the Evaluation Techniques
D.Jyothirmai1, K.Subba Rao2, M.Suresh Kumar3

Lactation Mobile Application in Islam Perspective
Syarilla Iryani A Saany1, Yousef Abubaker Mohamed Ahmed EL-Ebiary2, Mumtazimah Mohamad3, Normadiah Daud4, Norlina Udin5, Norlaili N. M. Khalid6

Design and Simulation for Highly Nonlinear Solid-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber
Arati Kumari Shah1, Rajesh Kumar2

The Composition of Releasing Passion of Dusty in the Process of Pat
Abbazov Ilkhom1, Xodjiev Muksin2, Alimov Orof3, Karimova Ruxsora4

Process of Heat Transfer in a Drum Dryer for Cotton Raw
Parpiev Azimjon1, Yulduz Kupalova2

Evaluating Multiple Tilt Angles Using an Innovative Jig with a Singular PV Module
Pierre E Hertzog1, Arthur J Swart2

Network Intrusion Detection Techniques and Network Attack Types
D. Viji1, Abhijith Shankar2

A Model of Pecking Order in Fundus Images for Artery Blood Vessel Analysis Using Matting Model
A.Suganya1, S.Jothimani2

E-Health Real-Time Monitoring System using IoT Sensor (ESKIN) Methodology
S.Meivel1, S.Charanyameenachi2, D.Supritha3, S.G.Hamsaveni4

Providing Concealment of Multi- Keywords Parallel Search Over Encrypted Information
G. Mohana Prabha1, M.Dharani2, K.Nadhiya3, K.Naveena4

Cost-Effective Approach for Vivacious Resource Allocation in Cloud Environment
Kanimozhi S1, Sharmila D2

Dirt Water Management Process
Juhi Gladies. E1, Abinaya. R2, Kaviya. A3

An Optimal Way to Prevent Corrosion of Equipment at TPP
Karlygash Idrissova1, Aitbala Tumanova2, Gulzira Koldassova3

Experimental Investigation on Slurry Infilterated Fibrous Concrete with Crimped Fibre
P.Sampath1, P.Asha2

De-noising of PV Thermal Image by using Wavelet Transform
V Jamuna1, R Abinaya2, VN Abinaya3, V Anunavamikka4, R Deepika5

Optimization of Rls Adaptive Filter Architecture Using Gate Level Modification for Clamor Cancellation
P. Kaviya Priya1, V. Kaviyasree2, S. Mahalakshmi3, M. Mohanapriya4

Intellectual Property Education Towards Graduates’ Employability
Janatul Adni Hishamuddin1, Md. Razib Arshad2, Farrah Merlinda Muharam3

Ground Water Quality in Industrial Area of Bekasi and Residential Area of Bekasi City, West Java, Indonesia
Titia Izzati1, Muhammad Kholil2, Didi Junaedi3, Andary Asvaroza Munita4, Wiwit Suprihatiningsih5, Alvin Haq Pradana6

Modeling and Solving Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problems in Draft Beer Delivery
Chansiri Singhtaun1, Siwa Tapradub2

Virtual Thai Xylophone Game Development
Suriya Natsupakpong1, Savanut Kongsanit2, Chawisa Chanok-owat3

Effect of Sardine Oil and Tomato Powder with or without Addition of Clove Oil on Laying Duck Performances and Digestibility of Nutrients
E. Widodo1, M.H. Natsir2, I.H. Djunaidi3, R. Pitono4

Robust Optimization of Wind Turbine’s Airfoil Under Geometric Uncertainty using Surrogate-Assisted Memetic Algorithm
Yohanes Bimo Dwianto1, Pramudita Satria Palar2, Lavi Rizki Zuhal3

Dynamic Geo-Centrifuge Test on Twin Tunnel
Changwon Kwak1, Dongin Jang2, Innjoon Park3

