International Conference on Digital Signal & Image Processing (ICDSIP)-2017
Date of Conference: March 07-08, 2017 | Organised by Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad (Maharashtra), India
S. No
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-6, Issue-ICDSIP17, March 2017
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Page No.
Mahendra Gupta, Roshan Varghese, Thomson Johnson, Abhimanyu Gupta, Nilashree W
Paper Title:
Remote Controlled Quadcopter for Image Capturing
Abstract: In this paper, we describe system analysis and implementation of a quadcopter controlled by a RC remote. The motion of the quadcopter is controlled based on measurements of inertial sensors by controlling the speed of the quadcopter using the flight controller from the accurate values obtained from the IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit). We focus on developing a cost effective system capable of stable flight. Next a camera is coupled with the quadcopter to capture images during the flight. The images are processed by resolution improvement, noise removal and by deblurring techniques.
Keywords: Thrust, Pitch, Roll, Yaw, Throttle, Gyroscope, Quadcopter
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Jadhav Suhas Sayajirao
Paper Title:
Wireless Electricity or Energy Transmission
Abstract: Power is very important to consumer product, generally the power is transmitted through wires. By using some techniques we can able to deliver power without wires or transmission lines also we can minimize energy consumption and wire resistances. Wireless power transmission is the transmission of electrical energy without using any conductor wire or transmission lines. Wireless power transfer system use basics of magnetic or inductive resonant coupling known as resonant energy transfer. The coupling consists of an inductor along with a capacitor with its own resonating frequency. Another technique includes transfer of power through microwaves using reactances. This is particularly suitable for long range distances ranging kilometers. Within next few years need of wires for energy transfer will outdated.
Keywords: Wireless power, Wireless energy, Inductive resonant coupling, Power or energy transmission, Wireless Electricity Transmission
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Shaikh Mudassar Akhtar, Pandit Anand Purushottam, Khirade Prakash Waghji, Sayyad Shafiyoddin Badruddin
Paper Title:
Support Vector Machine (SVM) Based Supervised Classification Analysis for Microwave SIR-C POL SAR Image
Abstract: The classification of microwave Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) image analysis has become a very important task after the availability of data from satellite by using different existing technique classification techniques. In the last decade, classification of PolSAR imagery has been deliberate using several different approaches. This paper presents a supervised classification method applied on microwave L-band SIR-C SAR data of Kolkata, West Bengal, India image. Here initially for the preprocessing speckle filter and decomposition technique is applied to original selected SAR image and later the image is classified using supervised classification techniques. In this paper Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification technique is used as a supervised classification. The present paper work using confusion matrix the error like omission and commission and the accuracy was assessed for the selected dataset. The accuracy for SVM classified image is improved up to 99.58% and hence it is observed that among the supervised classifiers SVM classification technique is one of the best technique for classification.
Keywords: Classification, PolSAR, SIR-C, Support Vector Machine (SVM).
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G.V. Avhale, A.D. Shaligram, D.C. Gharpure
Paper Title:
Design and Development of Internet of Things (IoT) based Data Acquisition System for Milk Quality Monitoring in the Dairy Industry
Abstract: The dairy industry is of crucial importance to India as 13% of the world’s total milk production. In the field of dairy industry in India, there is a need to acquire the latest technologies in order to improve the quality of milk. The Dairy industry must have a reliable Data Acquisition System for monitoring the milk quality at various stages in the dairy industry. Nowadays there is a necessity to do the long distance monitoring or monitoring from anywhere at any time. The internet is available worldwide, hence the first choice is the technology which monitors different parameters based on the internet called internet of things (IoT) technology. This paper presents an Internet of things (IoT) based data acquisition system for monitoring the quality of milk in the dairy industry. The system used an Arduino Uno board as processor and GSM SIM 900 module for internet connectivity. The data monitoring is possible by Thingspeak open IoT platform and can be accessed through any device e.g. Computer, laptop, or smart mobile phone which has internet connectivity.
Keywords: Dairy industry, Data acquisition system, end to end monitoring, Internet of Things (IoT). it is the world’s largest milk producer, accounting for more than
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9. Jun Jiao, Huimin Ma, Yan Qiao, Yulin Du, Wen Kong and Zhongcheng Wu, “Design of Farm Environmental Monitoring System Based on the Internet of Things”, Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 6 (3), 2014 ISSN: 2042-4868; e-ISSN: 2042-4876, pp. 368 – 373.
10. //used for Arduino Uno board information
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12. //used for SIM 900 module information
13. //used for information about TCPIP AT commands for SIM 900 module
14. //used for information about ThingSpeak IoT platform.
Chaitanya Ahire, Pramod Ambhore
Paper Title:
Noise Reduction Techniques for Medical Images using Transform Domain Approach
Abstract: Medical images suffers from noise introduced during its capturing process. There are two approaches to remove this noise .i. e Transform domain and spatial domain .Spatial domain techniques leads to loss of details or important information. In this paper we have proposed a transform based denoising algorithms. We have used joint approach to denoise the medical images which uses Dual tree DWT and Rotated version of Dual Tree DWT to improve denoising results. We are mainly focusing on the mixed diagonal information which we are able to separate by using the concept of rotated filters. Results which we have obtained with the joint approach are very exciting.
Keywords: Medical images, noise, Dual tree DWT, Rotated Dual Tree DWT, PSNR, SSIM, Rotated Wavelet Filters
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Dipak Shelar, Arvind Shaligram, Damayanti Gharpure
Paper Title:
The Design of Low Power Wireless Sensor node for Food grain Warehouse Monitoring
Abstract: Grain storage is an important issue related to the National economy and people’s livelihood, and all are valued through the ages. Pest free storage is needed for handling crops at harvest time and to carry over reserve from year to year. Considerable losses both in quality and quantity of food grains take place due to a several factors. Organisms directly responsible for causing loss in store food grains are insects, mites, rodents, fungi and bacteria. Grain temperature and moisture content are the primary factors that affect the grain storage. As temperature and moisture content increase, grain will deteriorate faster. Therefore, it necessary to monitor the physical parameters such as temperature and humidity inside food grain storages in time and take effective measures. In this paper, we have designed low power and high performance wireless sensor node using MSP430G2553 microcontroller, XBee series 1 transceiver and DHT11 temperature and Humidity sensor. Temperature and relative humidity were measured and transmitted wirelessly. We have measured and analyzed the current consumption of sensor node in active mode. The experimental result shows that the developed sensor node has good low power characteristics.
Keywords: MSP430, Wireless Sensor Networks, lifetime, Current Consumption, sensor node
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6. Datasheet of XBee,Avilable:
7. Datasheet of Osong DHT11 Sensor,Avilable:
S. N. Patil, A. M. Pawar, B. P. Ladgaonkar
Paper Title:
Synthesis and Deployment of Nanoferrites to Design Embedded System for Monitoring of Ammonia Gas
Abstract: Keeping pace with facets of nanotechnology and its applications in the field of development of sensors of promising features, nanoparticle spinel Manganese-Zinc ferrites have been synthesized by co-precipitation method. The formation of the materials is confirmed by characterization of the same with X-ray powder diffraction, FTIR absorption and SEM as well. These materials were used for development of the sensor for monitoring of ammonia gas. The detection of ammonia gas is essential in various industries and for environmental prediction as well. The sensing elements of the sensors are developed using thick film technology and ammonia gas sensitive electrical properties are investigated. An operating temperature was optimized to 125 0C. Ammonia gas is reducing gas and hence it plays remarkable role on the electrical properties. The electrical resistance R, measured against in concentration of ammonia, shows decreasing trend with increase in concentration of ammonia. From sensitivity data, it is confirmed that, the materials are mostly suitable for sensing of ammonia gas. Employing embedded technology and using thus prepared sensor, a sensor module is designed about AVR ATmega 8L microcontroller and deployed for monitoring of the ammonia gas. Analog part of the system is wired about TLC 271. Deployment of on-chip ADC of 10-bit resolution causes to increase in the preciseness of the results. The system is calibrated ammonia gas in %. From performance analysis, it is found that sensor module is suitable for further development of measurement instrumentation. Results of implementation are interpreted in this paper.
Keywords: Polycrystalline ferrite, X-ray, FTIR spectroscopy, ammonia gas sensor, embedded system, on-chip ADC
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14. S.N. Patil and B.P. Ladgaonkar, “Synthesis and Implementation of NiZnFe2O4 Ferrites to Design Embedded System for Humidity Measurement”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 8, August 2013,3813-3821.
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16. A.M. Pawar, S. N. Patil, A. S. Powar and B. P. Ladgaonkar, “Wireless Sensor Network To Monitor Spatio-Temporal Thermal Comfort of Polyhouse Environment”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2 10 (2013) 4866-4875.
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Anilkumar C. Korishetti, V.S. Malemath
Paper Title:
Comparison of Different Motion Estimation Algorithms for H.264 Video Compression
Abstract: This paper is the review of the different block matching motion estimation algorithms including the basic algorithms to the new motion estimation algorithms, which are accepted by all the people who are working in this field. The main goal of this paper is to understand the basic and new motion estimation algorithms which help the new researchers to understand the algorithms and help them to develop the new algorithms in this field. The algorithms that are evaluated in this paper are accepted by the video compressing community for different input standards like MPEG1 to H.261 and MPEG4 to H.263, and H.264. This paper also gives the brief introduction of video compression flow.
Keywords: block matching; video compression; MPEG; H.261; H.263 and H.264.
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Nikita P.Nagori, Vandana Malode
Paper Title:
Gesture Recognition for Communication between Physically Challenged People and Normal People
Abstract: Sign Language is the most essential communication path between hearing impaired group and ordinary people. There are roughly three hundred Sign Languages that are utilized the world over today and it is thought to be the 6th biggest language utilized around the world. The Sign Languages are created relying upon the country and area of the hard of hearing individuals. Since there are a wide range of Sign Dialects, it represents a trouble for a hard of hearing individual to speak with ordinary people from various areas. The point is to build up a Sign Language interpreter that facilitates the correspondence of the hard of hearing individuals. Advances in information technology inspirit the development of systems that can facilitate the automatic transcription between sign language and spoken language, and these lines help in expelling obstructions confronting the incorporation of hard of hearing individuals with the typical individuals in the general society. In this arose devices which are used capable of capturing the movements of a person and, through it, control these gestures. One of the devices that came with this purpose is Microsoft Kinect. The objective is to develop a communication interface between a normal person and a deaf-mute person using Kinect. In this paper a set of experiments is used to develop a statistical system for translating sign language to text for deaf people and then text to speech for normal people, which helps to reduce communication gap.
Keywords: MATLAB, Microsoft Kinect, Sign Language, Skeletal Tracking
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Dipak V. Sose, Sayyad Ajij D.
Paper Title:
Data Acquisition of Weather Parameters and Wireless Monitoring
Abstract: Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a given location. Human beings have attempted to predict the weather informally for millennium and formally since the nineteenth century. Weather forecasts are made by collecting quantitative data about the current state of the atmosphere on a given place and using scientific understanding of atmospheric processes to project how the atmosphere will evolve on that place. Wireless technology has been tremendously growing day by day. The need of wireless technology is that it replaces the conventional methods including long wires for communication and thereby increasing the redundancy of the whole system. The measurements of temperature, atmospheric pressure and relative humidity remotely by using the appropriate sensors are not only important in environmental or weather monitoring but also crucial for many industrial processes. A system for weather monitoring is described in this project to monitor and display the, Temperature (0C), Humidity (RH%), Light Intensity (lx), Atmospheric Pressure (Kpa), Vibration or Acceleration (g), Wind Speed(Km/h), Rainfall (mm), LPG leakage (ppm) and CO2 contents in air (ppm) using analogue and digital components. The analogue outputs of the sensors are connected to a microcontroller through an ADC for digital signal conversion.
Keywords: Microcontroller, Sensors, Wireless, ADC etc.
1. Nisha Gahlot, Varsha Gundkal, Sonali Kothimbire, Archana Thite, Zigbee based weather monitoring system, The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES) Volume 4 Issue 4 Pages PP.61-66, 2015
2. Luis Diego Bricen, Anthony A. Maciejewski, Heuristics for robust resourse allocation of satellite weather data processing on heterogeneous parallel system, IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems, vol. 22, no. 11, November 2011.
3. Dushyant Pande, Jeetender Singh Chauhan, A real time hardware design to automatically monitor and control light & temperature, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, Issue 5, May 2013.
4. Iswanto And Helman Muhammad, Weather Monitoring Station With Remote Radio Frequency Wireless Communications, International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications (IJESA) Vol.2, No.3, September 2012.
5. Nisha singh, Prof. Ravi Mishra, Microcontroller Based Wireless Temperature And Heart Beat Read-Out, International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol. 3, Issue 1, PP 01-06, Jan. 2013.
6. K C Gouda1, Preetham V R and M N Shanmukha Swamy, Microcontroller Based Real Time Weather Monitoring Device With GSM, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2014.
7. P.Susmitha and G.Sowmyabala, Design and Implementation of Weather Monitoring and Controlling System, International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 97– No.3, July 2014.
8. Mr. P. K. Jayalaxmi Mr. A. Pritviraj, A Real Time Weather Monitoring System With Fm Channel, International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology Vol 1, Issue-1, May 2014”.
9. Pranita Bhosale and V.V.Dixit, Agricon-Weather Monitoring System and Irrigation Controller, International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSRJECE), Volume 1, Issue 6, PP 05-11, July-Aug 2012.
10. Nitant Sabharwal, Rajesh Kumar, Abhishek Thakur, Jitender Sharma, A low cost Zigbee based automatic wireless weather station with GUI and web hosting facility, ICRTEDC, Vol. 1, Spl. Issue 2, May 2014.
11. Karthik Krishnamurthi, Suraj Thapa, Lokesh Kothari, Arun Prakash, Arduino based weather monitoring system, International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, Volume 3, Issue 2, March-April 2015.
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15. Anna Maria Sempreviva, Sven-Erik Gryning and Gregor Giebel, Weather intelligence for Renewable Urban Areas Gaps, Challenges and future perspectives, National Council of Research of Italy Wind Energy Department, Technical University of Denmark, 2nd 3rd June 2014.
16. Kamrul AriffinNoordin Chow chee onn and Mohamad faizal ismail, A low cost microcontroller based weather monitoring system, Carnegie Mellon University, vol 5 pp 33-38, 2006
17. Kefei Zhang, Toby Manning, Suqin Wu, Witold Rohm, D. Silcock, and Suelynn Choy, Capturing the signature of severe weather events in austrilia using GPS measurement, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing, vol. 8, no. 4, april 2015
18. Field visit, Hydrology Project, Godavari Pathbandhare Vikas Mahamandal, Aurangabad (MS), India, 22nd December 2015.
19. Field visit, Department of Meteorology, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani (MS) India, 24th December 2015
Kajal Patel, Bijith Marakarkandy
Paper Title:
Feature Selection using Clusters
Abstract: Feature selection involve identifying a subset of the most useful feature that produces compatible results as the original entire set of features. The feature selection algorithm can be evaluated on the basis of two criteria: efficiency and effectiveness. In fact feature selection, as a pre-processing step which is effective in reducing dimensionality, removing irrelevant data, removing redundant data etc. Feature selection clustering mechanism works in five stages. In the first stage, T-relevance test is used to eliminate irrelevant features. In the second stage, F-correlation is calculated between attributes. In third stage, map and reduce function accomplishes groups of features. In fourth stage, actual clusters are evaluated. And in the final stage, the most representative feature from each cluster are considered. Features in different clusters are comparatively efficient and independent features. For the lack of density-based clustering algorithm in dealing with large data sets, MapReduce programming model is proposed to accomplish the clustering of DBSCAN. Map function completes the data analysis, and gets clustering rules in different data attributes; Then Reduce functions merge these clustering rules to get a final result. Experimental results shows the DBSCAN with MapReduce running on the cloud computing platform Hadoop has good speed-up and scalability approach. An analysis has been done between the most representative feature of DBSCAN clustering using MapReduce with the existing FAST feature subset algorithm on the basis of execution time & number of clusters performed. Experimentally it has been verified that proposed algorithm alleviates the problem of time delay caused by large data sets.
Keywords: Big Data, DBSCAN, Fast Clustering, Feature Selection, Hadoop, MapReduce.
1. F. Ohlhorst, Big Data Analytics: Turning Big Data into Big Money, Hoboken, N.J, USA: Wiley, 2013.
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4. R. Shettar Professor, B.V.Purohit,”A Review on Clustering Algorithms Applicable for Map Reduce”, Proceedings of the International Conference , Computational Systems for Health & Sustainability, 17-18, April, 2015.
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8. V. Kumar and S. Minz, ”Feature Selection: A literature Review,” Smart Computing Review, vol. 4, no. 3, Jun 2014.
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G. S. Sable, M. R. Rajput, H. R. Gite
Paper Title:
Analogy between Statistical and CHT Segmentation for Human Iris
Abstract: As Iris is the most safe and reliable biometric pattern, Iris biometrics provides high recognition rate and high accuracy for person identification as compared with the other biometric techniques. The crucial stage in iris recognition is iris segmentation. Segmentation of iris from captured eye image is a difficult task as iris images are affected by different factors such as poor illumination, motion blur, improper focus, large standoff distances and occlusion by eyelashes and eyelids etc. This ultimately affects the iris recognition rate. In this paper two methods of iris localization are discussed The first is a statistical method and the second is a CHT method. Paper shows that CHT method overcomes the limitations of statistical method and is better suited for iris segmentation.
