Volume-8 Issue-4, April 2019

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Volume-8 Issue-4, April 2019, ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)

Feature Extraction Methods using Image Processing Techniques
R.Sunitha1, B Sharmila2, K.Srinivasan3

Protected Combination of Artificial Neural Network With Wireless Sensor Networks
Pardeep Kumar1, Udayabhanu N P G Raju2

Nanoscale Communication via Molecular Diffusion
D.Prabhu1, Anand Kumar Prasad2, Samrat Talukder3, Pranay Karemore4

A Novel Platform for Higher Education Credit System Based on Block chain
E. Saraswathi1, Vivek2, Abhrajit Chattopadhyay3, Gunda Ravichandra4, Sudhanshu Solanki5

Stock Market Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms
K. Hiba Sadia1, Aditya Sharma2, Adarrsh Paul3, SarmisthaPadhi4, Saurav Sanyal5

Strategic Aspects of Innovative Development of Entrepreneurial Entities in Modern Conditions
Valentina Mikhailovna Repnikova1, Olga Nicolaevna Bykova2, Oleg Olegovich Skryabin3, Dmitry Evgenievich Morkovkin4, Liliya Vasilyevna Novak5

Targeted Programming in The State System of Economic Regulation
Natalia Anatolevna Baryshnikova1, Antonina Mikhailovna Sukhorukova2, Vladimir Ivanovich Naidenkov3, Vadim Ivanovich Martynovich4, Olga Ilinichna Mamrukova5

Biotechnology of specialized product for sports nutrition
Natalya Chernopolskaya1, Natalya Gavrilova2, Maksim Rebezov3, Irina Dolmatova4, Tatiana Zaitseva5, Yuliya Somova6, Maria Babaeva7, Evgeny Ponomarev8, Olga Voskanyan9

Gate-Crasher Precluding Security System Using Particle Photon
Aruna. A1, B. Neha Pranadika2, Swetha Karthigeyan3, Rajeev Suresh4

Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Severity Levels of Transformed images using K-means and Thresholding method
Manjusha Nair1, Dhirendra Mishra2

Factoid Question and Answering System
Aditya SRM1, S.R Rajeswari2, Dinesh Reddy3, Varshini4

Effective Implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) in Small Scale Manufacturing Firms
T. Varun kumar1, R. Jerin Ahino2, N.Dhayalan3, V. Kathiresan4, V. Shalini5

Design And Analysis of Air Suspension System of Bharat Benz 914 & 917
S.Philip Jesmen1, T. Jeyapoovan2, M. Ramakrishnan3, S.C. Rajasekar4

Election Result Prediction Using Deep Learning Techniques
S. JayaKumar1, Priyank Patel2, Rajat Kumar Singh3, Shivraj4, Akkshansh Paul5

Analyzing Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Using Machine Perception and Wavelet taransforms
Udaya Mouni Boppana1, Ranjana P2, Dhivyapriya3, D.Nagarajan4

Design and Implementing Lab Attendance System Using RFID
L. B. S. Sasank1, K. Sravani2, D. Savithri3, Suman Maloji4

An Alternative Method to Reduce Medicine Costs By Minimizing Transportation Overheads
Ruchi Gupta1, Mukesh Sahu2, Nikita Gulati3, Komal4, Diksha Jasrotia5

Mathematical Modeling Development Of Medium Flow in Rotary-Pulse Device Channels
Yuliya Somova1, Elena Moskvina2, Mariya Gladysheva3, Elena Gasanenko4, Andrey Goncharov5, Mikhail Sartakov6, Stepan Krasnikov7, Lubov Prokhasko8

Time Comparison for the Evaluation of Stiffness Matrix Of The Family Of Brick Elements
Shyjo Johnson1, T. Jeyapoovann2

Prediction And Detection of Heart Attack Using Machine Learning And Internet Of Things
B. Sekhar Babu1, V. Likhitha2, I. Narendra3, G. Harika4

Cloud Server Misbehavior Detection Using Ranked Keyword Search Results Verification
A Shiny1, Jayanth Das2, M Venkat Aravind3, C A Anirudh Srivatsaa4, M Rahul5

Implementation of Lossless Image Compression Analysis Using PCLZ Algorithm with Multiwavelet Transform
V. Manohar1, G. Laxminarayana2, T. Satya Savithri3

Accuracy Assessment of Terrestrial Laser Scanner in Heritage Documentation
Moomen A. Mohamed1, Ibrahim F. Shaker2, Ayman F. Ragab3, Yasser M. Mogahed4

Adaptive Kernels for Skeleton Based Action Recognition using Geometric Feature Score Fusion
K. Rajendra Prasad1, P. Srinivasa Rao2

Optimizing Natural Language Interface for Relational Database
Darshil Shah1, D Vanusha2

Cardiac Disease Prediction Using Naïve Bayes Machine Learning Algorithm
B.Soumya1, V.Sushma2, V.Divya3, S.Lalith Kumar4, B.Venkateswarulu5

Using Numerical Model to Evaluate Pozzolanic Activity of Natural Pozzolan in The Soil Stabilization Process
Huu Nam Nguyen1, Van Quan Tran2, Anh Quan Ngo3, Quang Hung Nguyen4

Towards effective Content Based Image Retrieval based on Local Binary Patterns and Finite Beta Mixture Model
Subash Chandra Chadalavada1, Srinivas Yarramalle2

An Efficient Approach for Automated Token Formation for Record De-duplication with special reference to Real-Time Data-Warehouse Environment
Vaishali C. Wangikar1, Sachin N. Deshmukh2, Sunil G. Bhirud3

Model Based Approach for Effective Segmentation of Images Based On Background Subtraction
Pavan Kumar Tadiparthi1, Srinivas Yerramalle2

Advanced Technology for Recognizing Faces from Fingerprints
Smrithi Garje1, Ms. S.Delfin2

Energy Economy Recommendations in Textile Mill
K. Balachander1, A. Amudha2

Design Improvement of Solar Still Device Using Separate Condenser
Pavan kumar Pathak1, Ajay kumar Pagare2, Mohammad Israr3

Fetal Electrocardiogram Signal Enhancement Using Savitzky-Golay Filter
Jayprakash Nayak1, Om Prakash Yadav2

Machine Learning Techniques: Performance Analysis for Prevalence of Heart Disease Prediction
Sachin Kamley1, R.S. Thakur2

A High Resolution Direction Finding Technique for Underwater Acoustic Signal
Prashil M. Junghare1, Cyril Prasanna Raj P.2, T Srinivas3

Link Based Routing Algorithm for the Desired Quality of Service of a Network
R.Bhargava Rama Gowd1, S.Thenappan2, Giri Prasad M.N3

Effect of Banana Leaf and Plastic Material Packaging on Microbial Contamination Dangke Fresh White Cheese
Muhammad Askari Zakariah1, Ratmawati Malaka2, Amran Laga3, and Ambo Ako4

Vibration of Tayan Bridge’s Hanger in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Made Suangga1, Prasetyo Eko Junianto2

Robust Blockchain Digital Copyright Protection Scheme Based on Digital Watermarking
E. Saraswathi1, Srieesh Padukone2, Mohit ksh3, D. Dhilip4, Vineeth.V.Warrier5

Integrated Malware Analysis Using Markov Based Model in Machine Learning
S.S Subashka Ramesh1, Kartik Singh Rathore2, Ritik Raj3, Kumar Vatsalya4, Mridula Vatsa5

The Change Data Capture and the Web Application Messaging Protocol on the Real Time Dashboard
Herri Setiawan1, Andi Abdul Adhiem Sumitro2, Rendra Gustriansyah3

Integration of Searching and AES Encryption in Cloud Computing
Gudapati Syam Prasad1, J Yashvin, S Sunil Kumar2, A Keerthi3