Using Sequence Mining in Cloud Service to Design the Warning System for Construction Safety
Chun-Ling Ho1, Tung-Chiung Chang2

Identification of Chemical Constituents of Polygonum Minus Essential Oil by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Shelf
Mohamad Zulfikri Mat Jusoh1, Amirul Imran Idopi2, Mohd Shafik Yuzman3, Nor Azah Mohamad Ali4, Zaidah Zainal Ariffin5, Muhd Fauzi Safian6

Quick Response Technique based Security Mechanism Design for Digital Hubs and LOT Systems
Abbas M. Al-Ghaili1, Marini Othman2, Hairoladenan Kasim3, Zainuddin Hassan4

Enhanced Newton-Raphson Algorithm in Estimating Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Nerio S. Pascual1, Ariel M. Sison2, Ruji P. Medina3

Sizing of a House Standalone Power System : Case of North Algeria
Sakina Atoui1, N. Kellil2, M. Hatti3, B. Bouzidi4, D. Ghribi Diaf5

General Domain Ontology in Enterprise Software Development Process
Marzanah A. Jabar1, Mustafa S.Khalefa2

Static Strength Analysis of a Full-Scale 850 kW wind Turbine Steel Tower
F. Ferroudji

Exploring Creative Software Requirements from Crowd using Morphological Matrix
Tengku Azharudin Tuan Mohd. Amin1, Sa’adah Hassan2

Influence of Battery Storage on Self-Consumption of Residential Photovoltaic Systems in a Mediterranean Climate
G. Mohand Kaci1, A. Mahrane2, K. Ghedamsi3, M. Chikh4

Augmented Reality Marker Based to Aid Inspection and Maintenance Process in Automotive Industry
Faieza Abdul Aziz1, Eisa Alostad2, 1shamsuddin Sulaiman3, Kamarul Arifin Ahmad4

Calcium Soap from Palm Fatty Acid Distillate for Ruminant Feed: Reaction Method
Lienda A. Handojo1, Antonius Indarto2, Daniel Pramudita3, Dian Shofinita4, Anggina Meitha5, Rakhmawati Nabila6, Harry Triharyogi7

Mechanical Root Reinforcement of Bermuda Grass Toward Slope Stability
Noorasyikin M.N1, Zainab M2

An Efficeint Energy Aware Strategy used for Server Load Balancing
P Vyshnavi1, K V V Satyanarayana2, K Sai Ooha3, K Akshay Kumar4

An Efficient and Secured Data Loss Prevention using Hybrid Cryptosystem for Secure Data Storage
V.Krishna Reddy1, A.Devi Chandana2, E.Sri Pujitha3, M.Pranitha Shravani4

Diagnosis of Fish Disease using UKF and Elman Neural Networks
Gujjala Jhansi1, K.Sujatha2, R.S. Ponmagal3, M. Anand4, V.Srividhya5

Plant Disease Identification and Classification using Image Processing
E.Vamsidhar1, P. Jhansi Rani2, K. Rajesh Babu3

Designing Security Cheat Sheet for Mod Security Firewall Tool
Sonti Likitha1, Korvi Raja Sekhar2, Pasumarthy Sudeep3

Accurate and Fast Diagnosis of Heart Disease using Hybrid Differential Neural Network Algorithm
O. Bhaskaru1, M.Sree Devi2

Impact of Socio Economic Determinants on Women Empowerment in India (Working Women in Selected Districts of Andhra Pradesh)
Shanti. S1, A.V.N. Murty2

Pest Detection and Identification by Applying Color Histogram and Contour Detectionby Svm Model
P. Ashok1, J. Jayachandran2, S.Sankara Gomathi3, M.Jayaprakasan4

Gap Refinement of Teaching and Learning Practice in Digital Era Via Informal Guidance
Revathi Sagadavan1, Shiney John2

Ensemble Model to Detect Wireless Attacks in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
N. Ravi1, G. Ramachandran2