Keywords: CHT segmentation, Iris segmentation, recognition rate
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44. Nitin K. Mahadeo, Gholamreza Haffari, Andrew P. Paplinski “Predicting Segmentation errors in an Iris recognition.” International conference on Biometrics 2015,pp23 -30.
45. Zhonghua Lin, “A Novel Iris recognition method based on the natural open eyes.”, IEEE sponsored (ICSP) 2010 conference Proceedings , pp 1090- 1093.
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Bhagyashree V. Shivpuje, Ganesh S. Sable, Kartik Raman
Paper Title:
Feature Extraction of Dental Radiographic Images for Disease Identification and Classification using ANN
Abstract: The early detection of disease is one of important matter of diagnostic imaging. In this paper we developed a system to analysis the dental x-ray images and diagnosis the tooth which has abnormalities of caries. Enhancement applied to improve the quality of x-ray images and Thresholding method performed to simplify the images. Segmentation has been done by applying the integral projection technique to extract the individual tooth and therefore feature map of tooth generated and detection and classification process can be done by using artificial neural network. Nevertheless, experiments show the accurate segmentation and caries detection with proposed method which achieves high accuracy for diseased images and promising result.
Keywords: ANN, caries detection, integral projections, segmentation, feature extraction
1. J. Solanki, K. R. Jain & N. P. Desai, “ISEF Based Identification of RCT/Filling in Dental Caries of Decayed Tooth”, International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), Volume (7) : Issue (2) : 2013
2. Ştefan OPREA1, Costin MARINESCU 2, Ioan Liţă, Daniel Alexandru Vişan, Ion Bogdan Cioc, “Image Processing Techniques used for Dental X-Ray Image Analysys”.
3. Jincy Raju, Dr. Chintan K. Modi,” A Proposed Feature Extraction Technique for Dental X-Ray Images Based on Multiple Features”, Conference Paper July 2011 DOI: 10.1109/CSNT.2011.116 • Source: IEEE Xplore
4. Vijayakumari Pushparaj, Ulaganathan Gurunathan, Banumathi Arumugam, ” An Effective Dental Shape Extraction Algorithm Using Contour Information and Matching by Mahalanobis Distance”, Journal of Digit Imaging. 2013 Apr; 26(2): 259–268.
5. Eyad Haj Said, Diaa Eldin M. Nassar, Gamal Fahmy, Hany H. Ammar,” Teeth Segmentation in Digitized Dental X-ray Films using Mathematical Morphology”, IEEE, ISSN: 1556-6013 Transactions on Information Forensics and security
6. Sharmila. M, Dr. R. Ganesan, R. Kartika Devi, “Detection of Dental Plaque using Image Processing”, IJAIST, Vol.18, No. 18, October 2013
7. M.Thamarai, M.Kalpa, “Automated Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases Using Image Processing Techniques”, IJIRSET, Vol. 3 Issue 1, January 2014
8. A.Farzana Shahar Banu, M. Kayalvizhi, Dr. Banumathi Arumugam, “Texture Based Classification of Dental Cysts”, ICCICCT, 2014
9. M.V. Bramhananda Reddy, Varadala Sridhar, M. Negendra, “Dental X-Ray Image Analysis by using Image Processing Techniques”, IJARCSSE, Vol.2,Issue 6, June 2012
10. Abdolvahab Ehsani Rad, Mohd Shafry Mohd Rahim, AlirezaNorouzi, “Digital Dental X-Ray Image Segmentation and feature Extraction”, TELKOMNIKA, Vol.11, No.6, June 2013
11. Dipali Rindhe, Ganesh Sable,“Teeth Feature Extraction and Matching for Human Identification using SIFT Algorithm”, EJAET, Vol.2 No.1, 2015
12. Kavindra R. Jain, Narendra C. Chauhan, “Efficacy of Digital Image Processing Techniques in intra Oral Dentistry”, TROI, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2015
13. Adhar Vashishth, Bipan Kaushal, Abhishek Srivastava, “Caries Detection Technique for Radiographic and Intra Oral Camera”, IJSCE Vol-4, Issue-2, May 2014
14. Chintan K. Modi and Nirav P. Desai, “A Simple and Novel Algorithm for Automatic Selection of ROI for Dental Radiograph Segmentation”, IEEE CCECE 201115. Azam Amini Harandi, Hossein Pourghassem, ” A Semi Automatic Algorithm Based on Morphology Features for Measuring of Root Canal Length”, IEEE 2011, 978-1-61284-486-2/11.
16. Omaima Nomir and Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb, ” Human Identification From Dental X-Ray Images Based on the Shape and Appearance of the Teeth”, IEEE 2007, 556-6013.
17. Martin L. Tangel, Chastine Fatichah, and Fei Yan, ” Dental Classification for Periapical Radiograph based on Multiple Fuzzy Attribute”, IEEE 2013, 978-1-4799-0348-1/13.
18. Khin Mya Mya Tun, Aung Soe Khaing, “Feature Extraction and Classification of Lung Cancer Nodule using Image Processing Techniques”, IJERT 2014, 2278-0181-3/3.
19. Abdolvahab Ehsani Rad, Ismail Bin Mat Amin, Mohd Shafry Mohd Rahim, and Hoshang Kolivand, ” Computer-Aided Dental Caries Detection System from X-Ray Images”, Springer 2015, 978-3-319-13513-5_23
20. A.N Shaikh, G.S.Sable, “Clinical Applications and Importance of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) artifacts in Dental Imaging”, IEEE ICETECH, 2015.
21. Bhagyashree V. Shivpuje, Dr. G. S. Sable, “A Review on Digital Dental Radiograph Images for Disease Identification and Classification”, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application, ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 7, ( Part -5) July 2016.
22. White and Pharoah , “Oral Radiology-Principles and Interpretation”.
23. Gonzalez, Woods, and Eddins, “Digital Image Processing using MATLAB”, 3rd Edition.
24. Rafael Gonzalez, Richard Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, 2nd Edition
25. Prof. D. Cavouras, ” Medical Image Processing”.
P. S. Tiwari, S. R. Patil
Paper Title:
Principal Component Analysis Based Face Recognition System
Abstract: This paper focuses on a software framework to support face recognition and Security and authentication, specific area of image processing. For the processing approach, we use principal component analysis (PCA), a data dimensionality reduction approach. There are many techniques used for this purpose. One of them is face recognition. Face recognition is an effective means of authenticating a person. The advantage of this approach is that, it enables us to detect changes in the face pattern of an individual to an appreciable extent. The recognition system can tolerate local variations in the face expression of an individual. Hence face recognition can be used as a key factor in crime detection mainly to identify criminals. The system consists of a database of a set of facial patterns for each individual. The characteristic features called ‘Eigen faces’ are extracted from the stored images using which the system is trained for subsequent recognition of new images The goal of this study is to understand the entire face recognition process with PCA and to present a software framework supporting multiple variations, which can be used to help users create customized face recognition applications efficiently. The proposed method is tested using FERET database
Keywords: PCA, Face Recognition, Eigen faces.
1. Pawan Sinha, Benjamin Balas, Yuri Ostrovsky, and Ric hard Russell, “Face Recognition by Humans: Nineteen Results All Computer Vision Researchers Should Know About” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 94, No. 11, November 2006
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Kalyanee S. Patil
Paper Title:
Wireless Body Area Network
Abstract: The project in designing a system which is capable of tracking the location of patients and also monitoring of heart rate and health parameters also alerts in case of emergency through SMS to predefined number. This aims in design and present the novel wearable system with the bio recognition sensors based on the GPS and GSM communication Network. In this project sensors (3-axis accelerometer, temperature sensor, heartbeat sensor, humidity sensor, ECG sensor) added and located at patient body for getting the postures information and activity by them always monitored. The system sends alert messages in emergency times.
Keywords: ARM7, ECG Sensor, GPS, GSM, Heart Beat, MEMs Sensor
1. A.Sagahygroon, F.Aloul, Al-Ali, M. S. Bahrololoum, F. Makhsoos, N. Hussein “Monitoring patients signs wirelessly” 97 8-1-4244-7000-6/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
2. S. M. Mahalle P.V.Ingole. “Design and implementation of wireless body area sensor network based health monitoring system” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 2 Issue 6, June – 2013
3. MirHojjat Seyedi∗, Student Member, IEEE, Behailu Kibret, Student Member, IEEE, Daniel T. H. Lai, Member, IEEE, and Michael Faulkner, Member, IEEE. “A survey on intrabody communications for body area network applications” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 60, NO. 8, AUGUST 2013
4. Malika haru rana. “An indoor wireless zigbee based patient monitoring system for hospitals” International Journal of Engineering Sciences Research-IJESR, ISSN: 2230-8504, Vol 04, Issue 02; March-April 2013
5. Milenkovic. Otto and E. Jovanov “Wireless Sensor Networks for Personal Health Monitoring: Issues and an Implementation” in Computer Communications, vol. 29 (13-14), August 2006.
6. “Interoperability and Security in Wireless Body Area Network Infrastructures” Steve Warren1, Jeffrey Lebak1, Jianchu Yao3,
Mahender G. Nakrani, Ganesh S. Sable, Ulhas B. Shinde
Paper Title:
A Review: Automatic and Semi-Automatic Detection of Pulmonary Lung Nodules in Computed Tomography Images
Abstract: Lung nodules which are also called as “Spot on the lung”, a “shadow” or a “coin lesions” are caused by scar tissue, a healed infection or some air irritant but sometimes they are an early sign of lung cancer. The detection of a cancerous lung nodule will facilitate early treatment for lung cancer of patients. Radiologists can detect lung nodules by examining CT scan or X-ray images. Radiologists can be provided with vital information by using automatic lung nodule detection system to assist them in their decision making and treatment suggestion. This paper presents a study of different methods and algorithms used in automatic lung nodule detection. It gives a generalized structure of lung nodule detection that are commonly used in the existing system. It also describes methods and algorithms used for lung nodule detection. The structure includes components which are image acquisition, lung segmentation, nodule candidate detection and segmentation, nodule candidate feature extraction and false positive reduction/classifier. This paper describes methods and algorithms used in every components.
Keywords: Automatic detection, Computed Tomography, Lung Images, Pulmonary Nodule.
1. Amal A. Farag, Hossam E. Abd El Munim, James H. Graham, and Aly A. Farag, “A Novel Approach for Lung Nodules Segmentation in Chest CT Using Level Sets,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 22, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2013, PP. 5202 – 5213.
2. D. Cascio, R.Magro, F.Fauci, M.Iacomi, and G.Raso, “Automatic detection of lung nodules in CT datasets based on stable 3D mass–spring models,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 42, 2012, PP. 1098–1109.
3. Temesguen Messay, Russell C. Hardie, and Timothy R. Tuinstra, “Segmentation of pulmonary nodules in computed tomography using a regression neural network approach and its application to the Lung Image Database Consortium and Image Database Resource Initiative dataset,” Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 22, 2015, PP. 48–62.
4. Mohsen Keshani, Zohreh Azimifar, Farshad Tajeripour, and Reza Boostani, “Lung nodule segmentation and recognition using SVM classifier and active contour modeling: A complete intelligent system,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 43, 2013, PP. 287–300.
5. G. Deep, L. Kaur, and S. Gupta, “Lung Nodule Segmentation in CT Images using Rotation Invariant Local Binary Pattern,” ACEEE Int. J. on Signal & Image Processing, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan 2013, PP. 20-23.
6. Stelmo Magalhaes Barros Netto, Aristofanes Correa Silva, Rodolfo Acatauassu Nunes, and Marcelo Gattass, “Automatic segmentation of lung nodules with growing neural gas and support vector machine,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 42, 2012, PP. 1110–1121.
7. T. K. Senthil Kumar, Ganesh Narasimhan, and R. Umamaheswari, “Texture Pattern Based Lung Nodule Detection (TPLND) Technique in CT Images,” International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.), Vol. 9, N. 3, March 2014, PP. 415-426.
8. Sheng Chen and Kenji Suzuki, “Computerized Detection of Lung Nodules by Means of “Virtual Dual-Energy” Radiography,” IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 60, N. 2, February 2013, PP. 369–378.
9. Saleem Iqbal, Khalid Iqbal, Fahim Arif, Arslan Shaukat, and Aasia Khanum, “Potential Lung Nodules Identification for Characterization by Variable Multistep Threshold and Shape Indices from CT Images,” Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2014.
10. Pablo G. Cavalcanti, Shahram Shirani, Jacob Scharcanski, Crystal Fong, Jane Meng, Jane Castelli, and David Koff, “Lung nodule segmentation in chest computed tomography using a novel background estimation method,” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, Vol 6, No 1, February 2016, PP. 16-24.
11. Shiwen Shen, AlexA.T.Bui, Jason Cong, and William Hsu, “An automated lung segmentation approach using bidirectional chain codes to improve nodule detection accuracy,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 57, 2015, PP. 139–149.
12. S.Sivakumar, and Dr.C.Chandrasekar, “Lung Nodule Detection Using Fuzzy Clustering and Support Vector Machines,” International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol 5, No 1, Feb-Mar 2013, PP. 179-185.
13. Tong Jia, Hao Zhang, and Haixiu Meng, “A novel lung nodules detection scheme based on vessel segmentation on CT images,” Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, Vol. 24, 2014, PP. 3179–3186.
14. Ayman El-Baz, Ahmed Elnakib, Mohamed Abou El-Ghar, Georgy Gimel’farb, Robert Falk, and Aly Farag, “Automatic Detection of 2D and 3D Lung Nodules in Chest Spiral CT Scans,” Hindawi Publishing Corporation, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Volume 2013.
15. Ernst Th. Scholten, Colin Jacobs, Bram van Ginneken, Sarah van Riel, Rozemarijn Vliegenthart, Matthijs Oudkerk, Harry J. de Koning, Nanda Horeweg, Mathias Prokop, Hester A. Gietema, Willem P. Th.M. Mali, Pim A. de Jong, “Detection and quantification of the solid component in pulmonary subsolid nodules by semiautomatic segmentation,” Eur Radiology,Vol. 25, 2015, PP. 488–496.
16. Xueqian Xie, Martin J. Willemink, Pim A. de Jong, Peter M. A. van Ooijen, Matthijs Oudkerk, Rozemarijn Vliegenthart, and Marcel J. W. Greuter, “Small Irregular Pulmonary Nodules in Low-Dose CT: Observer Detection Sensitivity and Volumetry Accuracy,” AJR, Vol. 202, March 2014.
17. Sasidhar B, Ramesh Babu D R, Ravi Shankar M, and Bhaskar Rao N, “ Automated Segmentation of Lung Regions using morphological Operators in CT scan,” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2013, PP. 1114-1118.
18. Atiyeh Hashemi, Abdol Hamid Pilevar, Reza Rafeh, “Mass Detection in Lung CT Images Using Region Growing Segmentation and Decision Making Based on Fuzzy Inference System and Artificial Neural Network,” I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, Vol.6, 2013, PP. 16-24.
19. Ji-Seok Yoon, and Tae-Sun Choi, “ Pulmonary Nodule Segmentation by using 3D Deformable Model in CT Images,” Advanced Science and Technology Letters, Vol.51, 2014, pp.1-4.
20. Kyung Nyeo Jeon, Jin Mo Goo, Chang Hyun Lee, Youkyung Lee, Ji Yung Choo, Nyoung Keun Lee, Mi-Suk Shim, In Sun Lee, Kwang Gi Kim, David S. Gierada, and Kyongtae T. Bae, “Computer-aided nodule detection and volumetry to reduce variability between radiologists in the interpretation of lung nodules at low-dose screening CT,” Invest Radiology, Vol.47, No. 8, August 2012, PP. 457–461.
21. William J. Kostis, Anthony P. Reeves, David F. Yankelevitz, and Claudia I. Henschke, “Three-Dimensional Segmentation and Growth-Rate Estimation of Small Pulmonary Nodules in Helical CT Images,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING, VOL. 22, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2003, PP. 1259-1274.
22. Yongbum Lee, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Fujita, Shigeki Itoh, and Takeo Ishigaki, “Automated Detection of Pulmonary Nodules in Helical CT Images Based on an Improved Template-Matching Technique,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING, VOL. 20, NO. 7, JULY 2001, PP. 595-604.
23. Binsheng Zhao, Gordon Gamsu, Michelle S. Ginsberg, Li Jiang, and Lawrence H. Schwartz, “Automatic detection of small lung nodules on CT utilizing a local density maximum algorithm,” JOURNAL OF APPLIED CLINICAL MEDICAL PHYSICS, VOLUME 4, NUMBER 3, SUMMER 2003, PP. 248-260.
24. William Mullally, Margrit Betke, Jingbin Wang, and Jane P. Ko, “Segmentation of nodules on chest computed tomography for growth assessment,” Medical Physics, Vol. 31, No.4, April 2004, PP. 839-848.
25. Bram van Ginneken, “Supervised Probabilistic Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules in CT Scans,” Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006, PP. 912-919.
26. Stefano Diciotti, Giulia Picozzi, Massimo Falchini, Mario Mascalchi, Natale Villari, and Guido Valli, “3-D Segmentation Algorithm of Small Lung Nodules in Spiral CT Images,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE, VOL. 12, NO. 1, JANUARY 2008, PP. 7-19.
27. Artit C. Jirapatnakul, Yury D. Mulman, Anthony P. Reeves, David F. Yankelevitz, and Claudia I. Henschke, “Segmentation of Juxtapleural Pulmonary Nodules Using a Robust Surface Estimate,” Hindawi Publishing Corporation, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Volume 2011.
28. Jiantao Pu, Bin Zheng, Ken Leader, Xiao-Hui Wang, and David Gur, “An Automated CT Based Lung Nodule Detection Scheme Using Geometric Analysis of Signed Distance Field,” Medicaal Physics, Vol. 35, No. 8, August 2008, PP. 3453–3461.