Security Aware Reliability Model for WBANs 
Vinay Pathak1, Karan Singh2

Modelling and Formally Verifying Intel VT-x: Hardware Assistance for Processors Running Virtualization Platforms
Ram Chandra Bhushan1, Dharmendra K Yadav2

A Performance Estimation Model for Software Testing Tools
Pramod Mathew Jacob1, Prasanna Mani2

Self-Stabilizing Platform Using Mpu 6050 – a Boon for The Society To Reduce Accidental Death
Vinayak Tripathi1, Richa Gupta2

Parking Demand Rates for Some Selected Land Uses in Egyptian Cities
Osama Okail1, Ahmed Mohamady2, Ehab El-Gamal3

An Efficient Approach for Sentiment Analysis in a Big Data Environment
Khalid Ait Hadi1, Rafik Lasri2, Abdellatif El Abderrahmani3

Design, Manufacturing and Testing of a Hybrid Tesla Turbine
Ahmet Cagatay Cilingir

Implications of English as a Pivot Language in Arabic-Hindi Machine Translation
Syed Afroz Ahmed1, Nisheeth Joshi2, Iti Mathur3, Pragya Katyayan4

Practical Implementation of Agile Approaches in Teaching process
Serein Al-Ratrout

A Discrete Wavelet Based Approach to Speaker Identification for Different Speaking Styles.
Shanthini Pandiaraj1, T. Anita Jones Mary2

A Unified Approach to Defend the Timing Analysis Attacks on Web Traffic
S. Pandiaraj1, Suraj Kaushik2, Yuvraj Singh Chouhan3, Nagendra Sharma4, Shreyansh Singh5

VLSI based Low Power Multiply Accumulate Unit Employing Kogge Stone Adder with Modified Pre-Processing and Post-Processing Stages
Rakesh S1, K. S. Vijula Grace2

Optimizing food materials for development of Nutritious pasta
S. Elizabeth Amudhini Stephen

Analysis of Factors Affecting the Household Expenditure of Rubber Farmers in Indonesia
Luis Marnisah1, Azizah Karim2, Ahmad Sanmorino3, Tirta Jaya Jenahar4

Combination Of Real And Virtual World For Indoor Navigation using Mobile Application
Vidhyavani.A1, StephinStanly2, Ankit Kumar Pandey3, Shivam Choudhury4

IoT Based Weather Monitoring System for Effective Analytics
Ferdin Joe John Joseph

Human Drowsiness Detection System
Rukhsar Khan1, Shruti Menon2, Shivraj Patil3, Suraj Anchan4, Saritha L. R.5

Enhanced Image Capturing using CNN
Ashish Pateria1, Vedant Vyas2, Pratyush3, M.S. Minu4

Advanced Discriminative Transfer Learning for General Image Restoration
S P Maniraj1, Manonmani Lakshmanan2, Siddhartha Roy3, Moumita Dutta4, Aastha Sharma5

Finding Survivors In Flood Affected Areas During Response Operations By Deep Learning Approach
Mohammad Nasim1, GV Ramaraju2

Information Security For Multiple Storage Systems
Baby.D.Dayana1, V.M. Hemeshwar2, S.Aravind3, Sachin S.Srivathsa4, Krishna Purushoat5

An Improved Token-based Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm
Prashant Kumar1, Naveen Kumar Gupta2, Rama Shankar Yadav3, Rajendra Kumar Nagaria4

Heart Rate Monitoring System using Heart Rate Sensor and Arduino Uno with Web Application
Reshma Sai Priya Talluri1, Jai Surya Y2, Sri Lakshmi Manchala3

Prediction of Telecom Churns and Consumer Behaviour using Recurrent Neural Networks
Lakshay Arora1, Aayush Kapur2, Lavanya K3

Analysis of Energy Consumption and Data Delivery Delay in Wireless Sensor Networks
Kannan V1, Ramesh K2, Malarkodi K3

Designing Modified Chain Reliability Sampling Plans Based On Dagum Distribution
V. Jemmy Joyce1, K. Rebecca Jebaseeli Edna2

GPU Based Digital Histopathology and Diagnostic Support System for Breast Cancer Detection: A Comparison of CNN Models and Machine Learning Models
Mradul Kumar Jain1, Nirvikar2, Amit Kumar Agarwal3

SLIC Segmentation for Tumor Detection & Classification using SVM
Pooja Shah1, Rajkumar S2

Face Detection and Recognition using Support Vector Machine
Chirag Rayani1, Rajakumar K2

Data Efficient Approaches on Deep Action Recognition in Videos
Sathya R1, Rugveda Muralidhar I2, Sai Harsha Vardhan K3, Sri Karan R4, Arun Reddy B5

Large Scale Predictive Analysis for Real-Time Energy Management
K. Sateesh Kumar1, D. Krishna2, Ch. Himabindu3

Demand Response of Smart Homes Using State Flow Algorithm
R. Murali1, T. Dinesh2, T. Anil Kumar3

String Similarity Search Using Edit Distance and Soundex Algorithm
P. Pranathi1, C. Karthikeyan2, D. Charishma3

Evaluation of Bus Rapid Transit in Bangladesh and Recommendation for Improvements
Arifa Sultana1, Saad Muhammad Zakaria Rafe2, Tasnim Shoily Deepi3

Smart Irrigation System 
Rishabh Modi1, Madhavan P2, Karan Veer Mahajan3

Single Phase H-Bridge Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter
Kavin.R1, Elamcheren.S.T2, S.Sheebarani Gnanamalar3

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment by Applying IoT for Reducing Pollution Caused by Vehicles
M Srinivasan1, S Koteeswaran2

Power System Analysis Course Learning: A Review
Zulfatri Aini1, Krismadinata2, Ganefri3, Ahmad Fudholi4

LoT Application Based Advanced Shopping Trolley
Hiba Sadia1, Shubhansu Jee2, Krishnendu Pal3, Shikhar Singh4, Mebansharai Marbaniang5

Improved Least Mean Square Algorithm for 5G signals in Microwave –Photonic Link
Asish B Mathews1, G. Glan Devadhas2

Analysis of on-Chain and off-Chain Scalability Solutions in Blockchain Technology
G. Abinaya1, S. Mary Shalin Benigna2, Hakshatha Devi3, Venugopal Balaji4, Ashwin Chakravarthy.K5

Streamline of Cross Media Retrieval Using Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency And Color Histogram
Monelli Ayyavaraiah

Cost and Communication Efficient Framework for Privacy Assured Data Management Cloud
Vitthal Sadashiv Gutte1, Kamatchi Iyer2

Role of an Hr in Improving the Employee’s Performance and Commitment Towards the Organization
Nazim Sha S1, M Rajeswari2

Dynamic Bus Ticketing & Routing System
P.Suganya1, Jayant Singh2, Saketh Gupta3, Tulasi Sai Shweta4

Smart Home Security Augmentation
Naman Phadnis1, S.S. Sanjay Krishnan2, Sourabh Kumar Mishra3, R. Sujeetha4

Computer Vision Framework for Visual Sharp Object Detection using Deep Learning Model
Nitesh Ramakrishnan1, Anandhanarayanan Kamalakannan2, Balika J Chelliah3, Govindaraj Rajamanickam4

Analysis the Effect of Mathematics Subjects on Islamic School in Pekanbaru Region Using Spatial Analysis
Husni Thamrin1, Zikri Darussamin2, Zamsiswaya3, Rado Yendra4, Ahmad Fudholi5

Effective Analysis of Adaptive Ranking Techniques for Mapping of Bug Report
P.S.V.S. Sridhar1, Y. Saikumar2, B.K. Venkata Surya3, R.H. Sai Krishna4, G. Akhila5

A Challenging Solution for Man-in-Middle Security Issues through Near Field Communication (NFC)
Meenaketan Sarangi1, Debabrata Singh2, Mitrabinda Khuntia3

