Proximal Interpolation in Image Zooming using Advanced Neighborhood Algorithm
S. Shiny1, Agnes Anto2
1S.Shiny, Computer Science and Engineering, Vins Christian College of Engineering, Kanyakumari, India.
2Mrs. Agnes Anto, Computer Science and Engineering, Vins Christian College of Engineering, Kanyakumari, India.
Manuscript received on May 17, 2012. | Revised Manuscript received on June 22, 2012. | Manuscript published on June 30, 2012. | PP: 251-254 | Volume-1 Issue-5, June 2012. | Retrieval Number: E0498061512/2012©BEIESP
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Abstract: Image zooming, the process of enlarging the image is a direct application of image interpolation procedures. Image interpolation is the process of determining the unknown values of an image at positions lying between some known values. The existing system used the PDE-based curvature interpolation method for image zooming by edge-detection. The proposed work also includes the neighborhood regions. The basic interpolation technique i.e. Proximal or nearest-neighbor interpolation is applied. In this technique, the output pixel is assigned the value of the pixel that the point falls within and no other pixels are considered. This is achieved using the advanced neighborhood algorithm for image zooming. Here the input image can be a grayscale, RGB, or binary image. This algorithm computes each output pixel by taking the value of each input pixel and distributes it to the corresponding output pixel’s 3-by-3 neighborhood. The proposed algorithm performs median filtering for the image matrix using the 3-by-3 neighborhood as a smoothing procedure to reduce the artifacts like blurring, jagging and ghosting. The proposed zooming algorithm works with different image types. Keywords: Curvature interpolation method, Edge-detection, Image zooming, Median filtering, Proximal interpolation.