Formalized Scheme of Technical Documentation Based on the Accounting Process and Control of Automatic and Tele Mechanics Devices
Baratov Dilshod Khamidullaevich1, Aripov Nazirjon Mukaramovich2

Network Reliability Evaluation and Analysis of Multistage Interconnection Networks
Deepak Kumar Panda1, Ranjan Kumar Dash2

Recent Status on Power Plants and Power Consumption of Renewable Energy Sources in Jeju Island
Huu Luong Quach1, Ji Hyung Kim2, Chang Ju Hyeon3, Yoon Seok Chae4, Jae Hyung Moon5, Sang Heon Chae6, Eel-Hwan Kim7, Ho Min Kim8

EMG Feature Extraction for Driver’s Drowsiness Using RF Wireless Power Transmission Method
Hyun-Sik Choi

A Two-Pass Assembler for the AMIR CPU Microprocessor
M.N. Ibrahim1, M.Idroas2, J.Kassim N. Azhari3, A. Baharum E.B.L. Eline4

Factors Affecting Release of Microencapsulated Essential Oils from Finished Silk Fabric for Automotive and Home Textile Products
Phussadee Lim1, Jantip Setthayanond4

Development of All-in Dyeing and Lemon Oil Microcapsule Finishing Process for Silk
Phussadee Lim11, Jantip Setthayanond2

Adsorption Study of Acid Dyes for Nylon with the Adsorbent Derived from Tamarind-Seed Testa
P. Jutamaneerat1, J. Setthayanond2, P. Tooptompong3

Imbalance Problem in Inbound and Outbound Logistics Flows
Jirapat Wanitwattanakosol1, Kobkarn Tapanyo2, Nattaya Teepruksa3

Development and Antioxidant Activity Analysis of Bio-Cellulose Containing Indian Gooseberry Extract
Arisara Chanyotha1, Kornthip Watcharapanyawong Techametheekul2, Jantip Setthayanond3

Application of UAV-Derived Digital Elevation Model in Agricultural Field to Determine Waterlogged Soil Areas in Amur Region, Russia
Boris Boiarskii1, Hideo Hasegawa2, Aleksei Muratov3, Vladimir Sudeykin4

Effect of Amplitude on Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction of Caffeic Acid from Andrographis Paniculata
Vi Vien Chia1, Sook Fun Pang2, JoliusGimbun3, Sureena Abdullah4, Mashitah M. Yusoff5

Home-bro: Android-Based Students’ Housing Locator and Monitoring System
Mary Anne M. Sahagun1, Jun P. Flores2

Web-Based ECE DHVTSU Licensure Examination: Data Analysis Tool
Jun P. Flores1, May Layson2, Anna Liza C. Nacion3

Analysing the Behaviour of Network Traffic Using Pcap in Different Conditions
P. N Venkata Sai1, S. P Chokkalingam2

Detection of Macular Degeneration Using Threshold Segmentation
SP. Chokkalingam1, D. Monica2, Samir Brahim Belhaouari3

Phonic Eye for the Visually Impaired
Meenatchi KV1, Mahima S2, Poornima T3, P Kumar4

Securing Identification Card Aganist Unauthorised Access
A. Yaswanth Sai Raj1, J. Rene Beulah2

A Virtual Network Placement Algorithm for Radio Access Network
D.Jeyakumar1, Dr. C.Rajabhushanam2

Side Channel Attacks in IaaS and its Defense Mechanisms
R. Vanathi1, SP. Chokkalingam2

Action Recognition for Controlling Electronic Appliances
Rajalakshmi J1, N.Duraimurugan2, S.P.Chokkalingam3

Analysis of Deep Learning Models using Convolution Neural Network Techniques
N.Durai Murugan1, SP.Chokkalingam2, Samir Brahim Belhaouari3

Face Recognition Based Attendance System
Nandhini R1, Duraimurugan N2, S.P.Chokkalingam3