An Expert System to Predict Readiness of a Student for Campus Placements Using Neural Networks
T.Jai Sai Chand1, T.Manideep2, M. Sai Surya3, V.Kantha Rao4

Review on Heat and Mass Transfer in Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) and Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)
Pankaj Sonia1, M K Paswan2, Kuldeep Saxena3, Piyush Singhal4

Enhancement of Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Characteristics using Polyethylene Strips
Abdelmomen1, M. M. El Nadi2, M. H. Hussien H.M.3

High throughput and area efficient FPGA Implementation of AES algorithm
P. B. Mane1, A. O. Mulani2

Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Based Adaptive Droop Control In Multi-Terminal Hvdc For Wind Power Integration
M.Vishnu vandana1, R.Kiranmayi2

Generated Psm Multi-Layered Model Using Mda Approach
Aziz Srai1, Fatima Guerouate2, Hilal Drissi Lahsini3

Absolute sensing-Area Coverage Using extended Genetic Algorithm
Alоk Misra1, Divakar Singh Yadav2

Data Analyzer Using the Concept of Machine Learning
Minu M.S.1, Prangad Khanna2, Sachit Jain3, Ashutosh Saxena4

Design of Low Power 8T SRAM Array With Enhanced RNM
M. Muzammil Khaleeq1, Kartik Penshanwar2, Ananiah Durai S3, Ravi V4

Hybrid Variable Latency Carry Skip Adder in Multiplier Structures
R. Arun Sekar1, M.Saravanan2, D.Ganeshkumar3, R.Cristin4

Statistical Analysis in the Aerodynamic Forces and Moments Measurement in Indonesian Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

Conceptual Analysis of Energy plus Category for Futuristic Urban Human Settlements
Ar. Chetan Verma1, Jitendra Singh2, Alok Ranjan3

Synthesis And Implementation of Transform Coding Through C Based Vivado Hls
P. Srikanth Reddy1, M. Sridhar2, Y. Viswanadh3

A Design of Phase Locked Loop Based Frequency Synthesizer using 4/5 Prescaler Circuit
T.Kalavathi Devi1, P.Sakthivel2

IoT Based Smart Mosquito Killing System
P. Vijayakumar1, C. Akshith Reddy2, M.L. Sai Shivani Aahwanik3, Sai Varshith4, R. Krishnaprasanna5, M. Tamilselvi6, R. Rajashree7, Xiao-Zhi Gao8

Improving Healthcare using Privacy Preserving Association Rule Mining in Distributed Healthcare Data
Nikunj H. Domadiya1, Arpesh Kumar2, Udai Pratap Rao3

An Odd Parity Genertor Design Using Nano Electronics
S. Rooban1, K. Lakshmi Swathi2, Ch.Monica3, B.Shivaramakrishna4

Comparative Study of SVM and KNN for Tumor Prediction
J. Sivapriya1, Nishanth Prem2, G. Venkatesh Prasad3, Balasubramanian C.L.4

Consummation and Contrastive Analysis of Digital Modulation Schemes Using Cell Based Design
Kondamacharyulu D1, N Srinivasulu2, D V Sivasai3, P Satyanarayana4

Robust Multi Objective Control of Autonomous Hybrid Power System
V. S. R. Pavan Kumar. Neeli1, U. Salma2

Monitoring and Control of Substation Using Programmable Logic Controller and Scada
V.Jayakumar1, D.C. Kumaresan2, R.Karthikeyan3

Contemporary Design of Logic BIST using non Linear S-Box Function as PPRG
Puppala Mounika1, Damarla Paradhasaradhi2

Hevc Cabac Encoder/Decoder Ip Designing Using Vivado
Vivek R. Barwat1, Rutesh S. Lonkar2

A Review on Power Swing Blocking Schemes of Distance Relay During Stable Power Swings
Cholleti Sriram1, Y. Kusumalatha2

Development of a Miniaturized CPW-Fed Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with L and S Shaped Strips for WLAN, WiMAX and IMT Applications
Asmita Chopra1, Jaswinder Kaur2

Cloud Access with Load Balancing and Certificateless Signature Authentication
Manmohan Sharma1, V.K. Jain2

A Simple Tamil Speech Recognition System Based on Cmusphinx
Arvind Madaboosi Mukund1, Priyanka Balaji Ramanathan2, T. Sujithra3

Flexural Behavior of Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Concrete Using Alccofine
Vasanth Kumar R1, Elavenil S2

Automatic Paper Drafting Bot 
D. Prabhu, S. P. Maniraj1, Aakanksha Thakur2, M. Bhagyashree3, Richa Gupta4

A Machine Learning Algorithm for Jitter reduction and Video Quality Enhancement in IoT Environment
J. Jagadessan1, B. Nikita2, G. Deepti Preta3, H. Hari Priya4

Block Chain Based Decentralized Cloud Storage 
G. Abinaya1, Preksha Kothari2, Alex Pavithran KP3, Manasi Biswas4, Farheen Khan5

Tracking and Monitoring of Vehicles and a Stable and Secure Tolltax Payment Methodology Based on Blockchain Enabled Cryptocurrency E-Wallets
Baby D Dayana1, C Sivarama Krishnan2, Cimryn Sarah Patrick3, Venkateswaran N4

Analysis of Big Video Data for Low Power Storage System
Mrs A. Sharmila Agnal1, Anushtup Muley2, Rohit Gupta3, Deepak Verma4, Swetha Umapathy5

M-PERT and Lean Construction Integration on Steel Construction Works of Warehouse Buildings
Albert Eddy Husin1, Fuad Fahmi2, Sugeng Rahardjo3, Ikhsan Pangalitan Siregar4, Bernadette Detty Kussumardianadewi5

Efficient Data Transmission in WSN using AODV Protocol Considering Throughput
V. Gokula Krishnan1, N. Sankar Ram2

Id card Detection Using Histograms of Oriented Gradients
Shiela David1, Potru Sarada Sravanthi2, B. Rupa3, S. Vino Anjali4

Intelligent Color Sensing System for Buildings Using Arduino
Aruna. A1, Jeeva Dharshni. P2, Divya. A3, Sruthi. V. C4

Experimental study of Hybrid fibre reinforced concrete composites
Arathi Krishna1, K. Saravana Raja Mohan2, B.Yokeshwar3, M. Maniraj4, C S Aswiin5

Reliability Estimation of RCC Dam Structure due to Earthquake
Sayed Abul Hossain1, Satyajit Pal2, Jafar Sadak Ali3

Flight Data Analysis Using PIG 
Ishan Meena1, R. Aravind2, Vijayditya Sarker3, Nandhini4

High Definition Map Creation using Machine Learning
Gowtham Sethupathi1, Dhathri G2, S. Aparna3, Sampriti Barman4, J.V.K Manasa5

Numerical Study on Effect of Nozzle Size for Jet Impingement Cooling with Water-Al2O3 Nanofluid
N. K. Kund

Effectiveness of Zack’s Cocoter Avocado Juice against Blood Pressure on Old Age Hypertension Patients in Palembang
Muzakar, Listrianah1, Ahmad Fudholi2

Experimental Investigations on Impacts of Nozzle Diameter on Heat Transfer Behaviors with Water Jet Impingement
N. K. Kund

Fusing Spatio-Temporal Joint Features for Adequate Skeleton Based Action Recognition using Global Alignment Kernel
A.S.C.S. Sastry1, S. Geetesh2, A. Sandeep3, V.S.V.A. Vitru Varenya4, P.V.V. Kishore5, D.Anil Kumar6, E. Kiran Kumar7, M. Teja Kiran Kumar8

Disease Prediction using Big Data Analytics and SVM
V. Sahaya Sakila1, S. Sri Gayathri2

Paperless Administration in Indian Higher Education
Srimathi H1, Krishnamoorthy A2

