Volume-9 Issue-1S6, December 2019
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Volume-9 Issue-1S6, December 2019, ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Performance Assessment of Solar Powered Smart Drip Irrigation System using Arduino
P. Lenin Pugalhanthi1, R. Senthil Kumar2, B. Rajesh Kumar3, E. Sneha4
PV Based Grid System for Power Quality Enhancement using Instantaneous P-Q Theory
Suresh K. P1, Ramesh S2
Blast-Transition Domination for the – Obrazom of Zero Divisor Graph over Ring Zn
P. Raja Kumari1, K. Ameenal Bibi2
Bananaroot Waste Valorization as Alternative Fuel
S. Raji1, D. D. Sarode2
Performance Analysis of Image Processing in Hexagonal Grid Based on Image Compression, Denoising and Steganography
Jeevan K. M.1, Padmaja V. K.2, Anne Gowda A. B.3, S. Krishnakumar4
Secured Intrusion Detection System Energy Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
Rajendra Prasad P.1, Shivashankar2
Structural, Optical and Electrical Analysis of Pentacene Thin Film
S. Sindhu1, K. Shree Krishna Kumar2
A Forest Change Detection using auto Regressive Model-Based Kernel Fuzzy Clustering
Madhuri Mulik1, V. Jayashree2, P . N. Kulkarni3
An Integrated Methods for Refined Facial-Image Retrieval using Sift and Click-Through Data
Mr. C. Balasubramanian1, J. Raja Sekar2
An Energy Efficient and Lifetime Ratio Improvement Methods Based on Energy Balancing
Niranjan L.1, Manoj Priyatham M.2
Lifetime and Energy Efficiency Improvement Techniques for Hierarchical Networks
Suhas A. R.1, Manoj Priyatham M.2
Awareness of Solid Waste Management and its Health Issues
Rajkumar P
Some Derived Sequences of K-Jacobsthal and K-Jacobsthal Lucas
T. Ragunathan1, G. Srividhya2
Major Developments in Visual Cryptography
Surajit Goon
Edge Vertex Prime Labeling of Union of Graphs
M. Simaringa1, S. Muthukumaran2
Examination of Phytochemicals, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Hemi Graph is Alternate
S. Agneeswari1, M. Jansi2
Efficient Hard Decision Fault Diagnosis using Scan Based Testing in Sequential Circuits
S.Vimal Raj1, E. Nandha Kumar2, V. S. Sanjana Devi3, C. Sakthivel4, K. Rajangam5
Characterization and Applications of Leaf Extracts of Hemi Graphis Alternate
S. Agneeswari1, M. Jansi2
Experimental Method of Ultrasonic Sensor for Ions and Solutions Discrimination and Identification
Abdellah Mrij1, Abdelmajid EL Bakkali2, Jaouad Foshi3
Development of Transparent and Flexible Transistor and Analysis of its Electrical and Optical Performances
Abdellah Mrij1, Abdelmajid EL Bakkali2, Jaouad Foshi3
Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Centella Asiatica
S. Agneeswari1, S. Amutha2, J. Jaya Arputha Jenishini3
Design of Parity Preserving Reversible DIF-FFT using 90nm Technology
Mhaboobkhan F1, Aishwarya K2
Antenna Selection for MIMO with Reduced Complexity
Deepika Patil1, B. Suryakanth2
Current Starving CMOS On-Chip Oscillator for Elapsed Time Counter
K. Ranjith Reddy
An Advanced Education Prognostic Miniature Exploitation Random Forest Technique
A. Laxmiprsanna1, P. Shirisha2
A Classical Methodology of AES Algorithm using Cipher Key
Laxmi Palamarthi1, C.Murali Krishna2
Designing of Counters using JK Flip-Flop in Quantum Dot Cellular Automata
E. Prashanthi1, H. Bhagya Laxmi2
Hierarchical Attribute-based Encryption Scheme to Secure Fog and IoT Communications
M. Anuradha1, P. Govindaraju2
Fractal Antenna Design for Overtaking on Highways in 5G Vehicular Communication Ad-hoc Networks Environment
Abdul Rahim1, Praveen Kumar Mallik2, V.A. Sankar Ponnapalli3
Smart Waste Management System using IBM Watson Services
Ch Tejasri
Pattern Reconginationand Security
K.V Rajesh
Automatic Path Maker for Emergency Vehicles
A. Radha Rani1, C.V.P.R. Prasad2, D.B.K. Kamesh3
Bigdata and Deep Learning: Using Python Keras Predict Patient Diabetes and Employee’s Wages Per Hour
C. Rajeev1, A. Damodar2
Strategy of Fuzzy Mapping using Fixed Point Theorem
J. Madhavi1, P. Sree Divya2, S. Satya Nagendra Rao3
Emerging Databases for Next Generation Big Data Applications
M. Sailaja1, V. Sundara Ratnam2, N. Baby Rani3
Expedite Knowledge in Minining with Resolute Applications
K. Preethi