Real-Time Object Detection with Yolo
Geethapriya. S1, N. Duraimurugan2, S.P. Chokkalingam3

A Shared Monitoring Protocol for Finding Security Attacks in RPL
Sai Manoj Kumar1, Stewart Kirubakaran2

Hexabot: A Text-Based Assistive Chatbot To Explore Library Resources
Sorna Shanthi.D1, Keerthana.S2, Nandha Kumar.PK3, Nithya. D4

A Machine Learning Based Driver Skill Assist System
S. Balakrishnan1, V.Kamatchi Sundari2, Ram Vishnu R3, S. Sheeba Rani4

An Effective Load Balancing Mechanism in Cloud Computing Environment
Diwakaran M1, N.Pooranam2, Dr.S.Sheeba Rani3, R.Vishnuvardhan4

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Medical Image Analysis
N. Deepa1, SP.Chokkalingam2

Enhanced Total Variation Model Image Fusion using Hybrid Filters and Adaptive Median Method
K.Elaiyaraja1, M. Senthil Kumar2, B. Chidambararajan3

A Summer Trining Report on Customer Satisfaction Towards Hero
Sharmila Devui M1, Ankitbose2, Gopinathank3, Ninushaarm4, R. Bharthvajan5

An Impact of Junk Foods Among Yougesters
Sanjo.T1, Shankar S2, Vetrivel M3, Saiees Chandra Kumar4, J Pavithra5

Research on Market Positioning of Kalco’s Virgin Coconut Oil (K’s-VCO) as a Functional Food
Salomy1, Sangeetha M2, Gokula Krishnan R P3, Selvakumar R4, R. Ramamoorthy5

Research on Mobile Games Addiction Among Youths
P.Vickram1, Beuton Lawrence A2, Maieswaran C3, Madhan G4, R. Bharthvajan5

Experiment on the Road Manners of Vehicle Drivers in Chennai City
Angel1, Logasri M2, Mukesh P3, Mugundan4, R. Ravimohan5

Research on the Selling Strategies Adopted by Consumer Durables Dealers in Chennai (Ainformatione Specially on Electronic Goods)
Sadam Hussain1, Banupriyaa2, Santhoshr3, Joshvas4, R. Ramamoorthy5

Integration of Spatial and Transform Domain Technique for the Multimodal Medical Image Fusion
S. Sandhya1, M. Senthil Kumar2, B. Chidambararajan3

Enhanced Crisis Management: Predictive Strategy for Human Blood Group and Organ Demand using Polynomial Random Forest Algorithm
Karthik Elangovan1, Sethukarasi.T2

Influence of High-Performance Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
S.K.Susee1, B.Chidambararajan2

A Systematic Comparison analysis on Simulators in Vehicular Adhoc Network
L. Karthikeyan1, M. Senthil Kumar2

Heart Disease Prediction using Logistic Regression Algorithm using Machine Learning
Reddy Prasad1, Pidaparthi Anjali2, S.Adil3, N.Deepa4

A Recommendation Based Comparative Information of Tuning Mechanisms for Performance Management in Hadoop
Anusha R J1, L.RamaParvathy2

A Research on Employee Relationship Management
Nandakumar1, S. Praveen Kumar2

A Research on Recruitment and Selection
Nandakumar1, S. Praveen Kumar2

The Impact of Employee Welfare Measures on Quality of Work Life of Employees in AVR Manufactures PVT LTD
Magdalene Peter1, S.Fabiyola Kavitha2

Research on the Impact of Work Life Balance on Employee Performance Among Middle Level Managers in it Industry
Magdalene Peter1, S.Fabiyola Kavitha2

Preventing and Monitoring of Framework for Forest Fire Detection and Data Analysis Using Internet of Things (IoT)
V.Parthipan1, D.Dhanasekaran2

Prioritizing Cloud Infrastructure Using MCDM Algorithms
Babu R1, Jayashree K2

The Versatility of Marketing Strategies and their Assumptions Towards Growth Sectors
M.Anbarasi1, S.Praveen Kumar2