29. Kazunori Okada, Dorin Comaniciu, and Arun Krishna, “Robust Anisotropic Gaussian Fitting for Volumetric Characterization of Pulmonary Nodules in Multislice CT,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING, VOL. 24, NO. 3, MARCH 2005, PP. 409-423.
30. Ren Yuan, Patrick M. Vos, and Peter L. Cooperberg, “Computer-Aided Detection in Screening CT for Pulmonary Nodules,” American Roentgen Ray Society, Vol. 186, May 2006, PP. 1280–1287.
31. Qiang Li, Feng Li, and Kunio Doi, “Computerized Detection of Lung Nodules in Thin-Section CT Images by use of Selective Enhancement Filters and an Automated Rule-Based Classifier,” Academic Radiology, Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2008, PP. 165–175.
32. Sumit K. Shah, Michael F. McNitt-Gray, Sarah R. Rogers, Jonathan G. Goldin, Robert D. Suh, James W. Sayre, Iva Petkovska, Hyun J. Kim, and Denise R. Aberle, “Computer Aided Characterization of the Solitary Pulmonary Nodule Using Volumetric and Contrast Enhancement Features,” Academic Radiology, Vol 12, No 10, October 2005, PP. 1310-1319.
33. Serhat Ozekes, Onur Osman, and Osman N. Ucan, “Nodule Detection in a Lung Region that’s Segmented with Using Genetic Cellular Neural Networks and 3D Template Matching with Fuzzy Rule Based Thresholding,” Korean Journal Radiology, Vol. 9, No. 1, February 2008.
34. Xujiong Ye, Gareth Beddoe and Greg Slabaugh, “Graph Cut-based Automatic Segmentation of Lung Nodules using Shape, Intensity, and Spatial Features,” MICCAI, Workshop on Pulmonary Image, 2009.
35. Joao Rodrigo Ferreira da Silva Sousa, Aristofanes Correa Silva,Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva, and Rodolfo Acatauassu Nunes, “Methodology for automatic detection of lung nodules in computerized tomography images,” computer methods and programs in biomedicine, Vol. 98, 2010, PP. 1–14.
36. S. L. A. Lee, A. Z. Kouzani, and E. J. Hu, “Automated Identification of Lung Nodules,” Proceedings of IEEE 10th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2008, PP. 497-502.
37. Asem M. Ali, Ayman S. El-Baz, and Aly A. Farag, “A NOVEL FRAMEWORK FOR ACCURATE LUNG SEGMENTATION USING GRAPH CUTS,” IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging • January 2007, PP. 908-911.
38. Wook-Jin Choi and Tae-Sun Choi, “Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection System in Computed Tomography Images: A Hierarchical Block Classification Approach,” Entropy, Vol. 15, February 2013, PP. 507-523.
39. Omid Talakoub, Javad Alirezaie, and Paul Babyn, “LUNG SEGMENTATION IN PULMONARY CT IMAGES USING WAVELET TRANSFORM,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, April 2007, PP. 453-456.
40. Wook-Jin Choi, and Tae-Sun Choi, “ Genetic programming based feature transform and classification for the automatic detection of pulmonary nodules on computed tomography images,” Information Science, Vol. 212, 2012, PP. 57-78.
A.N. Shaikh, G.S. Sable, Huma Mohd. S.
Paper Title:
Conventional to 3D Digital Radiography: An Essential Element to Diagnose Dental Abnormalities
Abstract: As far as concerned with technological development in medical domain, detection and diagnosis of abnormalities are becoming more easy and accurate. Digital image processing has an important role in our day today life as well in different technical domain. Medical imaging is a broad area for researchers to work on different aspects of medical like X-rays, Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Doppler ultrasound, PET (Positron Emission Tomography), SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography), CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography), Radio visiography (RVG) and Denta scan. In case of dentistry there is an important role of radiographs to detect and diagnose dental abnormalities, apart from conventional 2D imaging to recently 3D imaging techniques. Though latest technologies are updating in clinics but not replaced conventional film-based radiography completely. There are number of diseases pertinent to teeth are identified and diagnose by means of analyzing 2D and or 3D images. These images captured by means of respective machines. This Paper focuses on different techniques used form Conventional to 3D imaging. Also shows the importance of radiographs by means of detection and diagnosis of dental disease, dental clinical applications, advantages and disadvantages of the digital radiographs.
Keywords: Medical imaging, CT, CBCT, RVG, 2D, 3D imaging.
1. N. R. Diwakar, S. Swetha Kamakshi, “ Recent advancements in dental digital radiography”, Journal of Medicine, Radiology, Pathology & Surgery (2015), 1, 11–16
2. White SC, Pharoah MJ “A Digital Imaging In: Oral Radiology Principles and Interpretation”, 6th ed. Elsevier; 2009. 78-99
3. Muhammed Ajmal, Mohamed I. Elshinawy, “Subjective image quality comparison between two digital dental radiographic systems and conventional dental film”, The Saudi Dental Journal, Production and hosting by Elsevier, pp.145–150, 2014
4. Belma Muhamedagic, Lejla Muhamedagic, “Digital Radiography versus Conventional Radiography in Dentistry”, ScopeMed, Acta Inform Med. 2009; 17(2): 85-89
5. Perth Radiological Clinic, “A General X-rays”, Guide for patient.
6. Axel Bumann, “”
7. R.Pauwels, K.Araki, J.H Siewerdsen, S.S Thongvigitmanee “Technical aspects of dental CBCT: state of the art”, Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2015) 44, 20140224, 1-20.
8. Suprijanto, Gianto, Juliastuti E, Azhari, “Image contrast enhancement for film-based dental panoramic radiography”, Published in IEEE Int. Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), Bandung, ISBN: 978-1-4673-2375-8, pp. 1-5, 11-12 Sept. 2012.
9. Association Report, “The use of dental radiographs Update and recommendations”, American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs, JADA, Vol. 137, September 2006, pp.1304-1312.
10. Arpah Bt Ahmad S, Taib M.N, Khalid N.E.A, Taib H, “Analysis of image quality based on dentists’ perception cognitive analysis and statistical measurements of intra-oral dental radiographs”, Published in IEEE Int. Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE), Penang, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1990-5, pp. 379-384, 27-28 Feb.
11. McAuliffe M.J., Lalonde F.M., McGarry D., Gandler W, “Medical Image Processing, Analysis and Visualization in clinical research”, Proceeding of 14th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, CBMS, ISSN : 1063-7125, Print ISBN: 0-7695-1004-3, pp. 381 – 386, 26-27 July 2001.
12. Olsen G.F, Brilliant S.S, Primeaux D., van Najarian K, “An image-processing enabled dental caries detection system”, IEEE International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (ICME), E-ISBN : 978-1-4244-3316-2, Print ISBN:978-1-4244-3315-5, pp. 1-8, 9-11 April 2009.
13. Mertz L., “Medical Imaging: Just What the Doctor (and the Researcher) Ordered: New Applications for Medical Imaging Technology”, IEEE Journal, Volume: 4, Issue: 1, pp. 12-17, 2013.
14. Motohiro Uo, Takahiro Wada, Tomoko Sugiyama, “Applications of X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) to dental and medical specimens”, Japanese Association for Dental Science. Published by Elsevier Ltd., JDSR-139, pp.1-8. 2014.
Kalyanee S Patil
Paper Title:
Wireless Body Area Network
Abstract: The project in designing a system which is capable of tracking the location of patients and also monitoring of heart rate and health parameters also alerts in case of emergency through SMS to predefined number.This aims in design and present the novel wearable system with the bio recognition sensors based on the GPS and GSM communication Network .In this project sensors (3-axis accelerometer, temperature sensor, heartbeat sensor, humidity sensor, ECG sensor) added and located at patient body for getting the postures information and activity by them always monitored. The system sends alert messages in emergency times.
Keywords: ARM7, ECGSensor, GPS, GSM, Heart Beat, MEMs Sensor.
1. A.Sagahygroon, F.Aloul, Al-Ali, M. S. Bahrololoum, F. Makhsoos, N. Hussein “Monitoring patients signs wirelessly” 97 8-1-4244-7000-6/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE
2. S. M. Mahalle P.V.Ingole. “Design and implementation of wireless body area sensor network based health monitoring system” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 2 Issue 6, June – 2013
3. MirHojjat Seyedi∗, Student Member, IEEE, Behailu Kibret, Student Member, IEEE, Daniel T. H. Lai, Member, IEEE, and Michael Faulkner, Member, IEEE. “A survey on intrabody communications for body area network applications” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 60, NO. 8, AUGUST 2013
4. Malika haru rana. “An indoor wireless zigbee based patient monitoring system for hospitals” International Journal of Engineering Sciences Research-IJESR, ISSN: 2230-8504, Vol 04, Issue 02; March-April 2013
5. Milenkovic . Otto and E. Jovanov “Wireless Sensor Networks for Personal Health Monitoring: Issues and an Implementation ” in Computer Communications, vol. 29 (13-14), August 2006.
6. “Interoperability and Security in Wireless Body Area Network Infrastructures” Steve Warren1, Jeffrey Lebak1, Jianchu Yao3,
Ajit Kumar Yadav, Hemant L. Jadhav, Rohit Paithane
Paper Title:
Simulation of Topology Recovery Algorithms with Preventive Measure in WSANs
Abstract: In Wireless Sensor-Actor Networks (WSANs), a node might get failed and a network can get partitioned into two disjoint blocks. Partitioning can cause the network to violate the need of having strong connectivity all the time in the network. The problem of connectivity can be overcome by repositioning of a node present in the network. A Least Disruptive Topology Repair (LeDiR) algorithm is proposed to restore the connectivity in the network. Furthermore, a preventive measure of rotating a cluster head is taken into consideration to reduce the chances of a node failure in the network by conserving the energy of each node. Another contemporary scheme of node repositioning, DARA, is used to compare the performance of LeDiR. It is shown finally that how LeDiR restores connectivity better than DARA without significantly changing the pre-failure status of the network.
Keywords: Connectivity restoration, DARA, LeDiR, Network topology, Node, Node failure, WSANs.
1. Ameer A. Abbasi, Mohamed F. Younis, and Uthman A. Baroudi, “Recovering from node failure in wireless sensor-actor networks with minimal topology changes” in IEEE transactions on vehicular technology, vol. 62, No. 1 January 2013, pp. 256-271.
2. M. Younis and K. Akkaya, “Strategies and techniques for node placement in wireless sensor networks: A survey,” J. Ad Hoc Netw., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 621–655, Jun. 2008
3. V. Sri Jahnavi & Shaik Fayaz Ahamed (2015): Smart Wireless Sensor Network for Automated Greenhouse, IETE Journal of Research, DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2014.999834.
4. Sashigaran Sivathasan & Dominic O’Brien (2011) Hybrid Radio and Optical Communications for Energy efficient Wireless Sensor Networks, IETE Journal of Research, 57:5, 399-406.
5. Abbasi, M. Younis, and K. Akkaya, “Movement-assisted connectivity restoration in wireless sensor and actor networks,” IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 1366–1379, Sep. 2009.
6. M. Younis, S. Lee, S. Gupta, and K. Fisher, “A localized self-healing algorithm for networks of moveable sensor nodes,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2008, pp. 1–5.
7. K. Akkaya, F. Senel, A. Thimmapuram, and S. Uludag, “Distributed recovery from network partitioning in movable sensor/actor networks via controlled mobility,” IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 258–271, Feb. 2010.
8. K. Akkaya and M. Younis, “COLA: A coverage and latency aware actor placement for wireless sensor and actor networks,” in Proc. IEEE VTC, Montreal, QC, Canada, Sep. 2006, pp. 1–5.
9. K. Akkaya, A. Thimmapuram, F. Senel, and S. Uludag, “Distributed recovery of actor failures in wireless sensor and actor networks,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Las Vegas, NV, Mar. 2008, pp. 2480–2485.
10. F. Senel, M. Younis, and K. Akkaya, “Bio-inspired relay node placement heuristics for repairing damaged wireless sensor networks,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1835–1848, May 2011.
11. S. Lee and M. Younis, “Recovery from multiple simultaneous failures in wireless sensor networks using minimum Steiner tree,” J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 525–536, May 2010.
12. J Niharika Gorre, Prudhvi Raj Kyatham and Mohamed El-Sharkawy, “Performance Evaluation of Least Disruptive Topology Repair Algorithm(LEDIR) using NS2”, International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) Vol. 6, No. 4, August 2014.
13. Liu, Xiao Yang; Zhu, Yanmin; Kong, Linghe; Liu, Cong; Gu, Yu; Vasilakos, Athanasios V.; Wu, Min You, “CDC: Comprehensive Data Collection for Wireless Sensor Networks” in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol.26, No.8, 6870490, 01.08.2015, p.2188-2197.
14. Mohammad Ahmadinia, Mohammad Reza Meybodi, Mahdi Esnaashari, Hamid Alinejad-Rokny, “Energy- efficient and multi- stage clustering algorithm in wireless sensor networks using cellular learning automata”, IETE Journal of Research 2013, Vol. 59, Issue:6, pp. 774-782.
15. M. Sir, I. Senturk, E. Sisikoglu, and K. Akkaya, “An optimization based approach for connecting partitioned mobile sensor/actuator networks,” in Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop WiSARN, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2011, pp. 525– 530.
16. K. R. Kasinathan and M. Younis, “Distributed approach for mitigating coverage loss in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks,” in Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Workshop MENS, Houston, TX, Dec. 2011.
17. S. Lee and M. Younis, “QoS-aware relay node placement in a segmented wireless sensor network,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2009, pp. 1–5.
18. G. Wang et al., “Sensor relocation in mobile sensor networks,” in Proc. 24th Annu. Joint Conf. INFOCOM, Miami, FL, Mar. 2005, pp. 2302–2312.
19. Alfadhly, U. Baroudi, and M. Younis, “Least distance movement recovery approach for large scale wireless sensor-actor networks,” in Proc. Workshop FedSenS, Istanbul, Turkey, Jul. 2011.
Nandini S. Gore, G. S. Sable
Paper Title:
A Review: Personal Authentication using Finger Knuckle Surface
Abstract: The various biometric traits are used to accurately identify a person. Personal identification is more popular because it is more reliable. Many traits like fingerprint, face, palm print, vein, DNA and many others used personal authentication. Now- a-days finger knuckle surface is used for personal authentication and identification. The texture pattern produced by finger knuckle bending is highly unique and make surface as biometric identifier. The image processing used for recognition of collected data, increasing matching accuracy. The motivation of this topic is to develop system for biometric purpose with high accuracy and with less consuming time. This review papers represents survey on various methods are used for database collection and technique used for recognition.
Keywords: Biometric, Finger Knuckle Surface, Database Collection, Recognition
1. Miguel A. Ferrer, Carlos M. Travieso, “Using hand knuckle texture for biometric identification” IEEE A&E Systems Magazine, June 2006.
2. Ajay Kumar, “Personal authentication using finger knuckle surface”, IEEE Transactions On Information Forensics And Security, Volume. 4, No. 1, March 2009.
3. Lin zhang, “Ensemble of local and global information for finger knuckle print recognition”, Biometrics Research Center, Department of Computing, The HongKong
PolytechnicUniversity,HongKong,11 June 2010.
4. Damon L. Woodard, Patrick J. Flynn, “Finger knuckle print: biometric identifier” Journal of Pattern Intelligence ISSN: 2230-9330 & E-ISSN: 2230-9349, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2012.
5. Guangwei Gao, Lei Zhang, “Reconstruction Based Finger-Knuckle-Print Verification With Score Level” IEEE Transactions On Image Processing, Vol. 22, No. 12, December 2013
6. K Usha, “A Hybrid Model for Biometric Authentication using Finger Back Knuckle Surface based on Angular Geometric Analysis” I.J. Image, Graphics And Signal Processing, 2013, 10, 45-54 Published Online August 2013 In MECS (Http://Www.Mecs-Press.Org/)
7. Sivaranjani, “A Literature Study on Finger Knuckle Matching Techniques” International Journal For Research In Emerging Science And Technology, Volume-1, Issue-6, November-2014.
8. Ajay Kumar, “Importance of Being Unique From Finger Dorsal Patterns: Exploring Minor Finger Knuckle Patterns in Verifying Human Identities” IEEE Transactions On Information Forensics And Security, Vol. 9, No. 8, August 2014.
9. P. Diviya, “Identification of suspect using finger knuckle pattern in biometric fusion” International journal of research in computer science, Volume: 02, issue:02, 2015.
10. Hongyang Yu, Gongping Yang, “A New Finger-Knuckle-Print ROI Extraction Method Based on Two-Stage Center Point Detection” International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Volume: 8, No. 2 (2015)
11. Shubhada Sonawane, “Verifying Human Identities Using Major and Minor Finger Knuckle Pattern” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 5, Issue 2, February 2016.
Pranali Anant Nalange, Manisha Madhukar Ambekar
Paper Title:
A Review on Multimodal Biometric Databases
Abstract: In biometric technology physical or behavioral characteristics are used to identify user or particular person. Personal authentication system using biometric helps to establish the identity of an actual user. From the various biometric traits, face and fingerprint are most commonly used as well as easily available. There are so many unimodal biometric databases are available on internet. But only few databases are available for multimodal biometric. But in all multimodal biometric databases, only few of them are freely available as well as only some of them having face and fingerprint biometric traits commonly present. So, in this paper we study the multimodal biometric database in which face and fingerprint biometric traits are commonly present, which is created by us for serial multimodal biometric technique research purpose.