Journey of an Enterprise Architecture Development Approach in Malaysian Transportation Industry
Mailasan Jayakrishnan1, Abdul Karim Mohamad2, Abu Abdullah3

The Technology of Cultivating Agricultural Crops Based on Ortho photomaps, Digital and 3-D Surface Models
A. B. Abuova1, S. A. Tulkubayeva2, Yu. V. Tulayev3, S. V. Somova4, M. B. Tashmukhamedov5

A Novel Design of Synchronous Counter for Low Power and High-Speed Applications
Kuruvilla John1, Vinod Kumar R. S.2, Kumar S. S.3

Cervical Cancer Prediction using Naïve Bayes Classification
Mansvi Girdonia1, Ruchi Garg2, Pooja Jeyabashkharan3, M.S. Minu4

Design and Analysis of Micro strip Circular Ring Band Stop Filter
Govardhani. Immadi1, M. Venkata Narayana2, A. Navya3, Y.D. S Sairam4, K. Shrimanth5

Detection and Prevention Approach to SQLi and Phishing Attack using Machine Learning
J.Jagadessan1, Akshat Shrivastava2, Arman Ansari3, Laxmi Kanta Kar4, Mukul Kumar5

Human Emotion Recognition with Morphological Segmentation of Facial Features Using Elm
Sahaya Sakila V1, Harini V2, Prahelika V3, Sneka I4

Developing a context for Security and Privacy in Decentralized Trading based Block chain technology
S.Arun Kumar1, Nagineni Dharani2, J.Buvanambigai3, S.Mallikharjuna Rao4, A.Satya Raghava5

Assessment of Changes in the Biological Indicators of Brown Forest Soil When Polluted with Modern Biocides
Yuliya Viktorovna Akimenko1, Olga Viktorovna Chuvaraeva2, Kamil Shagidullovich Kazeev3, Sergey Il’ich Kolesnikov4

Implementing Frequent Item set Mining by Overcoming Over-Scan Problems
Srinivasa Rao Divvela1, V Sucharita2

Wearable Antennas Using Different Substrates
D. Prabhakar1, V.V.K.D.V. Prasad2, T. Sai Ramcharan3, T. VamsiSai4, Y. Pravallika5, K. Anil Kumar6

A New Method of Five Level Single-Stage Power Factor Correction of AC–DC Converter for Industry Applications
M Rama Prasad Reddy1, Karanam Deepak2, Y Hazarathaiah3

E-Voting using a Decentralized Ethereum Application
V. Arun1, Aditya Dutta2, Sourav Rajeev3, Rohan Varghese Mathew4

Performance Evaluation of Free Space Optics Using Different Modulation Techniques at Various Link Ranges
A. Sree Madhuri1, Govardhani Immadi2, V. Mounika3, A. Tarun Teja4, T. Aakash5, N. Sai Srinivasa6

Classification of Magnetic Resonance Images Using Eight Directions Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (8dglcm) Based Feature Extraction
P. Santhi1, G. Mahalakshmi2

Bias Detection in Predictive Models Using Fairml
Vijay Kumawat1, Vaibhav Bangwal2, Lavanya K3

Enterprise Architecture Embrace Digital Technology in Malaysian Transportation Industry
Mailasan Jayakrishnan1, Abdul Karim Mohamad2, Abu Abdullah3

A Nuclei Segmentation Method Based on Butterfly Algorithm for H& Estained Images
Venubabu Rachapudi1, G. Lavanya Devi2, N. Sai Chaitanya3

Multi Objective Scheduling Optimization in Flexible Manufacturing System by Jaya Algorithm
B. Satish Kumar1, G. Janardhana Raju2, G. RangaJanardhana3

Statistical Framework for Effective Retrieval of Images based on Content
Subash Chandra Chadalavada1, Srinivas Yarramalle2

Improved Prediction of Diabetes based on Glucose Levels in blood using Data Science Algorithms
Sowjanya V1, Divyambica CH2, Gopinath P3, Vamsidhar M4, B.Vijaya Babu5, Professor6

Test and Analysis of High-Performance Microprocessor Through Power Binning Method
S. Rooban1, K. Sarath Kumar2, K. Ravi Shankar3, N. Udaya Bhaskara Rao4

IoT for Baggage Tracking in Smart Cities
T. Pavan Kumar1, Y.Shilpa Sri2, D.Pravallika3, A.Harshavardhan4

Parametric Appraisal for Surface Roughness of Tool Steel While Turning Using Taguchi Method
Vikas Sharma1, Anuj Kumar2, Viyat Varun Upadhyay3

Comparative Seismic Analysis of Conventional and RCC Tube in Tube Structure with Pentagonal and Hexagonal Geometry Subjected To Lateral Loads in Different Zones
Sindhu Nachiar S1, Anandh S2, Sai Pavithra S3, Lakhan Kumar Saini4, Elina Thomas5, Boojith C S6

Plagiarism Detection in Source Code Using Machine Learning
S. Priya1, Anukul Dixit2, Krishanu Das3, Ronak Harish Patil4

A Compact Uniplanar Triple Band Asymmetric Coplanar Strip (ACS) Fed Monopole Antenna for Wireless Applications
Tanweer Ali1, Reshma Roy2, Apurva Singh3, Om Prakash Kumar4

Consumer Attitude Towards Snacking Among Adolescence
Dayanand Peter1, P. Xavier2, Reny Susan Philip3

Secure File Storage in Cloud using Transparent Cryptography Algorithm
Preethi V1, Sudharsan K2, Ajay Baskar KH3, Sushil Ram T4

The Impact of Streaming Data Noise Reduction by using Chunk Based Ensemble
Vishal Jaulkar1, Nalini N2

An Interactive GPS And RFID Based Receptacle Security System
G. Maanasa1, K. Raghava Rao2, L. Anjali3, P. Satyannarayana4

Decolourization and COD removal from Textile Waste Water by Chemical, Adsorption and Biological Treatment Methods
S.Kabilashasundari1, T.Nirmal kumar2, B.Naveen Karthik3, J.Oliver Paul Nayagam4, S.Dhanasekar5

Environmental Assessment of Marine and Estuarine Waters along the Coast of Thoothukudi City
J. Oliver Paul Nayagam1, D. Justus Reymond2, S.Kabilashasundari3, B. Naveen Karthik4, S. Ramesh5

Emotion Recognition System based on Facial Expressions
Abhilasha Dey1, T.Sujithra2, Barsha Anand3

The Usability of “Keepin” Collect the Trash: Virtual Reality Educational Game in Android Smartphone for Children
Endah Sudarmilah1, Rafiqa Maharani Putri Siregar2

An Efficient Scheme to Enhance Security of Cloud Storage by Division of Data
Rudragoud Patil1, R. H. Goudar2

Medicare Mobile Applications Implemented Using Android
S. Muthuselvan1, S. Rajaprakash2, K. Karthik3, R. Jaichandran4, Suman Sharan5

Phytomelioration as a Factor of Increasing Fertility, Productivity of Crop Rotation and Improving Soil Moisture Dynamics of Southern Black Soil
Anatoliy Petrovich Solodovnikov1, Dmitriy Aleksandrovich Upolovnikov2, Fedor Petrovich Chetverikov3, Batyr Zainullinovich Shagiev4, Konstantin Igorevich Pimonov5

Digital Inheritance of Social Media Accounts
Elena Anatolyevna Kirillova1, Albert V. Pavlyuk2, Oleg Evgenyevich Blinkov3, Elena Victorovna Blinkova4, Elina Leonidovna Sidorenko5

Development of Systems for Managing Small Innovation Enterprises
N. A. Lukasheva1, A. E. Gorokhova2, V. D. Sekerin3, S. V. Bank4, N. V. Gayduk5

