
Introduction of Digital Technologies in Organization And Management of Regional Passenger Transportation
Victor Ivanov1, Elena Hmelchenko2, Nonna Koroleva3, Svetlana Sokolova4, Bayrta Ubushaeva5

1Victor Ivanov*, The Schools of Finance, the Research University Higher school of Economics, Moscow, Russia.
2Elena Hmelchenko, Public and Municipal Administration, “State University of Management”, Moscow, Russia.
3Nonna Koroleva, Department of economic policy and economic measurements, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia.
4Svetlana Sokolova, Department of State and Municipal Administration, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia.
5Bayrta Ubushaeva, Department of public administration, “State University of Management”, Moscow, Russia.
Manuscript received on September 22, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on October 20, 2019. | Manuscript published on October 30, 2019. | PP: 1797-1800 | Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019 | Retrieval Number: A1429109119/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A1429.109119
Open Access | Ethics and Policies | Cite | Mendeley
© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: Digital technologies from an unknown phenomenon in the hands of advanced scientists have passed into an urgent need with which most modern people can no longer part either at home or in the framework of their work processes. Huge robotic productions have already been created and are operating, and automation has become understandable and familiar to all citizens, regardless of their initial education and current age. In our opinion, the key problem today, not so much in new technical systems, there are already quite a few of them, but in a completely different level of its use corresponding to the features and tasks of the digital environment of the fourth industrial revolution, which is primarily determined by new principles of organization and management. German Gref [2] at the INCOSAI Congress, expressed the idea that the world is on the verge of the first revolution of state administration, since its prevailing technologies do not correspond to the realities of the fourth industrial revolution. Moreover, in the framework of the so-called four industrial revolutions of this kind, changes in managerial paradigms took place constantly and in parallel to these events. It remains to add that if we go beyond the usual division of the processes of economic development into 4 industrial revolutions, and consider them more broadly as scientific and technical, then, for example, D. Shmihula [14]) in his works identified 10-11 such periods in History, which correlates with our own research in the framework of the theory of social development (TOR V.V. Ivanova [4]), where the period starting from 2026 (social formation) will be the tenth since the Neolithic revolution – the beginning of the domination of the social development of mankind . And each is determined by its own circle of technological and other innovations, including new approaches to management. These approaches change at such a moment in the most natural way, in connection with the next change to this point at this point in a public (including economic) organization, which requires new management approaches.
Keywords: Digital technologies, robotic productions, digital environment, Neolithic revolution.