Keywords: Biometric, Database, Face, Fingerprint, Multimodal
1. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Julian Fierrez-Aguilar, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez, “Multimodal Biometric Databases: An Overview” IEEE A&E Systems Magazine, August 2006
2. Kieron Messer, Josef Kittler, Mohammad Sadeghi, Sebastien Marcel, Christine Marcel, Samy Bengio, et al. “Face Verifcation Competition on the XM2VTS Database”
3. Kieron Messer, Josef Kittler, Mohammad Sadeghi, Miroslav Hamouz, Alexey Kostin, Fabien Cardinaux, et al., “Face Authentication Test on the BANCA Database”
4. Sonia Garcia-Salicetti, Charles Beumier, Gerard Chollet, Bernadette Dorizzi, Jean Leroux les Jardins, Jan Lunter, et al. “BIOMET: a Multimodal Person Authentication Database Including Face, Voice, Fingerprint, Hand and Signature Modalities ” Conference Paper in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, June 2003
5. Bruno Dumas, Catherine Pugin, Jean Hennebert, Dijana Petrovska-Delacretaz, Andreas Humm, Florian Evequoz, et al. “MYIDEA – Multimodal Biometrics Database, Description Of Acquisition Protocols”
6. Doroteo T. Toledano, D. Hernandez-Lopez, C. Esteve-Elizalde, J. Fierrez, J. Ortega-Garcia, D. Ramos, J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, “BioSec Multimodal Biometric Database in Text-Dependent Speaker Recognition”
7. J. Fierrez, J. Galbally, J. Ortega-Garcia, M. R. Freire, F. Alonso-Fernandez, D. Ramos, et al. “BiosecurID: a multimodal biometric database” Springer-Verlag London Limited, February 2009
8. Yilong Yin, Lili Liu, Xiwei Sun, “SDUMLA-HMT: A Multimodal Biometric Database” Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
9. Pranali Anant Nalange, Prof. Manisha Madhukar Ambekar, “Identification of Face and Fingerprint Using serial Multimodal Biometric Technique” International Journal of Pure and Applied Research in Engineering and Technology ISSN – 2319-507X volume 4 (9): 1236-1243, 2016
10. Pranali Nalange, Prof. M. M. Ambekar, “A Comparative Study of Pixel by Pixel and PCA Technique in Serial Multimodal Biometric” International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Volume: 4 Issue: 10, ISSN: 2321-8169, 165-167
Gajanan Tudavekar, Sanjay R. Patil
Paper Title:
Video In Painting using Wavelets
Abstract: Video in-painting is the technique of filling the holes or recovering the damages in a video. In this paper, video in-painting frame work is proposed to recover the damaged frame. This framework consists of Discrete Wavelet Transform based in-painting algorithm, and Papoulis-Gerchberg based super resolution algorithm. The framework performs first the in-painting on sub band level of coarse version of the input frame. A super-resolution algorithm is then used to enhance the image. The proposed approach is compared with state-of-art algorithms. The results demonstrate that the proposed work is well suited for filling the gap in a frame of a video sequence.
Keywords: In-painting, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Super resolution, PSNR, SSIM
1. C. Guillemot and O. Le Meur, “Image inpainting: Overview and recent advances,” IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 127–144, Jan. 2014.
2. C. Barnes, E. Shechtman, A. Finkelstein, and D. B. Goldman, “Patch Match: A randomized correspondence algorithm for structural image editing,” ACM Trans. Graph., vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 24:1–24:11, Jul. 2009.
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12. Criminisi,P. P´erez and K. Toyama, “Region Filling and Object Removal by Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting,”IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 13, NO. 9, SEP 2004
13. Sanjay Patil and Sanjay Talbar, “Multiresolution analysis using Wavelet and Curvelet Features for CBIR,” International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 47 No.17, pp. 6-10 June 2012.
14. Subhasis Chaudhuri, “Super Resolution Imaging,” Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
15. Anand Deshpande, Prashant Patavardhan, D. H. Rao, “Super-Resolution for Iris Feature Extraction,”, IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2014.
16. Peleg, T. and Elad, M.,”A Statistical Prediction Model Based on Sparse Representations for Single Image Super-Resolution,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume:23, Issue: 6, pp. 2569 – 2582, June 2014.
17. Priyam Chatterjee and Sujata Mukherjee, “Application of Papoulis-Gerchberg Method in Image Super-resolution and Inpainting,” The Computer Journal, Vol.1, 2007.
18. Soheil Darabi, Eli Shechtman, Connelly Barnes, Dan Goldman, and Pradeep Sen, Image melding: combining inconsistent images using patch-based synthesis, ACM Trans. Graph., 31 (2012).
19. Yunqiang Liu and Vicent Caselles, Exemplar-based image inpainting using multiscale graph cuts, IEEE Trans. Image Proc., 22 (2013), pp. 1699–1711.
20. Wang, “Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity’, IEEE, proceedings on Image Processing. 2004.
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Gangadhar V. Shinde, Vinodpuri R. Gosavi
Paper Title:
Design & Development of Digital Panel Meter
Abstract: Measurement of electrical parameter is an essential aspect in today’s world, as electricity has become an indispensible part of our lives. Earlier electrical parameters used to be measured using analog meters but later several manufacturers started developing digital meters to overcome the drawbacks of analog meters. Today with several manufacturers in market Cost and also Accuracy have become major parameters to be considered before taking up design of any project. Digital Panel Meter for short DPM’s are absolutely necessary in any electrical industry we find. Digital Panel Meters to be designed in proposed project will be Cost effective, efficient and also accurate in measurement, which are the features found desirable in any DPM that customer wish to purchase.
Keywords: True RMS, DPM, SMPS, Accuracy Class, MCU, ADC.
1. ‘Using Microcontrollers for High Accuracy Analogue Measurements’ by M. Jaanus A. Udal, V. Kukk, K. Umbleja, Tallinn University of Technology 2013.
2. 4.pdf
Mohtashim Alam Khan, A.V. Nikalje
Paper Title:
PLC-SCADA Based Boiler Automation
Abstract: This paper deals with operation and control of boiler system using PLC (Programmable Logic Controller).It focuses on automation of various parameters like temperature, steam pressure, water levels at various stages in a boiler assembly and its synchronization with boiler operation. With technological advancement need for improvements in boiler system has increased ,this system tries to fulfill the emerging demand in existing boiler systems. Using PLC automation of boiler is done , different sensors like RTD ,float switches, pressure sensors give input to the PLC which accordingly regulates different values and control parameters of this system. Monitoring and control of this operation is done using SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System) connected through various communication cables making it more easy to operate through a computer. This automation and control in turn improves efficiency of the system. The emergency system which is also incorporated in this system comes into action once the predefined values exceeds hence providing safety of life and protects our system from failure.
Keywords: PLC, Boiler, SCADA, Automation.
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8. Stuart A. Boyer “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition,” 4th Edition Instrument Society of Automation.
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11. Engin Ozdemir, Mevlut Karacor, “Mobile phone based SCADA for industrial automation”, Research gates The instrumentation, systems and automation society (ISA), vol. 45,no.1,Jan 2006.
12. P.Kiruthika, P.Navaseelam,L.Senthilnathan, “Automated control system design for ultra supercritical thermal power plant” IEEE International conference on technological innovations in ICT for agriculture and rural development(TIAR),2015.
13. Dongwang, Xian-Li Su,“The Boiler Design of remote monitoring system based on SCADA”,IEEE The National Natural Science Founds,2013.
14. P.K.Bhowmik,S.K.Dhar, “Boiler gas burner management system automation using PLC”,IEEE 7th International Conference on Electrical and computer Engineering, Dec 2012.
15. A.Archana ,B.Yadav, “PLC-SCADA based automation of filter house , a section of water treatment plant1”1st International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Electronics Communication and Networking IEEE, Dec 2012.
16. Programmable logic controllers (PLC’s) details are Available:
17. Ezell,Barry, “Supervisory control and data acquisition system for water supply and its vulnerability to cyber risks “Available:
Shrikant J. Upase, R. P. Labade
Paper Title:
Design of Encrypted SDR and analysis of Noise in High Level System Architecture using MATLAB
Abstract: The aim of this project is to design and implement a software defined radio based wireless communication system using MATLAB. Software defined radio is a feasible solution for reconfigurable radios, which can carry out distinctive functions at different times on the same hardware. The baseband area of a remote communication system is first simulated and then implemented in program. The implementation of the baseband transmitter is analyzed utilizing constellation and eye diagrams for different modulation techniques and different signal-to noise ratios, while considering an additive white Guassian noise channel. The execution of the receiver is analyzed by comparing the input and yield waveforms. The performance of the system in real time is also analyzed by implementing the system in MATLAB. A comparison of the simulation results with the results obtained from implementing the system in the form of plotted graph. It is expected that the simulation results and experimental results will be similar. Apart from this the parameters like encoder and decoder will make an optimum solution with minimum noise in transmission for software define radio. To avoid the noise we have to adjust various parameter like frequency, width, delay, bandwidth etc. accordingly we will compare the result with existing system and proposed system with encoder. We expect the minimum noise level as compared to normal.
Keywords: Additive White Gaussian Noise, Analog-to Digital Converter, Binary Phase Shift Keying, Software Defined Radio, quadrature phase shift keying.
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31. Lei Yang, Zengbin Zhang, Wei Hou, Ben Y. Zhao, Haitao Zheng,” A Software Platform for Distributed Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Using SDRs”, pp 1-7
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33. Benjamin Drozdenko, Ramanathan Subramanian, Kaushik Chowdhury, and Miriam Leeser,” Implementing a MATLAB-based Self-Configurable Software Defined Radio Transceiver”, pp 1-12
34. Shriram K Vasudevan,Sivaraman R,Z.C.Alex,” Software Defined Radio Implementation (With simulation & analysis)”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 4– No.8, August 2010, pp 1-7
35. Noa Zilberman,, Philip M. Watts,Charalampos Rotsos, and Andrew W. Moore, “Reconfigurable Network Systems and Software-Defined Networking” Vol. 103, No. 7, July 2015 | Proceedings of the IEEE
36. Ramanathan Subramanian, Benjamin Drozdenko, Eric Doyle, Rameez Ahmed, Miriam Leeser, and Kaushik Roy Chowdhury, “High-Level System Design of IEEE 802.11b Standard-Compliant Link Layer for MATLAB-Based SDR” IEEE Trans. Volume 4, 2016 pp 1494-1509.
Bhagyalaxmi T.Tejinkar, R.K.Kanhe
Paper Title:
A Review Paper on Facial Expression Recognition
Abstract: Automatic facial expression analysis is an interesting and challenging problem, and impacts important applications in many areas such as human–computer interaction and data-driven animation. Facial expression reflects not only emotions but also other mental activities, social interaction and physiological signals. Facial expression recognition usually performed in three-stages consisting of face detection, and expression classification. This paper presents a survey of the current work done in the field of facial expression recognition techniques with various face detection, feature extraction and classification methods used by them and their performance.
Keywords: Facial Expression Detection, Feature Extraction, Expression classification, Human Machine Interface
1. Tanjea Ane, Md. Fazlul Karim Patwary, “Performance analysis of similarity coefficient feature vector on facial expression recognition”, 12th International conference on vibration problems, ICOVP 2015, pp.444-451.
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3. Jyoti Kumari, R.Rajesh, KM.Pooja, “Facial expression recognition: A survey”,Second international symposium on computer vision and the internet,2015,pp.486-491.
4. Veena Mayya et al, “Automatic facial expression recognition using DCNN”, 6th International conference on computing and communication, ICACC 2016, PP.453-461.
5. Jun Ou, “Classification algorithms research on facial expression recognition”International conference on solid state devices and materials science, 2012, pp.1241-1244.
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16. Anchal Garg,Dr.Rohit Bajaj, “Facail expression recognition and classification using hybridization of ICA,GA,and Neural Network for Human Computer Interaction”,Journal network communication and emerging technologies,vol.2,no.1,May 2015.
Suvarna S. Kale, R. K. Kanhe
Paper Title:
A Review on Image Defogging
Abstract: Digital image processing is the method to perform some operation on the image, in order to get an enhanced image and extract the useful information from that image. Mostly in winter season the visibility of outdoor images captured in inclement weather is often degraded due to the presence of fog. Because of this problem clear image is not obtained. In this paper, we first presented a review of the detection and classification method of a foggy image. Literature survey is an important for understanding and gaining much more knowledge about the specific area of a subject there is an improvement in terms of contrast, visible range and color fidelity. All these techniques are widely used in many applications such as outdoor Surveillance, object detection, underwater images, etc.
Keywords: Image processing, image defogging, dark channel prior, Improved DCP (IDCP).
1. R. Sharma and V. Chopra, “A review on different image dehazing methods,’‘ Int. J. Comput. Eng. Appl., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 7787, Jun. 2014.
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3. S. G. Narasimhan, C. Wang, and S. K. Nayar, “All the images of an Outdoor scene,” in Computer Vision (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), vol. 2352. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2002, pp. 148162.
4. S. G. Narasimhan and S. K. Nayar, “Vision and the atmosphere,” Int. J. Comput. Vis., vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 233254, 2002.
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6. J. John and M. Wilscy, “Enhancement of weather degraded video sequences using wavelet fusion,” in Proc. 7th IEEE Int. Conf. Cybern. Intell. Syst., Sep. 2008, pp. 16.
7. Ramya and D. S. S. Rani, “Contrast enhancement for fog degraded video sequences using BPDFHE,” Int. J. Comput. Sci. Inf. Technol., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 34633468, 2012.
8. Z. Xu, X. Liu, and X. Chen, “Fog removal from video sequences using contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Intell. Softw. Eng., Dec. 2009, pp. 14.
9. K. He, J. Sun and X. Tang, “Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior” , IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern reorganization, 2009.
10. Vinkey Sahu and Vinkey Sahu, “A Survey Paper On Single Image Dehazing”, IJRITCC Volume: 3 Issue: 2 February 2015.
11. Yan Wang and Bo Wu, “Improved Single Image Dehazing using Dark Channel Prior”, IEEE 2010.
12. Kaiming He, Jian Sun, and Xiaoou Tang, “Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 33, No. 12, December 2011.
Aravind Jadhav, Sanjay Pujari
Paper Title:
Resolution Enhancement of CT Images Based on Histogram Equalization
Abstract: In this paper, we will discuss the development of the image enhancement techniques and their application in the field of image processing. The principle objective of image enhancement techniques is to process an input image so that the resultant image is more suitable than the original image for specific application. The histogram equalization (HE) is one of the most popular methods for image contrast enhancement. The idea of image resolution enhancement concerns with the improvement of image resolution based on the fusion of several acquisitions of low resolution observations by the imaging sensor. The result presented in this paper demonstrates that the application of the histogram equalization (HE) technique on a dark medical image yields a better quality, which makes it suitable for pre-processing of visibility for a majority of images and medical image applications.
Keywords: Resolution Enhancement, histogram equalization (HE), low resolution (LR)
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B. S. Sonawane, Ratadeep Dehsmukh, Swapnil Waghmare, Pushpedra Chavan
Paper Title:
Disk less Client: Dracut for Boot & Initialization for Standalone Systems
Abstract: The Basic Objective of this paper is to highlight the diskless client using the upcoming open source term i.e. Dracut for boot initialization for standalone systems for cost efficiency and reliability of the performance of operating systems connected over the network. The major advantage of the diskless client using Dracut initialization is to optimize the bandwidth, network recourses and bandwidth as per the user requirement. The experiment was conducted during the lab work, as we have connected three computer systems and check above said parameters i.e. network resources, bandwidth and booting time, it gives us good result. The main parameter is a virtualization; it implies the good result during the accession of operating system over the network. This paper explores how to configure and access the operating systems over the network and minimize the booting time. Effective solution required to the mass education like schools, colleges, government offices, industries and many more area where number of computer systems are connected with network. Due to lack of funds government schools like Zilha Parishad, not accord to purchase computer systems, in this case our system can help them to provide the I T infrastructure with low cost, by connecting more than 1000 systems with single network and access the operating system using cloud. General Terms: The Dracut image is a replacement for initial ram disk images used in traditional Linux boot mechanism. The Disk Less Client is a technology used for ease of administration. The scope of this paper will be only for Software oriented Virtual Disk Less clients.
Keywords: Dracut is referred for the initramfs.img which is a replacement to initrd.img for traditional Linux machine booting. Linux, Operating Systems, DHCP Server, TFTP server, NFS Server, DRACUT Network, IAAS, PAAS, SAAS.
1. Marisol Garcia-Valls, Tommaso Cucinotta, Chenyang Lu, Challenges in real-time virtualization and predictable cloud computing, Journal of System Architecture 60 (2014) 726-740. @2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
2. Kulthida phapikhor, suchart khummanee, panida songram, chatklaw jareanpon, Performance Comparison of the Diskless Technology, 10 th Internaional Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE). @2012 IEEE.
3. Zhang haiming, WU kaichau, LI Jianhui, Zhang Bo, XUE Zhenghua, YAN Baoping, “Parallel file system- supported server virtual environment in data center”, First international conference on networking and distributed computing. @2010 IEEE
4. Shingo Takada*, Akira Sato*, Yasushi Shinjo*, Hisashi Nakai, Akiyoshi Sugiki* and kozo Itano*,” A P2P Approach to Scalable Network-Booting, Third International Conference on Networking and Computing.
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6. Noki Tanida, Kei Hiraki, Mary Inaba*, “Efficient disk- to- disk copy through long-distance high-speed networks with background traffic”, Fusion Engineering and Design, www.