Popularization of Science via Mass Media in the Russian Federation Today
Fatimet Nalbievna Khuako1, Anzhelika Ruslanovna Кumpilova2

Concession Agreements and Life Cycle Contracts in the Transport Infrastructure: Challenges for Successful Implementation
Evgenii Ponomarenko

The Use of Training Devices in the Strength Training of Disabled Athletes
Larisa Vladimirovna Byankina1, Alla Vasilyevna Khotimchenko2, Irina Mikhailovna Vorotilkina3, Maria Mikhaylovna Prokopyeva4, Alla Georgiyevna Kornilova5

Characteristics of the Impact of an Innovative Information Economy on Employment
Olga Nikolaevna Denisova1, Olga Vladimirovna Karsuntseva2

Accounting and Evaluating Soil Fertility to Form Information Systems for Land Resource Management
Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Yanyuk1, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Tarbaev2, Ravil Rasimovich Gafurov3, Maxim Igorevich Morozov4, Galina Olegovna Lipidina5

Adaptation of the Machine Vision System to Environmental Conditions
Marija Olegovna Korljakova1, Vladislav Olegovich Miloserdov2

Technical and Legal Means of Controlling Self-Regulation in Construction
Renata Romanovna Lenkovskaya1, Natalya Aleksandrovna Savtsova2, Andrei Andreevich Smagin3, Maria Alexandrovna Volkova4, Mikhail Mikhailovich Turkin5

Sources and Options for the Formation of Renal Human Veins
Edgar Sabirovich Kafarov1, Larisa Albertovna Udochkina2, Khizir Mukhidinovich Bataev3, Sergei Vladimirovich Fedorov4

Creating a model for commercialization of innovations in the software industry
Katerina Yordanova Kozludzhova

Smart Metering in Smart Grid
Purusharth Semwal1, Sourish Palit2, Shlok Indulkar3, S.Senthilmurugan4

Prognostication of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using Supervised Machine Learning Models
N V Ganapathi Raju1, Karanam Madhavi2, G Sravan Kumar3, G Vijendar Reddy4, Kunaparaju Latha5, K Lakshmi Sushma6

Object Identification to Assist Visually Challenged
Sreenu Ponnada1, Srinivas Yarramalle2

Statistical Accuracy of Authentication with Biometrics
S. Renuka1, N. Suresh Kumar2

A Survey on Machine Learning Model for Building Efficient Agriculture Management System in Cloud Computing
Namita Naganur1, Kuldeep Sambrekar2, Vijay S. Rajpurohit3

Stock Market Prediction using Machine Learning Concepts
Vidhyavani. A1, Deepak Adithya. K. N.2, Sateesh N.3, Vignesh Kannan4

Application of Informatics and Collaboration Platform for Ngos
E. Saraswathi1, Yash Senjaliya2, Soumya Shekhar Jana3

Using of EM-Technology (Effective Microorganism) For Increasing The Productivity of Calves
Alexey Belookov1, Oksana Belookova2,Vitaliy Zhuravel3, Svetlana Gritsenko4, Irina Bobyleva5, Evgenia Ermolova6, Sergey Ermolov7, Yulia Matrosova8, Maksim Rebezov9, Evgeny Ponomarev10

Stock Market Prediction using Artificial Intelligence
P. Subashini1, Ameer Naseh2, Rohan Hazra3, Rohan Grover4

An Experimental Study on the Effects of Recycled Concrete Consisting of Recycled Aggregates in Place of Natural Aggregates
Achit Chakma1, J. Rajprasad2, Deepak Mohan Nambiar3

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Humanoids
Abhishek Warrier1, Arpit Kapoor2, T. Sujithra3

Future Power Quality Issues 
Tomina Thomas1, Prawin Angel Michael2

An Experimental Study on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete Having Recycled Aggregates in Place of Natural Coarse Aggregates at Different Replacement Percentages
Deepak Mohan Nambiar1, J. Rajprasad2, Achit Chakma3

Structural and Semantic Features of Three-Component Complex Sentences of Successive Subordination in Russian and Romano-Germanic Mathematical Texts
Elena Borisovna Volkova1, Irina Alexandrovna Remennikova2, Elena Alexeevna Vecherinina3

Selecting an Enterprise Development Strategy Using Machine Learning Methods
Mikhail Leizerovich Krichevsky1, Julia Anatolevna Martynova2

An Analysis of the Potential for Employing the Methods of Project Management for the Purposes of Strategic Planning
Vera Kirillovna Romanovich1, Elena Vladimirovna Yudina2, Aleksandra Georgievna Panova3, Tatyana Nikolaevna Lustina4, Elena Nikolaevna Podsevalova5, Shakhlo Sobirovna Zikirova6

Real-Time Health Monitoring System using IoT and Mobile Applications
S. Aarthi1, R. Gayathri2

A Novel Methodology to Ameliorate the Transient Loading of Low Dropout Regulators (LDRs)
Ahmed A. Afifi1, Mohamed B. El_Mashade2, T. E. Dabbous3

Waste Paper Ash Pellets as Coarse Aggregate Replacement in Concrete
Mohd Syahrul Hisyam Mohd Sani1, Muhammad Isha Ismail2, Marzuki Ab Rahman3, Fadhluhartini Muftah4

Evaluation of Performance of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Durability Aspects
P. Amsayazhi1, K. Saravana Raja Mohan2, R. Sowmiya3, S. Kamalavani7

Experimental Investigation on Strength Characteristics of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete
P. Amsayazhi1, K. Saravana Raja Mohan2, S. Kamalavani3, R. Sowmiya4

Prediction of Humidity Depending on Temperature with Low Error Rate using regression model
Pinki Sagar1, Prinima Gupta2, Indu Kashyap3

Quantum Chemical and spectroscopic (FT-IR, FT Raman, NMR and UV) analysis of Antibiotic drug Sulfachloropyridazine
ShaikJaheerBasha1, S.P. Vijaya Chamundeeswari2, H.Umamahesvari3

Reduction of Cogging Torque of Surface Mounted Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor with Slot Shifting Technique
Amit N. Patel1, Bhavik N. Suthar2

Issues and Technologies of Enforcement of the Constitutional Status of the Child
Yurij Ilyich Skuratov1, Maria Sergeyevna Lavrentieva2, Evgeny Sergeevich Kuchenin3

Prediction of Brain Tumor Image Segmentation using MRG and GLCM Algorithms
A.Srinivasa Reddy1, P. Chenna Reddy2

Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Parameter Optimization Algorithm in Cognitive Radio System
Kanne Naveen1, Yedunuri Shekar2

Technology of Establishing an Inheritance Fund
Svetlana Jurievna Starodumova1, Lubov Borisovna Sitdikova2, Alla Andreevna Neznamova3, Maria Alexandrovna Volkova4

Cheat Immune visual Cryptography for Secure Transmission of Images
Ranjan Kumar H S1, Sampath Kini2, Akshatha L3, Deeksha B G4

Food and Fitness Using Machine Learning
J. Sivapriya1, Soumen Mukherjee2

Classification of Lung CT Images using BRISK Features
B. Sambasivarao1, G Prathiba2

An FPGA Based Implementation of SIFT Algorithm
T.Kavya1, R .Menaka2

An Operational Strategy for an Energy Storage System in a Renewable Supported PHEV Charging Station
B. Nagarjuna Reddy1, A. Chandra Sekhar Reddy2, G. Swapna3

Load Forecasting Using Linear Quadratic Estimator
N. Seshakumar1, P. Dhanakrishna2, S. Rajasekhar3, M Nagachaitanya4

Performance Enhancement of Asynchronous Machine with Super Capacitor
Malligunta Kiran Kumar1, DhanekulaVallisa Datta2, T Vijay Muni3

A Dual Wireless Power Transfer-Based Battery Charging System for Electric Vehicles
S. Ravi Teja1, Sk.Moulali2, M. Nikhil3, B. Ventaka Srinivas4