Heuristic Approach for Dynamic Path Localization for Fault Localization in IP Based WDM Networks
K. Sashi Rekha1, Uma Priyadarshini2

Avoiding Security Vulnerability in Modern Web Applications by Means of Risk Mitigation Strategy
Lakshika Anjana D1, Manoj Kumar D S2

Predective Analysis of Children Health Care Using Data Sets
V.Sandeep1, L.Rama Parvathy2

Security in Cloud Using Locality Scheme and Nearest Neighbouring Scheme
M.Nikhil Teja1, R.Sheeja2

Design and Modeling of a Micro Turbojet Engine for UAV Propulsion
G. Jims John Wessley

Research on Budgeting
Santhosh1, R Ranjitha Devi2, Indumathi C3, Suresh L4, S. Praveen Kumar5

Prediction of Marine Oil Spill Trajectory Using Lagrangian Approach
D.Jayashree1, Aswathi.M2, Dharani.K3, Evangelin.P4

Comparative analysis of PID and Fuzzy Based Control of SEPIC Fed Multilevel Inverter Scheme with Reduced Torque Ripple Content
P. Saravanan K.1, Balaji2, Kishore C K3

Effective Text Data extraction using Hierarchical Clustering Technique

Remote Sensing Image Fusion Method Based on Quantization Index Modulation and Discrete Wavelet Transform
K. Uma Maheswari1, S. Rajesh2

A New Higher Order Theory for Analysis of Orthotropic Cylindrical Shell Under Electromechanical Load
Muhammad Rahman Adedi1, J.S. Mohamed Ali2, Meftah Hrairi3

Evaluation of Stiffness Derivative for a Delta wing with Straight Leading Edges in Unsteady Flow
Renita Sharon Monis1, Asha Crasta2, S.A. Khan3

Effect of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) in Automotive Manufacturing Industries in the Perspective of Sustainability – A review
Ahrar Ahmad1, Vilas B. Shinde2

An Automated Evaluation of Live Forensic Approach
Swarna Poojithakolli1, K.V.D.Kiran2

Future Trends of Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics in Ubiquitous Environment
M. Suresh Babu1, K. Bhavana Raj2, D.Asha Devi3

Virtual Machine Consolidation for Performance and Energy Efficient Cloud Data Center Using Reinforcement Learning.
N.R.Rajalakshmi1, G.Arulkumaran2, J.Santhosh3

Internet of Things(IoT): A Brief Information and Challenges of Implementing.
V.Ashok Kumar1, S.Aarif Ahamed2

Analysing the Mechanical Behaviour of Natural Waste Fiber Reinforced Composite by Using Degradale Resin
R.Haridass1, Muruganantham.V.R2, N.Subramani3, P.Muraleedharan4

Typical Analysis of Various Nodes Involved in EMA for Wireless Sensor Networks
S N Lakshmi Pathiraju N1, Akula Pravin2

Efficient Data Retrieval in Cloud Computing
R.Prabhu1, S.Rajesh2

Trends and Techniques of Handling Big Health Data
S.Aarathi1, K.Bala Chowdappa2, K.Sudhakar3

L-Semi-Supervised Clustering for Network Intrusion Detection
Srinivasa Rao Narisetty1, Shaik Farzana2, Potnuri Mahesw

Contemplate on Inhibitory Evaluation of Black Hole Attacks
SK. Mulla Almas1, Venkata Narayana Yerininti2, Arun Kumar Bandlamudi3, B.V.V.H Chandra Sekhar4

Identification of Development Dynamics in the Krishna Eastern Delta and its Future Impacts on Water Availability and Quality with Focus on Soil Productivity and its Degradation
Nekkanti Haripavan1, Nandyala Sivakishan2