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Kriti Shrivastava, M.D. Pawar
Paper Title:
Necessity of Starters for DC Shunt Motors
Abstract: DC motor has a very high starting current which is capable of damaging the armature winding of motor, if not controlled to certain limited value. This limitation to the starting current of dc motor can be given by the means of a starter. The speed of any motor has to be increased from zero and should be brought to the operating speed, this is called as starting of a motor. DC motors speed can be controlled over wide range either by changing the voltage or by changing strength of current in its winding. This starting of a dc motor is controlled with the help of a starter, which is connected in series to the armature winding of a motor so as to limit its starting current to finest value, taking into consideration the safety aspect of the motor. A starter allows a DC motor or a DC motor controlled device to turn ON or OFF. This paper gives the study of different types of DC motors, need of an external starter for these DC motors and different techniques that can be involved in the construction of the starters.
Keywords: DC Motors, Speed, Armature, Field winding, IGBT.
1. Rohit Kumar, 3- COIL STARTER USE FOR STARTING D.C MOTOR. International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET) March, 2015
2. Rakesh J. Waghmare, Dr. S.B Patil Mr. Uddhav S Shid2 and Uttam Y Siddha, NEED OF ELECTRONIC STARTER FOR DC MOTOR. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013
4. Universal motors” ( /2012/02 /universal-motors-construction-working)
5. Laughton M.A and Warne D.F, Editor. Electrical engineering reference book
6. B.L Theraja, A.K Theraja, Electrical Technology, AC & DC Machines, Volume II
Pranjal Lokhande, M.D. Pawar
Paper Title:
Garbage Bins Collection and Management by using Zigbee and GSM Technology
Abstract: the pollution affected especially growing region as well as the most populated cities. Our environment is being spoiled by nescience of cleanliness. The main aim of this paper is being eradicated this issue and to reduce it. Now days, there are a number of techniques, which are used for the collection and management of the garbage. set of carefully chosen sensors to monitor the status of garbage bin. The smart garbage bin consist sensors namely ultrasonic sensor, gas sensor and moisture sensor. The ultrasonic sensor is placed inside the garbage bin at lead position, gas sensor will sense the toxic gases and moisture sensor will sense moist in bin. hence, Sensor is an ideal detecting device to solve this problem. In order to make this process more economical sensor based system is used in real time. Now days, there are a number of techniques, which are used for the collection and management of the garbage. Zigbee and GSM technologies are not only latest trends but also one of the best combinations to use in the project. The ultrasonic sensor is placed inside the garbage bin at lead position, gas sensor will sense the toxic gases and moisture sensor will sense moist in bin then that indication will give to PIC micro-controller. The controller will give indication to the cleaning authority and needs urgent attention. The Pic-micro-controller will indication by sending SMS using GSM technology. These Dustbins are interfaced with the central system showing status of garbage in Dustbin on GUI.
Keywords: Ultrasonic sensor, Gas Sensor, Moisture sensor, GSM, Zigbee, PIC-controller..
1. Md. Abdulla Al Mamun, Hannan, Aini Hussain, Hassan Basri “Wireless sensor Network Prototype for solid Waste Bin Monitoring with Energy Efficient Sensing Algorithm ,” 16th international conference on computational Science and engineering,December 2013.
2. Md.Shafique Islam,M.A. Hannan, “An overview for Solid Waste Bin Monitoring System,”Journal of Applied Science Research,8(2):879-886,February 2012
3. Kanchan Mahajan, Prof.J.S.Chitode “Waste Bin monitoring system using Integrated Technology”,International Journal of Innovative Research in Science engineering and Technology”,vol 3,Issue 7,july 2014.
4. Pavithra, “Smart trash system: An applicating using Zigbee,” International and Technology , vol. 1,Issue 8 october 2014.
5. Priya B.K.,T.Lavanya,V.Samyakta Reddy “Bin That Think’s ,” The international journal of science and technology(ISSN 2321-919x)vol 3 Issue 6,June 2015 .
7. Myke Predkoion, programming And customizing the PIC microcontroller.
8. Electronic maker, January2016 Issue236, Vol No.21
9. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin D. Mckinlay, Danny Causy PIC Microcontroller and embedded systems.
10. EMBEDDED For You, A Research Journal on Embedded Technology, November/December 2015, Vol.9 No.6
11. Electronics for you, Volume 46, Issue 3
Vilas A Jadhav, S M Jagade
Paper Title:
Review on Optimized Utilization of Bandwidth in FM Radio
Abstract: This review paper focuses on increasing the communication channels of an FM Radio. It comments on need to use bandwidth at optimize level, to achieve more number of channel’s in available limited spectrum. The previous methods used are studied on theoretical basis. It discusses on advantages of spectrum saving, full-filing increased need of communication and disadvantages of distortion, noise interference by narrowing the bandwidth. The primary resources of any communication system are transmission bandwidth and transmitted power which must be used effectively. It is well known that FM has been always superior over AM. The major drawback in FM is need of increased transmission bandwidth as compared to AM. If the bandwidth is used at optimum level then we can enjoy advantages of FM at a large scale in terms of high quality reception and increased number of channels.
Keywords: Bandwidth, Communication Channels, Frequency Modulation.
1. Frequency Modulation (FM) Tutorial Lawrence Der, Ph.D. Silicon Laboratories Inc.
2. › RF topics
3. › DIY Digital/Analog Electronics.
4. System and method for reduced deviation time domain FM/PM discriminator to achieve a reduced bandwidth frequency or phase modulation communications channels US Patent no. 7272368 B2
S. K. Tilekar, S. C. Pathan, P. V. Mane-Deshmukh, S. V. Chavan, B. P. Ladgaonkar
Paper Title:
Synthesis of AMS Based System-on-Chip for Measurement of Physicochemical Parameters of Water
Abstract: An innovative technology, Analog Mixed Signal (AMS) based VLSI design, is realizing commendable dynamic reconfigurability of on-chip resources, analog as well as digital, which furnishes needs ubiquitous System-on-Chip (SoC) design. It reveals wide spectrum of applicability, particularly in the field of precision measurements and controlling of various parameters such as pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), concentration of Dissolved Oxygen (DO), etc., of liquid. Further, the deployment of AMS based Programmable SoC (PSoC) overcomes constraints in the configurability and has ultra-low power consumption, which is otherwise exhibited by traditional VLSI. Therefore, deploying PSoC5 device the SoC for temperature compensated EC and pH measurement of water is synthesised and presented in this paper. The AD590, standard EC electrode and standard pH electrode are wired off the chip for the synthesis of this SoC. Deploying the on-chip resources of the CY8C55 series PSoC device and ensuring co-development process, the necessary DAS is configured and routed in PSoC device by PSoC Creator2.1 environment. Configuring 10-bit ƩΔADC, the preciseness of parameter measurement is achieved. The SoC is calibrated to the standard units by employing scientific method and standardize with sophisticated instrument from standard Hanna make meter and results are interpreted in this paper.
Keywords: Analog Mixed Signal, PGA, Conductivity, pH, PSoC..
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10. B. P. Ladgaonkar, S. N. Patil and S. K. Tilekar, “Development Of Ni-Zn Ferrite Based Smart Humidity Sensor Module By Using Mixed Signal Programmable System-On-Chip”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, Vol. 310 (2013) 490-493.
12. S. K. Tilekar and B. P. Ladgaonkar, “Designing of Mixed Signal based Programmable System on Chip for temperature compensated pH Measurement”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 4 6 (2013) 672-678.
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P. V. Mane-Deshmukh, S. K. Tilekar, B. P. Ladgaonkar
Paper Title:
Designing of Wireless Sensor Network for Real-Time Patroling of the border
Abstract: Real time patroling at the border is the challenging task to the soldiers. During worst environmental conditions it become more tedious. Therefore one can opt for deployment of innovative technology to assist the Border Security Force (BSF) to provide real time patrolinng. The wireless sensor network is most suitable technology to overcome this problem. The wireless network is designed to ensure real time patroling at the border and presented in this paper. Based on embedded technology, the wireless sensor node have been designed by deploying advance microcontroller PIC 18F4550. To identify the movement of the intruder crossing the border, the sensors based on PIR technology is employed. The wireless sensor node can be distributed systematically on the border. It collects information of the intruder and disseminates towards the base station located at main control office. From the database and alarming facilities, the commanders can immediate tack action for border security.
Keywords: PIC18F4550, PIR technology, Wireless Network, Patroling.
1. C. K. Ho, A. Robinson, David R. Miller and Mary J. Davis, “Overview of Sensors and Needs for Environmental Monitoring”, Sensors, 5 (2005) 4-37.
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20. S. S. Shaikh, S. C. Pathan, P. V. Mane-Deshmukh, S. K. Tilekar and B. P. Ladgaonkar, “Development of Smart Fusion Technology Based Customizable System-on-Chip For Monitoring of Polyhouse Parameters”, Int. J. of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5 9 (2014) 100-108.
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Bhagyashri A. Jadhav, Vinodpuri R. Gosavi, Amitesh Ghatak
Paper Title:
A Review: Global Virtual Private Network
Abstract: Global Virtual Private Network (GVPN) is growing technology which plays important role in wireless local area networks (WLAN) by providing safe and secure data transmission. VPN provides safe and secure data transmission by creating tunnels between two different pair of CPE (customer premises equipments), once tunnel created data transfer can take place. It provides facility to users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network, and thus are benefiting from the functionality, security and management policies of the private network. A VPN is created by establishing a virtual point-to-point connection through the use of dedicated connections, virtual tunneling protocols, or traffic encryption. From a user perspective, the extended network resources are accessed in the same way as resources available within the private network. Traditional VPNs are characterized by a point-to-point topology, and they do not tend to support or connect broadcast domains. This paper presents a study of GVPN architecture, MPLS based layer -3 VPN and protocols used together with their advantages and disadvantages.
1. TU-T Recommendation Y. 1.311, Network based VPNs- generic architecture and service requirements.
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6. M. Leech, SOCKS protocol version 5, IETF RFC 1928, (March 1996)
7. Rosen, at al., Multiprotocol label switching architecture, IETFRFC 3031, (January 2001).
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9. W. Townsley, et al., Layer two tunneling protocol “L2TP”, IETF RFC 2661, (August 1999).
Mayuri N. Joshi, Abhilasha D. Mishra, Suhas S. Chate
Paper Title:
A Review: Submarine Optical Cables in Undersea Telecommunications
Abstract: Undersea Fiber Optic Cables are spread throughout the world. The main advantage is that the underwater optical communication is more reliable and secure. It is connecting entire globe through submarine cables, submarine cables have their network throughout the world. It carries more than 95% of transoceanic voice and data traffic. This paper presents various Submarine Optical Cables in Undersea Telecommunications with their bandwidth capacities and technologies used in these cables and also their advantages over previously used cable systems in communication. This paper also describes the effects of environments on submarine cables and troubleshooting over them.
1. M. Arumugam, ―Optical Fibre Communication – An Overview‖ Pramana journal of physics, VOL. 57, Nos5 & 6, PP. 849–869, 2001.
2. Mehdi Malekiah, Dony Yang ,and Shiv Kumar, ―Comparison of optical back propagation scheme for fibre optic communication‖ optical Fibre Technology,19, pp. 4-9,2013.
3. Bell, 1970. Bell System Technical Journal 49 (5), Part 5, May/June
4. Sui Meihong and Yu Xinsheng and Zhang Fengli, “The Evaluation of Modulation Techniques for Underwater Wireless Optical Communications”, International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, pp. 138-142, 2009.
5. M. Kordahi, “New tools for multilayered undersea telecommunication networks,” Sea Technology Magazine,Volume 15, No 7, 2010.
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Sarfraz Khan, Shaikh Aamer
Paper Title:
Smart Glasses: Technological Perspective and Modern Vital Applications in Diverse Vicinity
Abstract: With wide spread and development of technology, the human being is more comfort to accomplish day to day task and schedules. There is no issue to adopt and used to the updated, recent and or innovative technology by human being with less efforts. Smart glasses are nothing but wearable head-mounted display (HMD) devices or imaging system having computer to add information what the wearer see. Basically Smart glasses used to execute task by hand freely. A user can check information without using hands. Recently the use of smart glasses is at par. There are various applications where these smart glasses are playing an important role such as technical and medical education, remote sensing, record handling and storage, route tracking, face recognition, human machine interfacing, tracking and control, forensic, safe navigation of ships etc. This paper shows technological overview of smart glasses in various field, their importance and key applications. It also shows the knowledge regarding future scope and compatibility of technology with human being.
Keywords: (HMD), various applications, development of technology freely, schedules.
1. Nikitha Kommera, Faisal Kaleem, Syed Mubashir Shah Harooni, “Smart augmented reality glasses in cyber security and forensic education”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), 17 November 2016.
2. Buti Al Delail, Chan Yeob Yeun, “Recent advances of smart glass application security and privacy”, IEEE International Conference on Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 25 February 2016.
3. Jay Kim, Daniel Zimmer, “The History of Smart Glasses by SAP Startup Focus Member APX Labs 2011-present”,, March 31, 2015.
6. Babak Taraghi , Mahdi Babaei, “Object detection using Google Glass”, IEEE International Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), 2015
7. Xiaohui Wu, Jibo He, Jake Ellis, William Choi, Pingfeng Wang, Kaiping Peng, “Which is a Better In-Vehicle Information Display? A Comparison of Google Glass and Smartphones”, IEEE International Journal of Display Technology, Volume: 12, Issue: 11, Nov. 2016, pp.1364-1371
8. Nikitha Kommera, Faisal Kaleem, Syed Mubashir Shah Harooni, “Smart augmented reality glasses in cyber security and forensic education”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), 17 November 2016.
9. Buti Al Delail, Chan Yeob Yeun, “Recent advances of smart glass application security and privacy”, IEEE International Conference on Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 2015
10. Roger Schaer, Fanny Salamin, Oscar Alfonso, Jiménez del Toro, Manfredo Atzori, Henning Müller, Antoine Widmer, “Live ECG readings using Google Glass in emergency situations”, IEEE International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015.
11. Hermann Schweizer, “Smart glases: Technology and applications”, Ubiquitous computing seminar, FS2014.
12. Brian L. Due, “The future of smart glasses: An essay about challenges and possibilities with smart glasses”, Working papers on interaction and communication, 1(2), 1-21, 2014.
S. P. Bhosale, D. M. Yadav
Paper Title:
Image Resolution Enhancement Using Wavelet Transform
Abstract: Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) used for image resolution enhancement suffers artifacts due to shift variance property of DWT. To overcome these drawbacks dual tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) is proposed to enhance input image. In this paper implementation using dual tree complex wavelet transform, discrete and stationary wavelet transform is carried out using Lanczos interpolation and Wiener filtering techniques .The values of peak signal to noise (PSNR) are presented in order to differentiate the discrete and stationary wavelet transform, dual tree complex wavelet transform technique.
Keywords: image enhancement, discrete wavelet transform, stationary wavelet transform, dual tree complex wavelet
1. Turgay Celik and Tardi Tjahjadi, “Image Resolution Enhancement Using Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform,” IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 7, No. 3, July 2010.
2. Muhamad Zafar Iqbal, Abdul Ghafoor, Adil Masood Siddiqui, “Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement using Dual Tree Complex wavelet Transform and Non Local Means,” IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters, Vol. 10, No. 3, May 2013.
3. Hasan Demirel and Gholamreza Anbarjafari, “Satellite Image Resolution Enhancemnt using Complex Wavelet Transform,” IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2010.
4. Ivan .Selesnick, Richard G.Baraniuk and Nick G. Kings Bury,”The Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform,” IEEE signal processing magazine, November 2005.
5. Hasan Demirel and Gholamreza.
6. “Image Resolution Enhancement by using Discrete and Stationary wavelet Decompositions,” IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, Vol. 20, No.5, May 2011.
7. Hasan Demirel and Gholamreza Anbarjafari ,“ Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement,” IEEE Transaction on Geosciences and Remote sensing, Vol. 49, No. 6 , June 2011.
8. Sung Cheol Park, Min Kyu Park and Moon Gi Kang, “Super-resolution image reconstruction: a technical overview,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 21-36, May 2003.
9. R. Ramya, Dr. M. Senthil Murugan, “Comparative Study on Super Resolution Image Reconstruction Techniques,” Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013.
10. S.S. Qureshi, xue Ming Li, T. Ahmad, “Investigating Image super resolution Techniques: What to choose”, Advance communication Technology (ICACT) 2012, International conference.
11. Massimo, Fierro, Ho-gun Ha and yeong –Ho Ha, “Noise reduction based partial reference dual tree complex wavelet transform shrinkage”. IEEE transaction on image processing Vol. 22, No.5 may 2013
Madhuri Y Sonule, Sangeeta R Chougule
Paper Title:
Detection of Microaneurysm Symptom of Diabetic Retinopathy using Slant Stacking Algorithm and Artificial Intelligence
Abstract: In this paper the focus is on to detect automated MAs to prevent DR due to which blindness occurs in a diabetic patient. There are several pathologies has complications that lead to the deterioration, or even loss of the sight. Among them, one of the most important is the DR, which is, at an eye level, the most frequent and serious complication of diabetes mellitus. This complication is the leading cause of blindness for adults between 20 to 74 years old. So there is a need of an effective automated MAs detection method so that DR can be treated at early stage and blindness due to DR can be prevented. So it is helpful to the health professionals can provide an adequate treatment to the patient.
Keywords: DR: Diabetic Retinopathy, pathologies MAs: Microaneurysms, Diabetes mellitus,
1. Mohammed Hafez, Sherif Abdel Azeem “Using Adaptive Edge Technique for Detecting Microaneurysmsin Fluorescein Angiograms of the Ocular Fundus”IEEE MELECON 2002, May 7-9,2002, Cain,, EGYPT.