A Six Servo Six DOF Position Controlled Platform for Sorting Application
Ramanjaneyulu Bade1, B V Ramana2, Kalyan Dusarlapudi3

Active ROCOF Relay for Islanding Detection & Compensation of Power Quality Issues by D-STATCOM
P Vikas1, S Parthasarathy2, K V Siva Reddy3

Forecasting of Solar PV Output Power using Artificial Neural Network
M Vasudha1, Sudha Dukkipati2, S Hari Chandhan3

Direct Torque Control of Sensorless BLDC Motor Using Artificial Neural Networks
N. Jayanth1, P.V.N.R. Varunteja2, T. Teja Sreenu3

Multi Terminal Transmission Line Fault Detection using ANN and Wavelet Packet Decomposition
Sushma Munnangi1, S Mohan Krishna2, Y Srinivasa Rao3

Performance Analysis of PI & Fuzzy Based UPQC for Power Quality Improvement
A J V Sai Krishna1, J Somlal2

Emergency Driving Assistance for Debilitating Drivers
Savya Nidhi1, D. Sri Sai Praveen2, M.V Rama Krishna3, Raju Anitha4

Performance Analysis for Node Recovery and Forward Node Move Algorithm on Channel Models
Deepak v Biradar1, Nataraj K.R2

Evaluation and Prediction of Common Patterns Found In Public Accessed Data on Social Network.
Mohammad Shabaz1, Urvashi Garg2

Forays into Decision Tree Learning Methods Review of Methods and Tools
Pravin S. Game1, Vinod Vaze2, Emmanuel M.3

Differential Evolution Based PID Controller For Three Tank Level Process
K.Vijaya Lakshmi1, P.Srinivas2, Sk.Harshad3

Heart Disease Prediction with PCA and SRP 
Bandari Sai Santosh1, Dharma Sahith Reddy2, M Sai Vardhan3, Dr. Shaik Subhani4

Improved Image Captioning Using Associative Correlation
M.S. Minu1, Akilan Ganesan2, Ram Abhilash V3, M Mageswaran4

Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of AA 7075-T6 during Underwater Frictionstir Welding Process
Shahabuddin1, V.K Dwivedi2, Akash Sharma3

Application of Thermodynamic Model to Mix Design of Stabilized Soils
Huu Nam Nguyen1, Van Quan Tran2, Anh Quan Ngo3, Canh Tung Ngo4

Anomaly Detection Model Training for New York Times Bestseller Fiction Novels
M. Madhuram1, Chinmaya Joshi2, Ananthajith TCA3, Anoushka Dutta4

A Quick Recognition of Duplicates Utilizing Progressive Methods
G. Vijendar Reddy1, Sukanya Ledalla2, K Lakshmi Sushma3, Pavithra Avvari4, K Sandeep5, Y Jeevan Nagendra Kumar6

Design and Analysis of Variable Compression Ratio Connecting Rod
P. Prithivi Raj1, P. Suresh Kumar Gupta2, P. Praveen Kumar3, K. Rohit4, G. Paramesh5

Simulation and Comparison of Various Cantilever Beam For Pressure Sensor
R. S. Ernest Ravindran1, P. Mukul Sai2, R. Ajay Kanth3, K. Rajesh4, R. N. R. C. Tejaswini5, A. Panduranga6

Transfer Learning Based Prototype for Zero-Day Attack Detection
Nerella Sameera1, M. Shashi2

Experimental Study on Light Weight Bricks Prepared from Papercrete by Partial Replacement of Opc With Slag
M. Bhuvaneshwari1, P. Krithika2

Assesment of Day to Day Global Solar Radiation in Tropical Region of Tamil Nadu using Anfis Soft – Computing Technique
V.Annapeachi1, G.S.Gayathri2

Blockchain Enabled DNA Banking and Comparative Analysis Using Hyperledger Fabric
Preethi V.1, Saurav Surve2

Performance Analysis of IoT based Smart Agriculture System
G Ramprabu1, S. Sivakami2, M Kanmani3

Performance Evaluation of AODV Routing Protocol with Energy Effectiveness in MANETs
M Prasad1, G Ramprabu2, A V S M Ganesh3

Data Fault Detection Algorithm for Binary Sensor Networks
Vaishali S. Deshmukh1, Arvind V. Deshpande2, Parikshit N. Mahalle3

A CPW Fed Dual band Monopole Antenna for Wireless Applications
Tanweer Ali1, Trapti Balgi2, Sushma Kumari3, Om Prakash Kumar4, Mohammad Saadh AW5

Design, Simulation and Performance Analysis of Novel Cantilever Rf-Mems Switch Using Serpentine Meanders
N. Siddaiah1, Vamsi Aravind Swamy Tentu2, MD. Z Rehman3

The Architecture of e-Notification Utilizes Short Message Service to Improve Community Health Centers Services
Rendra Gustriansyah1, Nazori Suhandi2, Ahmad Sanmorino3

The Scope of Multi Cast Video Conferencing by the Development of an Internet Gate Way
D.C. Kumaresan1, V.Jayakumar2

Efficient Cell Sizing Of Single Precision Floating Point ALU for DSP Applications
D.V.Sivasai1, N.Srinivasulu2, Dr. P Satyanarayana3, D.Kondamacharyulu4

Analytical and Experimental Study of RC Beam Column Joint with Steel Slag Aggregate
Ponmani K P1, Sugumar k2, Vasugi V3

Analyzing the Behavior of Reactive Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks Using TCP Mode of Connection
N. Thirupathi Rao1, Debnath Bhattacharyya2, V. Madhusudhan Rao3, Tai-hoon Kim4

Hybrid FBAR Resonator Using ZNO Patterns And Study using 2D FEM Simulation
Kireeti Sarvardhapu1, G. Sai Krishna2

Learning To Read: An Investigation on Reading Strategies Used By First Year Undergraduate Students
P Anu1, P Bhaskaran Nair2

Analysis & Classification of Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
M Selvi1, P M Joe Prathap2

Method of Calculation of a Weakly Clay Base Strengthened By Sand from a Circuit with a Curvilinear Cushion
Andrey N. Kraev1, Aleksey N. Kraev2, Ekaterina A. Varlakova3, Mariya I. Sharnopolskaya4

Comparison of Carbon Dioxide Removal Methods From Ground Waters
Olga V. Sidorenko1, Anna A. Shkileva2, Elena S. Smirnova3

Modeling of Nine Level Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter Fed Induction Motor with front end Rectifier
A. Arther jain1, T. Chandra sekar2, B. Justus rabi3, S.S. Darly4

A Novel Analysis and Modelling of ide-Sharing Services in Real Time
R Angeline1, G Guru Prakaash2, D Praveen Kumar3, Divya Lakshmi A P4, Arya A5

Data Security in Cloud Computing Using Encryption, Steganography and Image Compression
A. Aruna1, Inmita Abhishikta Behera2, Bhuvaneswari. K3, Preethi.G4

Detection of Manipulated Images using Convolutional Neural Network
R. Sathya1, Abhijit Kumar Sanu2, Avinash Singh3, Saurav Chaurasia4, Vishal Agrawal5

Hand Gesture Controlling Device 
Shiela David1, V. Tharun2, D. Maheswar Reddy3, A.U Mani Vinay4

Human Activity Recognition using Smartphone Sensor Dataset
V Arun1, Hariharan T.A2, K.V Srihari3, M. Abhijeet Sriram4

Sentiment Analysis: From Opinion Mining to Human-Agent Interaction
Adlene Ebenezer P.1, Srijan Saumya2, Anand Kumar3, Sumit Saikia4, Abhishek Raj5

