State of the Art Energy Efficient Optimization Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks
Ch. Rambabu1, V.V.K.D.V. Prasad2, K. Satya Prasad3
1Ch. Rambabu, Research Scholar, Department of ECE, JNTU Kakinada, (Andhra Pradesh), India.
2Dr. V.V.K.D.V. Prasad, Professor, Department of ECE, Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru (Andhra Pradesh), India.
3Dr. K. Satya Prasad, Rector, VFSTR Deemed to be University, Guntur (Andhra Pradesh), India.
Manuscript received on 15 September 2019 | Revised Manuscript received on 24 September 2019 | Manuscript Published on 10 October 2019 | PP: 870-875 | Volume-8 Issue-6S2, August 2019 | Retrieval Number: F12140886S219/19©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F1214.0886S219
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Abstract: Wireless sensor networks assemble data from different nodes and effective transmit the data to the server and other destinations in industrial and military applications. The challenges faced in many wireless sensor networks are the network’s operation time and the delay present in the data transmission. These issues can be addressed by studying the concept of network clustering with minimal energy consumption. The data routing and transmission becomes extremely critical in military and disaster applications. The work gives a literature review of the algorithms explaining the concepts of energy efficient routing and network operation. Various optimization algorithms have been studied by authors to improve the efficiency of the system.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Routing, Clustering, Nodes, Optimization Algorithms.
Scope of the Article: Waveform Optimization for Wireless Power Transfer