2. Rumano A. Simandjuntakl”Development of Computer-Aided Diagnosis System for Early Diabetic Retinopathy based on MicroAneurysms Detection from Retina Images”,Department of Electrical Engineering, InstitutTeknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
3. Thomas P. Karnowski, “Retina Lesion and Microaneurysm Segmentation using Morphological Reconstruction Methods with Ground-Truth Data”30th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 20-24, 2008
4. Meinder tNiemeijer,Bram van Ginneken”Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Microaneurysms in Digital Color Fundus Photographs”Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging, Vol. 29, No. 1, January 2010
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6. Giancardo, Student Member, IEEE, F. Meriaudeau, Member, IEEE, T. P. Karnowski, Member, IEEE,Y. Li, Member, IEEE, K. W. Tobin Jr, Senior Member, IEEE and E. Chaum, Member, IEEE “Microaneurysm Detection with Radon Transform-based Classification on Retina Images”33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEEEMBS, September 3, 2011
7. Ankita Agrawal, Charul Bhatnagar, Anand Singh Jalal”A Survey on Automated Microaneurysm Detection in Diabetic Retinopathy Retinal Images”978-1-4673-5986-3/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
8. L. Giancardo, F. Meriaudeau” Validation of Microaneurysm-based Diabetic Retinopathy Screening acrossRetinaFundus Datasets”,978-1-4799-1053-3/13/$31.00 c 2013 IEEE.
9. Jorge Oliveira, Grac¸a Minas and Carlos Silva “Automatic Detection of Microaneurysm Based on the Slant Stacking”978-1-4799-1053-3/13/$31.00 c 2013 IEEE.
10. Tsuyoshi Inoue, Yuji Hatanaka, Chisako Muramatsu, and Hiroshi Fujita”Automated Microaneurysm Detection Method Based on Eigenvalue Analysis Using Hessian Matrix in Retinal Fundus Images” Osaka, Japan, 3 – 7 July, 2013.
11. R. Vidyasari1 , I. Sovani2, and T.L.R. Mengko3 ,H. Zakaria “Vessel Enhancement Algorithm in Digital RetinalFundusMicroaneurysms Filter for Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Classification”2011 International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering8-9 November 2011, Bandung, Indonesia .
12. Gwenole Quellec, Stephen R. Russell, and Michael D. Abramoff,”Optimal Filter Framework for Automated,Instantaneous Detection of Lesions in Retinal Images” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING, VOL. 30, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2011.
13. V. VijayaKumari, N. Suriyanarayanan, C.ThankaSaranya,”Feature Extraction for Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy”2010 International Conference on Recent Trends in Information.
14. KanikaVerma, Prakash Deep and A. G. Ramakrishnan, “Detection and Classification of Diabetic Retinopathyusing Retinal Images” Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science.
15. Ramon Pires, Herbert F. Jelinek, Jacques Wainerand Anderson Rocha“Retinal Image Quality Analysis for Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Detection”2012 XXV SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Image..
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17. MohdFazliHashim,SitiZaitonMohdHashim “Comparison of Clinical and Textural Approach for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading” 2012 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, 23 – 25 Nov. 2012.
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19. Kevin Noronha, Jagadish Nayak, S.N. Bhat “Enhancement of retinal fundus Image to highlight the features for detection of abnormal eyes” 1-4244-0549-1/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE.
20. P. Burlina, D.E. Freund, B. Dupas, and N. Bressler “Automatic Screening of Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Retinal Abnormalities” 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS.
21. Pallavi Kahai Kamesh Rao Namuduri “Decision Support For Automated Screening Of Diabetic Retinopathy” 0-7803-8622-1/04/$20.00 ©2004 IEEE.
22. Chanjira Sinthanayothin, ViravudKongbunkiat, Suthee Phoojaruenchanachai, Apichart Singala vanija’“Automated Screening System For Diabetic Retinopathy”Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (2003).
Shrishail H. Patale, M. S. Potdar
Paper Title:
Analysis of Faults in HVDC Transmission System using Wavelet Transform and Neural Network
Abstract: HVDC Transmission line fault classification and location has been one of primary concern of the power system. Accurate location of fault on HVDC transmission system can save time and major problems of the power utility. Based on wavelet transform and ANN a fault classification and location for HVDC system is proposed.
Keywords: HVDC Transmission System, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Artificial Neural Network (ANN).
1. ZHANG Jie, WANG Chao, WU Na, et al. Study of HVDC transmission line fault location method[J]. Yunnan Electric Technology, 2005, 13-18.
2. ZHANG Xiaoli, ZENG Xiangjun, MA Hongjiang, et al. The grid of traveling wave fault location based the Hilbert-Huang transform [J]. Automation of Electric Power System, 2008, 32(8): 64-68.
3. YANG Cunxiang, GAN Zhanying, WANG Yuhao, et al. The extraction analysis and research of power system transient compound disturbance single based the HHT[J]. Power System Protection and Control, 2009, 37(11): 6-9.
4. YANG Fusheng, HONG Bo. The principle and application of independent component analysis[M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2006.
5. LI Zhixiong, YAN Xinping. Independent Component Analysis And Manifold Learning with Applications to Fault Diagnosis of VSC-HVDC System[J]. Xian Jiaotong University, 2011, 45(2): 44-48(in Chinese).
6. SHU Hongchun, TIAN Xincui, ZHANG Guanbin, et al. Fault location for HVDC transmission lines using natural frequency of single terminal voltage data[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2011, 31(25): 104-111(in Chinese).
7. Ruchita Nale, P. Suresh Babu “Distance Protection of HVDC Transmission line with Novel fault location technique” IJRET, Volume: 03 Issue: 04, Apr-2014.
8. Baina He, Yunwei Zhao, Hengxu Ha, “ Research of Bipolar HVDC Transmission line based on Travelling Wave Differential Protection”, TELKOMNIKA, Vol.11, No12, December 2013.
9. Swehta, P. Krishna Murthy, N. Sujata and Y.Kiran, “A Novel Technique for the Location of Fault on A HVDC Transmission Line”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Vol. 6, No.11, NOVEMBER 2011.
10. Zheng Xiao-Dong, Student Member, IEEE, TaiNeng-Ling, Member, IEEE, James S. Thorp, Life Fellow, IEEE, and Yang Guang-Liang, “A Transient Harmonic Current Protection Scheme for HVDC Transmission Line “, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 27, NO. 4, OCTOBER 2012
11. Sherin Tom, Jaimol Thomas, “A Transient Scheme for the Identification of Fault in HVDC Transmission Line “,IJAREEIE, Vol. 4, Issue 10, October 2015.
12. Priyanka Giradkar, Ashwini Deshmukh, “Identifying Fault in a Transient Harmonic Current Protection Scheme for HVDC Transmission Line”, IJSR, Vol. 03, Issue 12, December 2014.
International Conference, 3rd May 2015, Chennai, India.
14. Kasun Nanayakkara, A.D. Rajapakse, Randy Wachal, “Fault Location in Extra Long HVdc Transmission Lines using Continuous Wavelet Transform”, International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST2011) in Delft, the Netherlands, June 2011.
15. L.Shang, G.Herold, Senior Member, IEEE, J.Jaeger, R.Kebs, A.Kumar, “ High-Speed Fault Identification and Protection for HVDC Line Using Wavelet Technique”, 2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Conference, 10th – 13th September, Porto, Portugal.
16. Sheng Lin *, Shan Gao, Zhengyou He and Yujia Deng, “A Pilot Directional Protection for HVDC Transmission Line Based on Relative Entropy of Wavelet Energy”, Entropy 2015, 17, 5257-5273.
17. L. Shang, G. Herold; J. Jaeger, R. Krebs, A. Kumar, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen–Nuremberg; Siemens AG, Germany “Analysis and identification of HVDC system faults using wavelet modulus maxima”, Conference Paper, December 2001.
18. K.Satyanarayana, Saheb Hussain MD, B.Ramesh, “ Identification of Faults in HVDC System using Wavelet Analysis”, IJECE, Vol.2, No.2,April 2012.
19. Rahil Abrol, Mr. Anshul Mahajan, “HVDC System Fault Analysis through Wavelet Analysis Technique”, IJERT, Vol. 4 Issue 05, May-2015.
20. Yew Ming YEAP, Abhisek UKIL, “Wavelet Based Fault Analysis in HVDC System”, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
21. Madhuri S Shastrakar, Manisha B Gaikwad, “ Fault identification of HVDC Converter Using Artificial Neural Network”, IJERT, Vol.2, Issue 3, March-2011.
22. Jebu John Mathew, Anish Francis, “HVDC Transmission Line Fault Location Using Wavelet Feeded Neural Network Bank”, International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering, Vol. 2 Issue 11, November-2013.
Mohammed Zeeshan, Deshmukh R.R, Syed Shafiuddin B
Paper Title:
An Overview of Different Optical Remote Sensing Techniques
Abstract: Remote sensing is a field to study an object or phenomena without being in the physical contact of the object or phenomena under study. This paper overviews the different remote sensing techniques like Panchromatic remote sensing, Multispectral remote sensing, hyper spectral remote sensing an ultra spectral remote sensing and their significance in the study of different objects over the inaccessible are in the earth. In this paper the comparison of different techniques is done to understand the basic idea and role of remote sensing is to propose solutions for different problems like change detections, disaster management, rural and urban planning, agricultural forestry, weather forecasting and many more.
Keywords: Remote sensing, Phenomena, Panchromatic, Multispectral, hyperspectral, spectral signature.
1. A review of Hyperspectral remote sensing and its application in vegetation and water resource studies M Govender , K Chetty and H Bulcock
2. Remote Sensing Third Class First Edition (2010) Laser Branch Department Of Applied Sciences University Of Technology Dr. Abdulrahman K. Ali
3. Spectral and Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Data Pedram Ghamisi University of Iceland2015
4. Multi spectral, thermal and hyper spectral sensing and usage Chandan Roy Department of Computer and Information Science Linköping University 2016
5. Hyperspectral Image Processing for Automatic Target Detection Applications Dimitris Manolakis, David Marden, and Gary A. Shaw
6. Hyperspectral Data Processing Chain Development Perspectives for Vegetation Studies Kçroly Bakos Telecommunication and Remote Sensing Laboratory University of Pavia, Department of Electronics
Siddheshwar P. Mahale, Ram K. Kanhe
Paper Title:
Brain Tumor Segmentation using K-Means Clustering for Detection and Tumor Area Calculation
Abstract: The most challenging and emerging field is medical image processing. For the detection and identification of tumor in MRI of brain is implemented here. The traditional method for brain medical resonance imaging and the detection of tumor is done by human inspection which is operator dependent. Segmentation is done by operator in the clinical environment which is very tedious task and time consuming work. Segmentation of MRI of brain is complicated in this medical imaging field except few presented methods. Brain MRI can be divided into various regions mainly soft tissues like white matter, cerebrospinal fluid, gray matter etc. Using this process of segmentation, the location and size of tumor may be found evaluated. The present methodology proposed here consisting of preprocessing like removal of noise, process of segmentation and some morphological operations which are the basic steps in the image processing tool. Extraction and detection of tumor from brain MRI scan images is done by using k-means clustering method in MATLAB software.
Keywords: MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), K-means clustering.
1. Kailash Sinha, G.R.Sinha. “Efficient Segmentation Methods for Tumor Detection in MRI Images” 2014 IEEE Student’s Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer.
2. Rajesh C. Patil, Dr. A. S. Bhalchandra. “Brain Tumour Extraction from MRI Images Using MATLAB” International Journal of Electronics, Communication & Soft Computing Science and Engineering ISSN: 2277-9477, Volume 2, Issue 1
3. Divya Kaushik, Utkarsha Singh, Paridhi Singhal, Vijai Singh. “Brain Tumor Segmentation using Genetic Algorithm” International Journal of Computer Applications® (IJCA) (0975 – 8887) International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering & Applications (ICACEA-2014) at IMSEC, GZB
4. Sneha Khare, Neelesh Gupta, Vibhanshu Srivastava. “Genetic algorithm employed to detect brain tumor in MRI image” International Conference on Cloud, Big Data and Trust 2013, Nov 13-15, RGPV
5. Prof.B.K.Saptalakar, Miss. Rajeshwari.H. “Segmentation based detection of brain tumor” B.K Saptalakar, et al International Journal of Computer and Electronics Research [Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2013].
6. Kailash Sinha, G. R. Sinha. “Comparative Analysis of Optimized k-Means and c-Means Clustering Methods for Segmentation of Brain MRI Images for Tumor Extraction” Proceedings of international conference on “Emerging research in computing, information, communication and applications” ERCICA 2013 ISBN:
7. Gauri Anandgaonkar, Dr. Ganesh Sable. “Detection and Identification of Brain Tumor in Brain MR Images Using Fuzzy C-Means Segmentation” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 10, October 2013.
8. Gauri Anandgaonkar, Dr. Ganesh Sable. “Brain Tumor Detection and Identification from T1 Post Contrast MR Images Using Cluster Based Segmentation.” International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
9. Shital Agrawal, Dr. S. R. Gupta. “Detection of brain tumor using different edge detection algorithm” Research article/ April 2014, International Journal of Emerging Research in Management & Technology
10. Sindhu, S. Meera. “A Survey on Detecting Brain Tumor in MRI Images Using Image Processing Techniques” International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
11. Muhd. Mudzakkir Mohd. Hatta, Shoon Lei Win. “Brain Tumor Detection and Localization in Magnetic Resonance Imaging” International Journal of Information Technology Convergence and Services (IJITCS) Vol.4, No.1, February 2014.
Swarupa S. Vedak, Mukesh D. Patil, Vishwesh Vyawahare
Paper Title:
Design of Band-Pass FIR filter using Fractional Fourier Transform
Abstract: In this paper, the new scientific model is designed for registering the rectangular windowed band-pass FIR filter exchange capacity where the rotation angle of fractional Fourier transform is utilized as a free parameter. The excellence of the strategy is by changing the rotation angle of fractional Fourier transform, the transition width and stop band attenuation can be tuned. Using proposed fractional Fourier transform technique, magnitude response of FIR can be tuned by changing rotation angle.
Keywords: Window function, Fractional Fourier Transforms (FrFT), Rectangular window..
1. Pooja Mohindru , Rajesh Khanna , S. S. Bhatia, “New tuning model for rectangular windowed FIR filter using fractional Fourier transform”, Signal, Image and Video Processing, pages: 761-767, vol.9, NO.4, 2015.
2. Er. Mukesh Kumar, Rohit Patel, Er. Rohini Saxena , Saurabh Kumar,“Design of Band pass Finite Impulse Response Filter Using Various Window Method”,Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Pages: 1057-1061, vol. 3, Issue. 5, Sep-Oct 2013.
3. Amer Ali Ammar, Dr. Mohamed. K. Julboub and Dr.Ahmed. A. Elmghairbi,“Digital Filter Design (FIR) Using Frequency Sampling Method”, University Bulletin, ISSUE No.15 ,vol. 3, 2013.
4. Er. Sandeep Kaur and Er. Sangeet Pal Kaur,“Design of FIR filter using hanning window, hamming window and modified hamming window.”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering Technology (IJARCET), Pages: 2440-2443, vol. 4 , Issue 5, May 2015.
5. Ervin Sejdic, Igor Djurovic and LJubisa Stankovic,“Fractional Fourier transform as a signal processing tool: An overview of recent developments”, Signal Processing, Pages: 1351-1369, vol. 91, No. 6, June 2011.
6. V. Ashok Narayanan and K.M.M. Prabhu,“The fractional Fourier transform: theory, implementation and error analysis”, Microprocessors and Microsystems 27, Pages: 511521,June 2003.
7. Imam S, amil Yetik and Arye Nehorai,“Beam forming using the Fractional Fourier Transform”, IEEE Transactions on signal processing, Pages: 16631668, vol. 51, no.6, June 2003
8. Shushank Dogra and Narinder Sharma,“Comparison of Different Techniques to Design of Filter”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 97, No.1, July
9. Somesh Chaturvedi, Mahendra Kumar, Girish Parmar and Pankaj Shukla, “Implementation of Different Non-Recursive FIR Band pass Filters using Fractional Fourier Transform”, Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks Mathura, Pages: 343-347, Nov. 2012.
10. John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithams, and Applications”, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall International, INC.
Prachi S. Kulkarni, R. P. Labade
Paper Title:
Review On Vehicle Tracking System
Abstract: Situating and following a vehicle turns out to be increasingly vital to empower inescapable and setting mindful administration. The broad research has been performed in physical restriction and consistent confinement for satellite, GSM and Wi-Fi correspondence systems where settled reference focuses are thickly sent, the situating and following strategies in a thick system have not been all around tended to. This venture builds up a strategy for vehicular situating. The fundamental kinematics factors redesigned in every progression are the introduction and relative position of the vehicle. A discrete stretched out Kalman channel is utilized to foresee and upgrade the conditions of the vehicle and their vulnerabilities. A few strategies are talked about to refine the area estimation in which the vehicle utilizes a direct corresponding route law to track the objective. Recreation of the movement kinematics of vehicle and the position is performed utilizing MATLAB. It is demonstrated utilizing numerous recreation situations that the vehicle can track and achieve the moving objective effectively.