Handwritten Text Recognition: with Deep Learning and Android
Shubham Sanjay Mor1, Shivam Solanki2, Saransh Gupta3, Sayam Dhingra4, Monika Jain5, Rahul Saxena6

Customers Opinion Towards Brand Positioning and Competitiveness of Icici Lombard General Insurance in Comparison with Other Brands
Easwaramoorthy Rangaswamy1, T.S. Uma Rani2, Chandrase Kharan C S3

Energy Efficient and Reliable Mobile Sink Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
P.Balamurugan1, J Santhosh2, G Arulkumaran3, M Vijayakumar4

Diabetes Diagnostic Method based on Tongue Image Using SVM with Gabor Feature
E. Srividhya1, A. Muthukumaravel2

Effect of Nano Silica Fume and Crumb Rubber on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete
Jemimah Carmichael M1, Prince Arulraj G2, Rijo Mathew3, Jerome Joshy4, Alok Alex5

Assessment of Sorptivity and Water Absorption of Concrete with Nano Sized Cementitious Materials
Jemimah Carmichael M1, Prince Arulraj G2, Swetha Elizabeth3, Jincy.K.Johnson4, Arunima Tomy5, Irene Joy6

Design and Development of .Net Framework to Deal with Neutrosophic *gα Sets
S. Saranya1, M. Vigneshwaran2

MRF: Multivariate Data Clustering using Heuristic Data Intensive Computing and Relevance Feedback Learning Approach
M. Sankara Prasanna Kumar1, A. P. Siva Kumar2, K. Prasanna3

Approach to Correctly Distinguish the Meaning of Word in a Context
Nishakant Ojha

Network Intrusion Detection System using K-Means Clustering and Gradient Boosted Tree Classifier
Nandini Rebello1, Manamohan K2

Big Data Management Using Cloud Computing Environment
K.Rama Krishna Reddy1, S.Dhanalakshmi2

On Harmonic Index of New Operation of Graphs
S.Uma1, N. Velmurugan2

Compiler Architecture for Detection of Suspicious or Malicious Strings in a Program
Rajeshwari K Gundla

De-Authentication Attack on Wireless Network
Chintan Kamani1, Dhrumil Bhojani2, Ravi Bhagyoday3, Vivek Parmar4, Deepti Dave5

Production of Liquid and Solid Organic Fertilizer from Tilapia Fish (Oreochromismossambicus) Wasteusing “Bakasang” Traditional Fermentation Technology
Vanny M.A. Tiwow1, Adrianton2, Paulus Hengky Abram3, NurHopiyanti4

A Probabilistic and Statistical Detection Based Median Filter for Salt and Pepper Noise Removal in Images
Madhu Babu Sikha

An Experiment on Uart Enabled Built-in-Self-Test Using Ver
K. Rajendra Prasad

Predictive Risk-Assessment System (PRAS) Platform for Healthcare Analytics and Visualization
G.Jaya Lakshmi1, Dr.Sangeetha Yalamanchili2

Agent-based Clustering Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Nisha A. Auti1, Avnish R. Verma2, Bipalab K. Sarkar3, Aparna Junnarkar4

Need, Impact and Scope of Prescriptive Analytics
M.Varalakshmi1, P.Pavani2, G.Ramadevi3

Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Columns by using FRP Sheets
P Urmila1, A S Kumar2, A L P Kumar3, N Haripavan4

Strength and Durability Properties of SIFCON with Silica Fume and Waste Binding Wire
P. Sampath1, P. Asha2

Predicting Early Judge in E-Commerce Website Using K-Means with Page Ranking Algorithm
M. Parthiban1, G. Gayathri2, P. Hemalatha3, J. Deepa4

Conflicts and Delays in Mega Construction Projects – Kuwait International Airport Cargo City
Mohammad KhTh E Alazemi1, A. K. M. Mohiuddin2

Consideration and Execution of Path Length Based Wavelength Assignment in Optimal Size Networks
Tarun Gupta1, Amit Kumar Garg2