A Study on “Placement Cell Management System”
Vivek Agarwal1, Rajat Bansal2

Network analysis of intrusion detection based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Anurag Busha1, Vakeesh Kanna2, Sagar Naidu3, Sathya R4

Quality of Chrome Plated Compression Rings: An Empirical Study
Sashikala Parimi1, Srinivaasa Vijay Datta Banoor2, Pavan Kishore. M. L3

Low Cost Border Alert System for Indian Fishermen using RFID in Microwave Range
A. Jayakumar1, S. Sundaresan2, S. Vetrivel3

Cloud Runtime Framework for User-Level Security Auditing for the Cloud System
Tejas Sohani1, S. Pandiaraj M.E2, Jay Patel3, Abhishek Samal4, Aranish Dutta5

Intelligent Prognostics Model for Disease Prediction and Classification from Dermoscopy Images using a Convolutional Neural Network
Ankita Tyagi1, Ritika Mehra2, Aditya Kishore Saxena3

Finger Vein Biometric Identification using Convolutional Neural Network and Electromyography
MS Antony Vigil1, Prashant Kumar2, Preetam Sarmah3, Rushab Kumar Jha4, Prashant Baheti5

Handwritten Digit Recognition Accuracy Comparison of Various Techniques
Arun.V1, Abinesh P2, Akash Kumar S3, Arvind Kumar D.R4

Effect of Reinforcement and Volume Fraction on Mechanical Behaviour of AA7075/B4C/Fly-ash MMCp
Pradyumna Vishwakarma1, Sanjay Soni2, P M Mishra3

Constructing Knowledge Taxonomy from E-learning Portal for higher Learning Institution
Subashka Ramesh1, Aubhro Manna2, Naveen Bakshi3, Neil Thakkar4, Anurag Tiwari5

Enhanced Learning with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
S. Nandhini1, Chinmay Bhatt2, Raunak Pal3, S. Venkatesh4

Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Al 6061 Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced with Aloe Vera Powder
Ch. Hima Gireesh1, K.Ramji2

Retina Resistivity Analyzer
Ravada Aamani1, Rudra Pratap Das2, A. Sampath Dakshina Murthy3

A Leakage Power Aware Transmission Gate Level Shifter
Srinivasulu Gundala

Teaching Faculty Hassle Factors Analysis in Private Educational Institution in India Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process
S. Rajapraksh1, S. Muthuselvan2, Jaishankar3, Saiuf.S4, Aravindan.R5

Finite Element Analysis of Plain and Corrugated Walled Steel Silo subjected to Patch Load
G.Indupriya1, K.Saravana Raja Mohan2, P.Amsayazhi3, Arathi Krishna4

Extracting Sql Query Using Natural Language Processing
Nandhini S1, B.Viruthika2, Almas Saba3, Suman Sangeeta Das4

Development of IoT based Garbage Management System using NodeMCU
Paleti Surya Teja1, Motapothula Murali Krishna2, Venkata Ratnam Kolluru3

A Novel Approach to Understand the Future of Chatbots for Medical Assistance
Gayatri Nair1, Soumya Johnson2, Akshit Verma3, S. Aarthi4

Performance Analysis of Support Vector Machine in Defective and Non Defective Mangoes Classification
Neeraj Kumari1, D. Ashutosh Kr. Bhatt2, Rakesh Kr. Dwivedi3, Rajendra Belwal4

Design of Low Power Comparator and Binary Code Encoder for 5 Bit Parallel Adc
V. Narasimha Nayak1, Venkata Ratnam Kolluru2, B.Manisha3, M.Surya Teja4, V.Sowjanya Ch.Naveen5

K-means and Particle Swarm Optimization based Color Constancy of Images
Ankita1, Manish K Thakur2, Tribhuwan Kumar Tewari3

Enhanced IoT Accessing Security 
Kakani Divya1, Vinod Kumar.J2, Raja Sujana.j3, T.Pavan Kumar4

Pharmaceutical Dispensary System for Hospitals and Pharmacies Using Embedded System and Cloud Computing
SahayaSakila V1, Aditya Rohan Das2, Dhananjay Narayan3, Yashaswi Rahut4

Class Level Feature Depth Measure Based Fuzzy Cluster Model for Efficient Disease Prediction using Data mining
B.V. Baiju1, D. John Aravindhar2

NUTXO: A Potent Transaction Tracing System using Centralized Block chain Model
Mohit Dodhia1, Ashwin2, Anudeep3, Aditya Jain4, Arun Kumar5

Random Forest Analysis of Job Satisfaction
Jackulin Mahariba A.1, Tanvi Mahajan2, Sparsh Heda3

A Novel Methodology for Detecting the Network Obtrusion Based on Deep Learning
M. Prabu1, Ch. Sai Chaitanya2, Chandini Singh3, Ritu Gupta4, Pranjal Sharma5

Circular Ring Loaded Flower Shaped Antenna for Triple Band Applications
S. S. Mohan Reddy1, A. Manjusha2, K. Aruna Kumari3, B.T.P Madhav4, B. Prudhvi5

Steady State Analysis of Electric Field Distribution for Hybrid Power Transmission Corridor of Indian Power Grid
Brajagopal Datta1, Saibal Chatterjee2

Optimal Control in Distribution System using Intentional Islanding Mode of Operation
K.Vasu1, A. Naveen Kumar2, T. Anil Kumar3

Quantification of Potential Benefits to Punjab’s DS Consumers from On-Grid Type Solar Systems
Ricky Garg

Wireless Standard Identification Based on Extended Radial Basis Function Neural Network in Cognitive Radio Het Nets
Monika Tulsyan1, Seemanti Saha2, Rajarshi Bhattacharya3

Regular Filter, Associated Filter and Their Properties
Mary Elizabeth Antony1, Sabna K.S2, Mangalambal N.R3

Talent-Technology Face-Off in The Age of Digital Transformation
M.V.N. Naga Lakshmi1, T. Vijayakumar2, Y.V.N. Sai Sricharan3

An Enhanced Prediction Model for Essential Proteins Prediction for Human Diseases
D. Narmadha1, A. Pravin2

Impact of Priority, Non-Priority Sector Loans on The Performance of Nationalized Banks in India
G. Narayana Swamy1, N. Gopinathan2

PHISH SAFE GURAD-Phishing Detection: Enhance Anti-Phishing System Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Vidya Mhaske Dhamdhere1, Sandeep Vanjale2

Evaluation Of Performance Degradation Due To The Presence Of Bottleneck Intermediate Node In Communication Path In Manet
Arshad Ahmad Khan Mohammad1, Towheed Sultana2

Flood Hazard Zonation of Imphal River, Manipur, India,Using Aws Data
Lenin Laikangbam1, Chandramani Loukrakpam2, Thangjam Somchand Singh3

Time Correction Reliability of Satellite Position for Precise Navigation
M. Sushma keerthi1, V. N. B. Mounika2, R. Jessy3, P. Manmitha4, K. S. Ramesh5, R. Revathi6, K. Uday kiran7

Spatial Multiplexing in Massive MIMO with QPSK
Ch. Vandana1, U.V. Sai Sasank2, K. Sai kumar3

Introducing of Mass Rapid Transit System (BRT) by using Aggregate and Disaggregate Models
Khalil Ahmad Kakar1, C.S.R.K Prasad2

Impact Analysis on E-Bike Chassis Frame
P. N. V balasubramanyam1, A.Sai Nadh2, P.Monika3, Ch.Raghava4

Modal Analysis On Go-Kart Chassis
P. N. V Bala Subramanyam1, B Nageswara Rao2, R.Leela Prakash3, D.S.K. Rajavardhan4, B.S.K. Sankarudu5, P. Ganesh6

Adaptive Scheduling Mechanism in Cloud
Manisha T. Tapale1, R. H. Goudar2, Mahantesh N. Birje3