Keywords: Kalman Filter, CP, GPS, RSS, VANET, DSRC
1. Soo Siang Teoh and Thomas Bräunl, “A Reliability Point and Kalman Filter-based Vehicle Tracking Technique”, University of Western Australia, pp. 1-5
2. Tuan Le, Meagan Combs, and Dr. Qing Yang,“Vehicle Tracking based on Kalman Filter Algorithm”, Computer Science Department at Montana State University, 2008, pp. 1-7
3. Priya Gupta, S.S.Sutar, “Study of Various Location Tracking Techniques for Centralized Location, Monitoring & Control System”, IOSR Journal of Engineering, Vol. 04, Issue 03, March. 2014, pp. 27-30
4. Sheldon Xu and Anthony Chang, “Robust Object Tracking Using Kalman Filters with Dynamic Covariance”, Cornell University, pp. 1-5
5. C.Nandhini, S. Satheesbabu, “Reduction of Noise in GPS Using Kalman Filter”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 11, November 2015, pp. 11398-11404
6. Lubna Farhi, “Dynamic Location Estimation By Kalman Filter”, Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal, Volume 7 Number 5, pp. 1309-1315
7. Nathan Funk, “A Study of the Kalman Filter applied to Visual Tracking”, December 7, 2003, pp. 1-26
8. Thomas Ristenpart, Gabriel Maganis, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Tadayoshi Kohno “Privacy-Preserving Location Tracking of Lost or Stolen Devices: Cryptographic Techniques and Replacing Trusted Third Parties with DHTs”, University of Washington, pp. 1-16
9. Jean-Pierre Dubois, Jihad S. Daba, M. Nader, C. El Ferkh, “GSM Position Tracking using a Kalman Filter”, International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering Vol:6, No:8, 2012, pp. 867-876
10. Karthika. G, Ramalakshmi. K, “Accurate Target Tracking using Kalman Filtering and Location Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 2 Issue 4, April 2013, pp. 381-385
11. Steven R. Bible, Michael Zyda, Don Brutzman, “Using Spread-Spectrum Ranging Techniques for Position Tracking in a Virtual Environment”, Department of Computer Science, pp. 1-16
12. Erin-Ee-Lin Lau, Boon-Giin Lee, Seung-Chul Lee, Wan-Young Chung, “Enhanced RSSI-Based High Accuracy Real-Time User Location Tracking System For Indoor
And Outdoor Environments”, International Journal On Smart Sensing And Intelligent Systems, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2008, pp. 534-548
13. Y.T. Chan and K.C. Ho, “A simple and efficient estimator for hyperbolic location,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process. Vol. 42, no. 8, pp. 1905- 1915, Aug. 1994.
14. X. Wang, Z. Wang and B. O’Dea, “TOA-based location algorithm reducing the errors due to non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation,” IEEE Trans. Vehicle. Technol., vol.52, no. 1, pp. 112-116, Jan. 2003.
15. Pankaj verma 1, J.S Bhatia 2, “Design and development of GPS-GSM based tracking system with Google Map based monitoring,” International Journal of
Computer science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) vol.3, no.3, June 2013.
16. Ceder, “Urban transit scheduling: Framework, review and examples,” J. Urban Planning Develop., vol.128, no.4, pp.225-244, Dec. 2002.
17. Jeongyeup Paek Joongheon Kim Ramesh Govindan, “Energy-Efficient Rate-Adaptive GPS-based Positioning for Smartphones,” Embedded Networks Laboratory
Computer Science Department University of Southern California, pp. 15-18, June 2010.
18. Swati katwal, Ravinder Nath and Govind Murumu, “A simple Kalman Channel Equalizer using Adaptive Algorithms for Time Variant Channel, in Proc. Of the IEEE ICSCCN’, pp.178-181, jul.2011.
19. Praneet Sonil, Agya Mishra2, “Kalman Filter Based Channel Equalizer: A Literature Review,” International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering vol.4, Issue 5, May 2014.
20. Cheng-Tse Chiang, Po-Hsuan Tseng, Student Member, IEEE, “Hybrid Unified Kalman Tracking Algorithms for Heterogeneous Wireless Location System,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol.61, no.2, Feb.2012.
Sanjay B. Dhumal, Vinodpuri R. Gosavi
Paper Title:
Design and Development of Digital Energy Meter
Abstract: Electricity is one of the vital requirements for sustainment of comfort of life. It should be used very judiciously for its proper utilization. The main purpose of this project is to measure the energy with high accuracy for industrial applications. In industry, There are lots of control panels in which the energy meters are used to measure the amount of energy consumed. Today with several manufacturers in market , There are lots of parameters has to be consider like accuracy, cost, size of meter etc. while designing the product . In the market, many types of energy meters are available for industrial applications but the high accuracy meters are not available that’s why it is necessity of the market to propose a energy meter with high accuracy.
Keywords: MSP430 microcontroller; Energy meter; ΣΔ ADC; MAX 3232 IC; Real-Time Clock.
1. S.Arun, Dr.Sidappa “Design and Implementation of Automatic Meter Reading System Using GSM, ZIGBEE through GPRS”. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering Research Paper. Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2013.
2. Bharat Kulkarni “GSM Based Automatic Meter Reading System Using ARM Controller “International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website, Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2012.
3. Tariq Jamil, “Design and Implementation of a Wireless Automatic Meter Reading System” WCE 2008, July 2-4, 2008, London, U.K. IAENG Processing of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol I. July 2-4, 2008, London.
4. B.S.Koay, S.S. Cheah, Y.H. Sng, P.H.J. Chong, P.Shum, Y.C. Tong, X.Y. Wang, Y.X. Zuo and H.W Kuek, “Design and Implementation of Bluetooth Energy Meter” ICICS – PCM – 2003, 15-18 December 2003.
5. Subhashis Maitra, “Embedded Energy Meter- A new concept to measure the energy consumed by consumer and to pay the bill”, Power System echnology and IEEE Power India Conference, 2008.
Rajesh Kunte, M. D. Pawar
Paper Title:
License Checking System for Auto-Mobile using Fingerprint
Abstract: Driving license system is a very difficult task for the government to monitor. In this project, all the citizens’ images will scan and recorded. Whenever a citizen crosses the traffic rules, the police can scan his image and can collect penalty / fine from the defaulter. Using this method, the police can track the history of the driver. This biometric based driving license monitoring system is very easy and convenient to monitor. According ancient Greek scripts BIOMETRICS means study of life. Biometrics studies commonly include fingerprint, face, iris, voice, signature, and hand geometry recognition and verification. Many other modalities are in various stages of development and assessment. Among these available biometric traits Finger Print proves to be one of the best traits providing good mismatch ratio and also reliable. Registering the attendances of students has become a hectic work as sometimes their attendance may be registered or missed. To overcome this problem i.e. to get the attendances registered perfectly we are taking the help of two different technologies viz
Keywords: Authentication, Fingerprint, License, Matching, Registration, Sensor
1. National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Biometricsand Identity Management,
2. Biometrics in Government Post-9/11: Advancing Science, Enhancing Operations, Aug 2008.
3. A.K. Jain, P. Flynn, and A.A.Ross, eds., Handbook of Biometrics, Springer, 2007.
4. H.C.Lee and R.E.Gaensslen. eds.,advences in Fringerprintn Technology, 2nd., CRC press 2001.
5. J. Feng, “Combining Minutiae Descriptors for Fingerprint Matching,” Pattern Recognition, Jan. 2008, pp. 342-352
6. A.A. Ross, K. Nandakumar, and A.K. Jain, Handbook of Multibiometrics, Springer, 2006.
Hari Mohan Rai, Arpita Gupta, Prachi Mohan Kulshreshtha, Arun Vashishtha, Lalit Kr Gupta
Paper Title:
Design of Smart Solar Inverter System
Abstract: This system is designed for outdoor application in un-electrified remote rural areas. The system is an ideal application for household. The system is provided with battery storage backup sufficient to operate the inverter for 7-8 hours. The project is about to develop and fabricate the circuit that can charge the lead acid battery of the inverter during day time by using the solar energy as the source. The battery can be charged by the mains connection in the absence of solar energy. To control the circuit for charging, we have used the circuit charging that can implement the condition of the charging whether it’s in charging condition or in float condition. The design consists of a PV array, a 12-volts lead acid battery, a control section that uses the PIC16F676 microcontroller. The control section obtains the information from the PV array through microcontroller’s Analog and Digital (A/D) ports and hence to perform the pulse width modulation (PWM) to the converter through its D/A ports. Battery’s state of charge is also controlled by the microcontroller to protect the battery from over charging. During the charging of the battery, red LED is turned on until the battery reach the full charge state that is in floating condition and when the condition is reached, green LED will turn on. The PIC16F676 will determine whether it is daytime or night time by using the sensing circuit. The light will automatically turn ON when the sensor circuit give the input to the PIC and PIC will gives the output to the relay to switch on the light. In the absence of solar energy, the relay automatically shifts the charging of the battery from the solar to the mains.
Keywords: solar inverter, battery charger, PIC16F676, EEPROM,
1. “An Intelligent DC-DC/AC Converter.” [Online]. [Accesed: Feb 10,2010]
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6. Joe‐Air Jiang, Tsong‐Liang Huang, Ying‐Tung Hsia and Chia‐Hong Chen, Maximum Power Tracking for Photovoltaic Power Systems, Perturb and Observe Algorithm Flowchart
Majed Ahmed Khan, Mazher Khan, Sayyad Ajij
Paper Title:
Automation of Inter-Networked Banking and Teller Machine Operations
Abstract: In this article about biometric systems the general idea is to use of facial recognition to reinforce security on one of the oldest and most secure piece of technology that is still in use to date thus an Automatic Teller Machine. The main use for any biometric system is to authenticate an input by Identifying and verifying it in an existing database. Security in ATM’s has changed little since their introduction in the late 70’s. This puts them in a very vulnerable state as technology has brought in a new breed of thieves who use the advancement of technology to their advantage. With this in mind it is high time something should be done about the security of this technology beside there cannot be too much security when it comes to people’s money.
Keywords: Biometrics, Facial Recognition, GSM Standards, Biometric Standards, Automatic Teller Machine Technology, Biometric Predecessors.
1. S. C. Dass and A. K. Jain. Markov face models. In Proceedings, Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pages 680–687, July 2001.
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3. J. Huang and H. Wechsler. Eye location using genetic algorithm. In Proceedings, Second International Conference on Audio and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, pages 130–135, March 1999.
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5. P. Kiran Kumar, Sukhendu Das and B. Yegnanarayana. One- Dimensional processing of images. In International Conference on Multimedia Processing Systems, Chennai, India, pages 181 185, August 13-15, 2000.
6. P. N. Belhumeour, J. P. Hespanha and D. J. Kriegman. Eigenfaces vs. fisherfaces: Recognition using class specific linear projection. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 19(7):711–720, July 1997.
7. H. Rowley, S. Baluja, and T. Kanade. Neural network-based face detection. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 20(1):23–38, January 1998.
8. S. Ramesh, S.Palanivel, Sukhendu Das and B. Yegnanarayana. Eigenedginess vs. eigenhill, eigenface, and eigenedge. In Proceedings, Eleventh European Signal Processing Conference, pages 559–562, September 3-6, 2002.
9. K. Suchendar. Online face recognition system. M.Tech Project Report, IIT, Madras, January 2002.
10. B. Tacacs and H. Wechsler. Face recognition using binary image metrics. In Proceedings, Third International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, pages 294–299, April 1998.
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12. J. Yang and A.Waibel. A real-time face tracker. In Proceedings, Third IEEEWorkshop on Applications of Computer Vision, pages 142–147, 1996.
13. M. H. Yang and N. Ahuja. Detecting human face in color images. In Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, volume 1, pages 127–130, 1998.
14. Yilmaz, Alper and M. Gokmen. Eigenhill vs. eigenface and eigenedge. Pattern Recognition, 34:181–184, 2001.
15. K. C. Yow and R. Cipolla. Feature-based human face detection.
16. Colmenarez, B. J. Frey, and T. S. Huang, “A probabilistic framework for embedded face and facial expression recognition,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol.1. Ft. Collins, CO, USA, 1999, pp. 1592-1597.
17. Y. Shinohara and N. Otsu, “Facial Expression Recognition Using Fisher Weight Maps,” in Sixth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Vol.100, 2004, pp.499-504.
18. F. Bourel, C. C. Chibelushi, and A. A. Low, “Robust Facial Feature Tracking,” in British Machine Vision Conference. Bristol, 2000, pp.232-241.
19. K. Morik, P. Brockhausen, and T. Joachims, “Combining statistical learning with a knowledgebased approach — A case study in intensive care monitoring,” in 16th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-99). San Francisco, CA, USA: Morgan Kaufmann, 1999, pp.268-277.
20. S. Singh and N. Papanikolopoulos, “Vision-based detection of driver fatigue,” Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Technical report 1997.
21. D. N. Metaxas, S. Venkataraman, and C. Vogler, “Image-Based Stress Recognition Using a Model- Based Dynamic Face Tracking System,” International Conference on Computational Science, pp.813-821, 2004.
22. M. M. Rahman, R. Hartley, and S. Ishikawa, “A Passive And Multimodal Biometric System for Personal Identification,” in International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing. Spain, 2005, pp.89-92.
Priyanka N. Bande
Paper Title:
Automatic Measurement and Monitoring System of Water Quality with Wireless GUI
Abstract: Water is an essential factor for sustaining life on earth and its adequate and safe supply must be accessible to all. As improved water quality is beneficial for health. Every possible effort should be made in that direction. Water quality depends on various physical and chemical standards such as color, turbidity, pH, temperature, DO, conductivity and TDS. The conventional method of measuring the water is to collect the samples manually and send it to laboratory for analysis. But this method is time consuming and require too much manpower, material resource and has limitation of the sample collecting, longtime analyzing, aging of experimentation equipment and other issues hence, it is not efficient.So, in order to make this process more economical it is beneficial to go for modern approach. The system consists of multiple sensors of water quality testing, PIC microcontroller, LCD display and CC2500 Zigbee module. The water parameters are automatically measured under the control of sensor array and PIC controller. The measured values will be displayed on LCD and also on wireless GUI with the help of CC2500 wireless Zigbee module. If the values exceed the threshold value red light will be indicated in front of the parameter name which exceeds on GUI. This is the real time system which measures the water quality by continuously measuring the water parameters and values are displayed on LCD as well as wireless GUI for remote monitoring purpose.
Keywords: DO (dissolved oxygen), GUI (graphical user interface), pH, TDS (total dissolved solids), temperature.
1. Mo Deqing, Zhao Ying and Chen Shangsong, “Automatic Measurement and Reporting System of Water Quality Based on GSM”, International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Application, IEEE Comp. society pub., April 2012.
2. Theofanis P. Lambrou, Christos C. Anastasiou, Christos G. Panayiotou and Marios M. Polycarpou, “A Low Cost Sensor Network for Real Time Monitoring and Contamination Detection in Drinking Water Distribution Systems”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 8, August 2014.
3. Theofanis P. Lambrou, Christos C. Anastasiou, Christos G. Panayiotou and Marios M. Polycarpou, “A Low Cost Sensor Network for Real Time Monitoring and Assessment of Potable Wtaer Quality at Consumer Sites”, IEEE Sensors, October 2012.
4. Mithila Barabde, Shruti Danve, “Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 6, June 2015.
5. Zulhani Rasin and Mohd Rizal Abdullah, “Water Quality Monitoring System Using Zigbee Based Wireless Network”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol.9, December 2009.
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8. T. Surya, M. Manoj Kumar, SD. Karmulla, CH. GopiNadh ,P. Venkatesh and B.SitaMadhuri, “A Low Cost Sensor Network for Real Time Monitoring and Contamination Detection in Drinking Water Distribution Systems”, Vol. 4,Issue 7,March 2015.
9. ThamaraiSelvi D.,Anitha S.R, “Potable Water Quality Monitoring and Automatic Billing System”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 4,Issue 4,April 2015.
10. Akansha Purohit and U. M. Gokhale, “Design and Implementation of Real Time Water Quality Measurement Using GSM”, IOSR Journal of Electronics And Communication Engg., Vol. 9,Issue 3,June 2014.
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12. H. Chea, S. Liua , “Contaminant Detection using Multiple Conventional Water Quality Sensors in an Early Warning System”, Elsevier, 16th Conference on Water Distribution System Analysis, WDSA 2014.
B. M. Kharat, G. V. Sonatkar, A. A. Chaudhari
Paper Title:
“Synthesis, Characterization and Gas Sensing Applications of Spinel Ferrite Thin Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis Technique: Engineering Approach for the Improvement of Sensor Parameters”
1. M. Mascini, Affinity electrochemical biosensors for pollute on Control. Pure. Appl. Chem. 73 (2001), pp. 23–30.
2. Duane Lindner, The μchem Lab TM project: micro total analysis system, R&D at Sandia National Laboratories, Lab on a chip, 1 (2001), pp. 15-19.
3. F M Burkle, Measures of effectiveness in large-scale bioterrorism events. Prehosp. Disast. Med. 18 (2003),pp. 258–262.
4. R. Eden-Firstenberg, and B J Schaertel, Biosensors in the food industry present and future. J. of Food Protection. 51 (1988), pp 811-820.
5. A.B. Gadkari, T.J. Shinde, P.N. Vasambekar, Ferrite gas sensors, IEEE Sensors, Journal 11 (2011) 849–861.
6. S.V. Bangale, D.R. Patil, S.R. Bamane, Nanostructured spinel ZnFe2O4 for the detection of chlorine gas, Sensors and Transducers Journal 134 (2011) 107–119.
7. E.O. Meltzer, J. Szwarcrcberg, M.W. Pill, Allergic rhinitis, asthma, and rhinosinusitis: diseases of the integrated airway, Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 10 (2004) 310–317.
