
Key Success Factor of the Timeliness of the Regional Housing Project in Cibubur Indonesia
Elhazri Hasdian1, Bambang Purwoko Kusumo Bintoro2, Resmi Bestari Muin3, Elhamdi Hasdian4, Elvanzari Hasdiana Hasan5

1Elhazri Hasdian, Master Program of Civil Engineering, University  Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia.
2Bambang Purwoko Kusumo Bintoro,  Master  Program of  Civil Engineering, University Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Resmi Bestari Muin, Master Program of Civil Engineering, Universitay Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia. 
4Elhamdi Hasdian, Master Program of Urban Planning, University Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia. 
5Elvanzari Hasdiana Hasan, Civil Engineering, University Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia. 
Manuscript received on September 23, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on October 15, 2019. | Manuscript published on October 30, 2019. | PP: 4749-4752| Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019 | Retrieval Number: A2057109119/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A2057.109119
Open Access | Ethics and Policies | Cite | Mendeley
© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: A construction project is a form of activity that takes place within a limited period of time, with certain resources to achieve the results of a certain form of building or infrastructure. The success of a project is assessed by the suitability of the schedule, cost and quality planned in the contract. In the implementation of construction projects there are often delays caused by the parties involved or from influencing factors. This study discusses material analysis, labor, and project management on the timeliness of housing projects in the Cibubur Indonesia. Delay in project implementation has an influence on planned budget changes. This research aims to find the dominant factor causing delays in housing projects in the Cibubur Indonesia. This research is a survey research which is a study that takes a sample from a population using questionnaires and interviews as a data collection tool that is distributed to respondents, where the number of respondents is 31 (thirty one) in the Cibubur area housing project. This study concludes that the dominant factors causing delays are as follows: (1) Late delivery of materials, (2) Limited number of workers, (3) Poor project land conditions, (4) Weak project management and implementation by contractors. The cause of the delay can be controlled by using anticipatory and preventive measures. The action was taken to overcome the impact due to the dominant factor that could cause the delay. This research is expected to be beneficial for contractor service business providers and project owners as the housing developer, so that the project can be anticipated and the next project can run according to the planned times
Keywords: Delays, Labor, Material, Project Management.