Smart Application in Agriculture using IoT
V P Krishna Anne1, Pantangi Harshita2, Boddu Bharath Sai Krishna3, Siddhartha Challapallin4

Smart Water Flow Tracking System
P. Subashini1, V. Naga Sumanth2, V. Kireeti3

Bioenergy Generating Firms of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana State – Are They in Revivial Stage? (A Comparative study of Working Capital Management)
Sayyad Saadiq Ali1, K. Hema Divya2

Home Automation and Monitoring Elderly People using IoT
A.Likhitha1, K.Raghava Rao2, K.L.Thirupathamma3, P.Satyanarayana4

ECDSA Algorithm for Cloud Security 
B.Gahani Nath1, B.B.V.Satya Varaprasad2, K.Sai Manidhar3, Sridevi Sakhamuri4

CNN Based Brain Tumor Detection
Harshini Badisa1, Madhavi Polireddy2, Aslam Mohammed3

Simulations of Some Scenarios of Management and Restoration of Berrechid Aquifer (Morocco)
Karima El Bouqdaoui1, Mostafa Aachib2

Reduction of Cogging Torque of Radial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors with Application of Dual Permanent Magnet Materials
Tejas H. Panchal & Amit N. Patel1, Rajesh M. Patel2

Offline Handwriting Recognition on Hindi using CNN RNN Hybrid Network
A. Balamurali1, Nacode Vidheesh Kumar2, Aniket Yadav3, Rushikesh Deshmukh4

Customer Centric Sales Analysis and Prediction
Shiwani Joshi1, Lavi Samuel Rao2, B. Ida Seraphim3

ATM Using Biometrics (IRIS) 
Shiela David1, Gopal Sharma2, Amlan Jyoti Baruah3, Shubham Sharma4

Enabling Cloud Database Security Using Third Party Auditor
S Pandiaraj1, Aishwarya2, Surbhi3, Alisha Minj4, Priyanshu Singh5

Stocks Prediction Using Auto Arima & LSTM
Vidhya Vani1, Nitheesh Varma2, Lakshman3, Gopi Krishna4

Modeling And Optimization For Nitrogen Liquefaction With Subcooling And Air Separation Unit From Air
Animesh Saini1, Surajit Ghosh2, Sayan Kar3, Pranta Sutradhar4, Sourav Poddar5

Block chain based Application to Curb Hoaxes on Social Media using Decentralized Voting System
Parimi Shiva Kalyan1, V. Kakulapati2, Parimi Arvind3

Employee Engagement through HRD Practices on Employee Satisfaction and Employee Loyalty: An Empirical evidence from Indian IT industry
T. Suhasini1, Kalpana.Koneru2

Region Proficient Stochastic Computing Based 4- Tap Fir Filter for Dsp Applications
N.Srinivasulu1, P. Teja2, Priyadarsini. M3, V. Arunkumar4,V. Venkatesh5

Implementation of High Performance 2D Transform using Area Efficient Even Odd Decomposition Methodology for Future Video Coding
P. Srikanth Reddy1, Y.Viswanadh2, M. Sridhar3

Emotion Analysis by Deep Learning Methods using Convolutional Neural Network
Pelash Choudhary1, Shravan Vijay2, Sathya R3

The Improved Optimized Skyline Queries over Global Data
P.Venkateswara Rao1, Katta Divija2, Y.Sarah Sunitha3

A Robust Method for Finding Somatic Mutations to form Clusters
T Bala Murali Krishna1, Anuradha Chokka2, S Phani Praveen3, K Venkatesh4

Master Aodv Algorithm to Detect and Prevent Worm-Hole Attack in Manet
K.Madhuri1, N.Kasiviswanath2

Improving Cloud Data Storage Performance Based on Calculating Score using Data Transfer Rate Between the Internetwork Drives
G Sreeram1, Manoj Kumar Kanumuri2, Meghana Bodduluri3

Transmission Line Loss Allocation by Using Cuckoo Search Technique
P V Charan Theja1, K Sarada2, Nur Atiqah Binti Abdul Rahman3

Deployment of a Secured Web Application using Cryptanalysis in Cloud Environment
L Hemanth Reddy1, Y Thamognudu2, G Sreeram3

Detecting and Analyzing the Malicious Linux Events using Filebeat and ELK Stack
J Bhuvanesh Babu1, Srinivas Prasad2, Gudapati Syam Prasad3

UDD based Procedure for Record Deduplication over Digital Storage Systems
Shaik Anjumun Jabeen1, Y Prasanth2, Gudapati Syam Prasad3

Securing Cloud Data using Face Recognition and Deep Learning
B.Konda Reddy1, Ch.Nikhil2, Manoj Kolluri3, K.Ruth Ramya4, Venkata Naresh Mandhala5

Classification of 72 Melakartha ragas using PAM clustering method: Carnatic Music
K. Praveen kumar1, P.Subbarao2, Venkata Naresh Mandhala3, Debrup Banerjee4

Speech Emotion Recognition using Cross Correlational Database with Feature Fusion Methodology
G. Chandrika Sri Lakshmi1, K. Sri Sundeep2, G. Yaswanth3, Niranjan S R Mellacheruvu4, Swarna Kuchibhotla5, Venkata Naresh Mandhala6

Recognition of Zeroday Exploit
Mareedu Lakshmi Vihari1, K Amarendra2, Navvrula Anusha3

Performance Analysis on Datasets and Heterogenous Defect Prediction through Machine Learning
Y Prasanth1, B Yamini Supriya2, M Tharun Kumar3, P Y S Surya Teja4

Alcohol Detection and Ignition Interlock System
Sadhana B1, Yashwanth Nanduru2, L Vihari3, Ravi Kumar T4, Venkata Naresh Mandhala5

Enhanced Sentiment Analysis using Software Engineering with Machine Learning Algorithm
J.Satish Babu1, B.Jahnavi2, P.SaiAnusha3, S.Sai Manisha4, M.N Darshini5, G. Krishna Mohan6

Mechanisation in Paddy Farming – Paradigm Shift in the Farmers Perception: An Empirical Analysis
A. Naga Bhushan1, M. Sivakoti Reddy2

Evaluation of Four Wave Mixing using Optical Phase Conjugation (OPC) for Dispersion Compensation
Rudra Bhanu Satpathy1, J. Sunil Gavaskar2

Grasshopper Optimization and Clustering Based Web Page Personalization
P.Pranitha1, M.A.H. Farquad2, G. Narshimha3

Role of HRD Practices on Organizational Performance – A Study with reference to the General Insurance Companies in Andhra Pradesh
M. Sivakoti Reddy1, B. Naga Raju2, N. Venkateswarlu3

Role of Perceived Risk in Mutual Funds Selection Behavior: An Analysis among the Selected Mutual Fund Investors
Ch. Hymavathi1, Kalpana. Koneru2

A Study on Stress Management With Reference To Dhana Lakshmi Textile Limited
Ch. Lakshmi Narahari1, Kalpana.Koneru2

An Innovative Model-Based Approach for Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Predictive Analysis and Logical Regression
S. Praveen Kumar1, A. Sahithi Choudary2

Statistical Analysis in The Aerodynamic Forces and Moments Measurement in Indonesian Low-Speed Wind Tunnel

Securing Android Applications from Known Vulnerabilities through Penetration Testing
Putra Venkata Raju1, K V S N Rama Rao2, Gudapati Syam Prasad3

A Novel Ultra-Wide Band CPW Fed Printed Antenna for IoT Wireless Applications
V Subba Reddy1, Vipul Agarwal2, M Siva Ganga Prasad3, B T P Madhav4, M. Bhavana5, N. Nikilesh6, A.D.V. Surya Prasad7, B. Jayaram8

Optimization of Load Frequency with Inertia Based Wind Farm Control
L Hari Krishna1, P.Sri Vidya Devi2, R. Vijaya Santhi3