8. T Gregory Drummmond, Electrochemical DNA sensors. Nature Biotechnol. 21(2003), pp. 1192-1199.
9. Robert M Umek, Electronic detection of Nucleic acids. J. of Mol. Diagnostics 3(2001), pp. 74-84.
10. A A. Yassi and E. Nieboer. In Chromium in the Natural and Human Environments, ed. J. O.Nriagu and E. Nieboer. Wiley and Sons, New York, 20 (1988).pp. 443.
11. Ferrary, D. Marioli, A. Taroni, E. Ranucci. Multisensor Array of Mass Microbalances for Chemical Detection Based on Resonant Piezo-Layers of Screen-Printed PZT. In Proceedings of 13th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers (EUROSENSORS XIII), The Hague, The Netherlands, 12-15 September, (1999). pp.949-952.
12. Goldman, Modern Ferrite Technology (2006) Springer US, pp 375-386.
13. Z. H. Yang, Z. W. Li, Y. H. Yang, L. Liu, L. B. Kong, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 331 (2013) 232-236.
14. Xiaofei Cao, Kangning Sun, Chang Sun, Liang Leng, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (2009) 2896-2901.
15. M. J. Iqbal, Zahoor Ahmad, Turgut Meydan, Yevgen Melikhov, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324 (2012) 3986-3990.
16. J. F. Hochepied, M. P. Pileni, J. Appl. Phys. 87 (2000) 2472.
17. S.Muralidharan, V.Saraswathy, L.J.Berchmans, K.Thangavel, K.Y. Ann, 2010. Sensors Actuators, B: Chemical, 145: 225-231.
18. A.M.Samy, H.M.EI-Sayed, A.A.Sattar, J. Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 200 (2) (2003) 401.
19. S.Yan, Li Dong, Z.Chen, X.Wang, Z.Feng, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 353 (2014) 47-50.
20. Branimir Bajac et al. Processing and Application of ceramics 7 (2013) 15
21. Georgiana Dascalu et al. Applied Phy. : A 2013 (110) 915
22. Yulan Jing et al. J. Mat. Sci. Tech. 29 (6) 2006 (573)
23. Pratibha Rao, R.V. Godbole, D.M. Phase, R.C. Chikate, Sunita Bhagwat, Materials Chemistry and Physics 149-150 (2015) 333-338.
24. Vikas, Anjum, C S Pundir, Sensors & Transducers Journal, Vol.76, Issue 2, 2007, pp.935-936.
25. Andris Šutka, Rainer Pärna, Tanel Käämbre, Vambola Kisand, Physica B 456 (2015) 232–236.
26. Chee Lap Chowa, Hui Huang, Wan Chia Ang, Hai Liu, Yizhong Huang, Man Siu Tse, Ooi Kiang Tan, Sensors and Actuators B 187 (2013) 20-26.
27. Y.M. Zhang, Y.T. Lin, J.L. Chen, J. Zhang, Z.Q. Zhu, Q.J. Liu, Sensors and Actuators B 190 (2014) 171– 176.
28. Deepshikha Rathore, Rajnish Kurchania, R.K. Pandey, Sensors and Actuators A 199 (2013) 236-240.
29. Orhan Yalçın, Harun Bayrakdar, Songül Ö zümc, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 343 (2013)157–162.
30. 30 H. Anwar, Asghari Maqsood, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 333 (2013) 46-52.
31. 31 Ibrahim Sharifi, H. Shokrollahi, Mohammad Mahdi Doroodm and, R. Safi. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324 (2012) 1854-1861.
32. 32 K. S. Rane, V. M. S. Verenkar, P. Y. Sawant. Bull. Mater. Sci. 24 (2001) 323.
33. G.Caruntu J.Phy.D. App.Phy.38 (2005) 811
34. DainiusPerednis, Ludwig J.Gauckler J.Electroceramics 14(2005)105
35. Gagan Dixit Adv. Mat. Lett2012 , 3(1) 21
36. S.S. Kumbhar Energy Procedia 54 (2014) 599
37. Andris Sutka, Rainer Pärna, Gundars Mezinskis, Vambola Kisand, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 192, 1 March 2014, Pages 173-180
38. E. Ranjith Kumar, R. Jayaprakash, G. Sarala Devi, P. Siva Prasada Reddy, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 191, February 2014, Pages 186-191
39. Ramasamy Hari Vignesh, Kalimuthu Vijaya Sankar, Samuthirapandian Amaresh, Yun Sung Lee, Ramakrishnan Kalai Selvan, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 220, 1 December 2015, Pages 50-58
40. Xin Zhou, Jiangyang Liu, Chen Wang, Peng Sun, Xiaolong Hu, Xiaowei Li, Kengo Shimanoe, Noboru Yamazoe, Geyu Lu, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 206, January 2015, Pages 577-583
41. J.L. Gunjakar, A.M. More, K.V. Gurav, C.D. Lokhande, Applied Surface Science, Volume 254, Issue 18, 15 July 2008, Pages 5844–5848
42. N. Rezlescu, C. Doroftei, E. Rezlescu, P.D. Popa, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 133, Issue 2, 12 August 2008, Pages 420-425
43. Jayvant Y. Patil, Digambar Y. Nadargi, Jyoti L. Gurav, I.S. Mulla, Sharad S. Suryavanshi, Ceramics International, Volume 40, Issue 7, Part B, August 2014, Pages 10607–10613
44. Anuj Jain, Ravi Kant Baranwal, Ajaya Bharti, Z. Vakil, and C. S. Prajapati, Hindawi Publishing
Vaidehi Bukka, Rushikesh Bhagat, Ashok Bhalerao
Paper Title:
Automated Detection of Traffic Violations using Image Processing in MATLAB
Abstract: The traffic signal system is probably the most important kind of transportation facility in operation today, considering the perspectives of both safety and efficiency. A traffic signal system at its core has two major tasks: move as many users through the intersection as possible doing this with as little conflict between these users as possible. The first task relates to efficiency and capacity while the second relates to safety. Now-a-days, we face many problems at traffic signal, like increased traffic and breaking traffic rules and regulation. Traffic control also includes the use of CCTV and other means of monitoring traffic by local or State roadways authorities to manage traffic flows and providing advice concerning traffic congestion. It is necessary to control and monitor this traffic and breaking of rules.
Keywords: Region of Interest, Optical Character Recognition.
1. Sorin Draghici, “A neural network based artificial vision system for license plate recognition”, International Journal of Network Security, International Journal of Neural Systems.
2. Christos-Nikolaos E. Anagnostopoulos, “License Plate Recognition. A Brief Tutorial”, Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine IEEE.
3. Isack Bulugu, “Algorithm for License Plate Localization and Recognition for Tanzania Car Plate Numbers”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).
Vaidehi Bukka, Rushikesh Bhagat, Ashok Bhalerao
Paper Title:
Automated Detection of Traffic Violations using Image Processing in MATLAB
Abstract: The traffic signal system is probably the most important kind of transportation facility in operation today, considering the perspectives of both safety and efficiency. A traffic signal system at its core has two major tasks: move as many users through the intersection as possible doing this with as little conflict between these users as possible. The first task relates to efficiency and capacity while the second relates to safety. Now-a-days, we face many problems at traffic signal, like increased traffic and breaking traffic rules and regulation. Traffic control also includes the use of CCTV and other means of monitoring traffic by local or State roadways authorities to manage traffic flows and providing advice concerning traffic congestion. It is necessary to control and monitor this traffic and breaking of rules.
Keywords: Region of Interest, Optical Character Recognition.
1. Sorin Draghici, “A neural network based artificial vision system for license plate recognition”, International Journal of Network Security, International Journal of Neural Systems.
2. Christos-Nikolaos E. Anagnostopoulos, “License Plate Recognition. A Brief Tutorial”, Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine IEEE.
3. Isack Bulugu, “Algorithm for License Plate Localization and Recognition for Tanzania Car Plate Numbers”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).
Swati S. Vaidya, M. B. Kadu
Paper Title:
Review on MIMO Communication with Coherent and Non Coherent Detection
Abstract: This paper explains the study of coherent and non coherent detection technique, SISO, MIMO,wireless communication, some non coherence detection technique as grassmannian signals, STBC, Temporal correlation etc. By Studying the different papers generalized likelihood test like detector at receiver side and an arbitrary correlation structure is for estimating additive Gaussian noise, probability of error for both high level SNR, low level SNR. Also we estimate how to calculate and evaluate parameters such as SNR, FER, FRR, JITTER, DELAY, correlation between channels etc.
Keywords: Coherent and non coherent detection technique, coding technique, parameters of communication, Grassmannian signaling, DUSTM, differential STBC, MIMO, temporal correlation.
1. Jorge Cabrejas, Sandra Roger, Member, Daniel Calabuig, Member, , Yaser M. M. Fouad, Ramy H.Gohary, Senior Member, , Jose F. Monserrat, Senior Member, and Halim Yanikomeroglu, Senior Member, “Non-Coherent Open-loop MIMO Communications Over Temporally-Correlated Channels, IEEE,2015,p.p.1-7
2. Henning Z ¨orlein and Martin Bossert, “Coherence Optimization and Best Complex Antipodal Spherical Codes”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 63, December 2015, pp. 6606 – 6615
3. Shaoshi Yang and Lajos Hanzo, “Fifty Years of MIMO Detection: The Road to Large-Scale MIMOs”, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2015, pp. 1-49
4. Marko Beko, João Xavier and Victor A. N. Barroso, “Noncoherent Communication in Multiple-Antenna Systems: Receiver Design and Codebook Construction”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 55, No. 12, December 2007, pp. 5703-5715
5. Kareem M. Attiah, Karim Seddik, Ramy H. Gohary and Halim Yanikomeroglu, “A Systematic Design Approach for Non-coherent Grassmannian Constellations”, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, 2016, pp. 1-5
6. Philip R. Balogun, Ian D. Marsland, Ramy H. Gohary, and Halim Yanikomeroglu, “Polar Codes for Noncoherent MIMO Signalling”, Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovations, 2016, pp. 1-6
7. Daifeng Wang and Brian L. Evans, “Codebook Design for Non-coherent MIMO Communications via Reflection Matrices”, Wireless Netw,16 pp.
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11. J. K. Cavers, “An analysis of pilot symbol assisted modulation for Rayleigh fading channels [mobile radio],” IEEE Trans. On Vehic. Tech., vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 686–693, Nov. 1991.
12. L. Zheng and D. N. C. Tse, “Communication on the Grassmann manifold: a geometric approach to the non-coherent multiple-antenna channel,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 359–383, Feb. 2002.
13. B. Hochwald and W. Sweldens, “Differential unitary space-time modulation,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 48, no. 12, pp. 2041–2052, Dec. 2000.
14. V. Tarokh and H. Jafarkhani, “A differential detection scheme for transmit diversity,” IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 1169–1174, Jul. 2000.
15. B. Hassibi and B. M. Hochwald, “Cayley differential unitary spacetime codes,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1485–1503, Jun. 2002.
16. P. T. Schickedanz. 1970. Rainfall evaluation studies. Part II of Final Report,
17. N. Linial and I. Novik, “How neighborly can a centrally symmetric polytope be?”, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 36(2006) 273-281.
18. Y. Zhang, “When is missing data recoverable”, available online at
19. J. Haupt and R. Nowak, “Signal reconstruction from noisy random projections”, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 52(9), pp. 4036-4048, September 2006.NSF Grant GA-1360, Illinois State Water Survey, Urbana, 224 pp.
20. W. L. Shipp. 1969. Spatial correlations of storm, monthly and seasonal precipitation.Journal of Applied Meteorology, v. 8(4):542-550.
21. J. Haupt and R. Nowak, “Signal reconstruction from noisy random projections”, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 52(9), pp. 4036-4048, September 2006.
22. Emmanuel Candes and Terence Tao, “Decoding by linear programming”, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 51(12), pp. 4203 – 4215, December 2005.
23. David Donoho and Jared Tanner, “Neighborliness of randomly-projected simplices in high dimensions”, Proc. National Academy of Sciences, 102(27), pp. 9452-9457, 2005.
24. Richard Baraniuk, Mark Davenport, Ronald DeVore, and Michael Wakin, “A simple proof of the restricted isometry property for random matrices”, To appear in Constructive Approximation, available online at
25. A.M. Vershik and sP.V. Sporyshev, “Asymptotic Behavior of the Number of Faces of Random Polyhedra and the Neighborliness Problem”, Selecta Mathematica Sovietica vol. 11, No. 2 (1992).
26. W. M. Boothby, An Introduction to Differential Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry, 2nd ed. San Diego, CA: Academic, 1986.
27. Feuer and A. Nemirovski, “On sparse representation in pairs of bases”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(6): 1579-1581 (2003).
Nitin S. Zope, Kishan Mahamuni
Paper Title:
Implementation of Power Transformer Differential Protection Scheme using Advanced DSP Techniques
Abstract: This paper presents the differential protection algorithm when performing simplifications in certain calculations. Advancements in digital technology have allowed relay manufacturers to include more and more relay functions within a single hardware platform. This paper presents schematic logic of numeric differential protection relay used for power transformer. The analog input signal is converted to its digital equivalent through a suitable 16-bit ADC and is further processed using complex Fast Fourier Transform algorithm to extract the fundamental frequency magnitude. Once this magnitude is obtained, it is fed to the internal relay algorithm to initiate appropriate actions. In this paper, implementation of differential relay and its associated PSL is explained.
Keywords: Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Programmable Sequence Logic (PSL), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Power System Protection.
1. Md. A. Rahman, Kazi Main Uddin Ahmed, Md. R. Sakib; (2012); “Modeling of a Novel Fuzzy Based Overcurrent Relay using Simulink”; International Journal of Scientific & tehnology Research; 1; 24-29.
2. N. Paliwal; A. Trivedi; (2014); “Modeling and Simulation of Modern Digital Differential Protection Scheme of Power Transformer based on FIS”; Intrenational Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technlogy & Engineering; 3; 69-75.
3. D. Barbosa, U. C. Netto, Denis V. Coury, Member, IEEE, and Mario Oleskovicz, Member, IEEE, “Power Transformer Differential Protection Based on Clarke’s Transform and Fuzzy System”, IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery, VOL. 26, NO. 2 APRIL 2011.
4. S. Hodder; B. Kasztenny; N. Fischer, and Y. Xia; (2014); “Low Second-Harmonic Content in Transformer Inrush Currents – Analysis and Practical Solutions for Protection Security”; Texas A & M Conference for Protective Relay Engineers.
5. Xiang- Ning Lin and Pei Liu, “The Ultra-Saturation Phenomenon of Loaded Transformer Energization and Its Impacts on Differential Protection”, IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery, VOL. 20, NO. 2 APRIL 2005
6. Z. Moravej; D. N. Vishwakarma; S. P. Singh; (2003); “Application of radial basis function neural network for differential relaying of a power transformer”; Computers & Electrical Engineering; 29; 421-434.
7. P. L. Mao; R. K. Aggarwal; (2000); “A wavelet transform based decision making logic method for discrimination between internal faults and inrush currents in power transformers”; International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems; 22; 389-395.
B. M. Kharat, A. A. Chaudhari, Malode V. B. |
Paper Title:
Engineering Approaches for the Improvement of Sensor Parameters of Spinel Ferrite Based Gas Sensors |
Abstract: Engineering approaches designed to improve parameters of conduct metric gas sensors are being considered in this survey. In particular, in this paper we are going to analyze engineering approaches used for improvement of sensor stability and reliability, sensitivity and selectivity and for decrease of power dissipated by conductometric gas sensors. Analysis has shown that those engineering approaches can eliminate some genetic disadvantages of conductometric gas sensors, provide a significant improvement of their exploitation parameters, and expand their application in various fields.
Keywords: conductometric, fields. Engineering,
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- Duane Lindner, The μchem Lab TM project: micro total analysis system, R&D at Sandia National Laboratories, Lab on a chip, 1 (2001), pp. 15-19.
- F M Burkle, Measures of effectiveness in large-scale bioterrorism events. Prehosp. Disast. Med. 18 (2003),pp. 258–262.
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- T Gregory Drummmond, Electrochemical DNA sensors. Nature Biotechnol. 21(2003), pp. 1192-1199.
- Robert M Umek, Electronic detection of Nucleic acids. J. of Mol. Diagnostics 3(2001), pp. 74-84.
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- Ferrary, D. Marioli, A. Taroni, E. Ranucci. Multisensor Array of Mass Microbalances for Chemical Detection Based on Resonant Piezo-Layers of Screen-Printed PZT. In Proceedings of 13th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers (EUROSENSORS XIII), The Hague, The Netherlands, 12-15 September, (1999). pp.949-952.
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- 31 Ibrahim Sharifi, H. Shokrollahi, Mohammad Mahdi Doroodm and, R. Safi. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324 (2012) 1854-1861.
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- Andris Sutka, Rainer Pärna, Gundars Mezinskis, Vambola Kisand, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 192, 1 March 2014, Pages 173-180
- Ranjith Kumar, R. Jayaprakash, G. Sarala Devi, P. Siva Prasada Reddy, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 191, February 2014, Pages 186-191
- Ramasamy Hari Vignesh, Kalimuthu Vijaya Sankar, Samuthirapandian Amaresh, Yun Sung Lee, Ramakrishnan Kalai Selvan, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 220, 1 December 2015, Pages 50-58
- Xin Zhou, Jiangyang Liu, Chen Wang, Peng Sun, Xiaolong Hu, Xiaowei Li, Kengo Shimanoe, Noboru Yamazoe, Geyu Lu, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 206, January 2015, Pages 577-583
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- Anuj Jain, Ravi Kant Baranwal, Ajaya Bharti, Z. Vakil, and C. S. Prajapati, Hindawi Publishing Corporation The ScientificWorld Journal Volume 2013, Article ID 790359, 7 pages