
Computation of Vehicle Motion Path upon Entering Turn
Alexander Nikolaevich Belyaev1, Vyacheslav Gennadievich Kozlov2, Irina Alevtinovna Vysotskaya3, Tatiana Vladimirovna Trishina4

1Alexander Nikolaevich Belyaev, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great, Voronezh, Russia.
2Vyacheslav Gennadievich Kozlov, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great, Voronezh, Russia.
3Irina Alevtinovna Vysotskaya, Military training and research center of the air force “Air force Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin», Voronezh, Russia.
4Tatiana Vladimirovna Trishina, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great, Voronezh, Russia.
Manuscript received on September 23, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on October 15, 2019. | Manuscript published on October 30, 2019. | PP: 4527-4531 | Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019 | Retrieval Number: A1776109119/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A1776.109119
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Abstract: Curvilinear motion of a vehicle as a part of assembly which takes place mainly on headlands is the most complicated element of its kinematics. Turns are carried out with gradual transition from infinitely large to minimum radius (upon transition from straight motion to motion along simple curve) and from minimum to infinitely large radius (upon transition from motion along simple curve to straight motion). Herewith, curvilinear motion along path of variable radius (upon entering turn and coming out of turn) is a significant portion (quite often more than one half) of all motion of the assembly on the curve. This article presents the procedure of derivation of parametric equations for analytical prediction of theoretical coordinates of motion points of tractor kinematic center upon entering turns. This procedure is based on universal equation for determination of theoretical minimum turning radius of wheeled vehicle. The proposed equations make it possible to determine theoretical path of entering turn of vehicle depending on the following variables: engineering parameters such as base, distance between kingpins, maximum turn angles of internal steered wheels, and operating parameters such as vehicle forward speed, angular turning speed of steered wheels in transverse plane; and to select reasonable properties on this basis.
Keywords: Vehicle, transport, vehicle control.