
Optimization of Fin Spacing of Vertical Plate Fin Heat Sink in Natural Convection
D.D.Palande1, A.M.Mahalle2, N.C.Ghuge3, P.N.Belkhode4

1D.D.Palande*, Asso. Professor Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Matoshri College of Engineering Nasik  Maharashtra, India.
2A.M. Mahalle, Professor Govt. College of Engineering, Amaravati, India.
3N.C.Ghuge,  Asso. Professor Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Matoshri College of of Engineering Nasik  Maharashtra, India.
4P.N.Belkhode, Dept. of General Engineering L.I.T. Nagpur, India.
Manuscript received on September 23, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on October 15, 2019. | Manuscript published on October 30, 2019. | PP: 1020-1024 | Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019 | Retrieval Number: A9467109119/2019©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A9467.109119
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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: Heat sinks are frequently used in the cooling of electrical and electronics devices If the heat sink have very close fin spacing, it increases the surface area but reduces the heat transfer coefficient. On the other hand, if heat sink has wide fin spacing, it reduces the surface area but increases the heat transfer coefficient. Therefore, there is need to optimize the fin spacing that enhanced the heat transfer from the heat sink. A properly selected heat sink may reduced the operating temperature and reduce the risk of failure of components. A steady state natural convective heat transfer from aluminum plate fin heat sink was examined experimentally. The length and thickness of fin was kept constant while height were varied from 5mm to 25mm and spacing varied between 5.5mm to 17mm.After experimentation, it was observed that fin spacing plays important role than any other geometrical parameters. Response surface methodology is used for optimization of fin spacing. It is observed that optimum fin spacing of heat sink is 8.28mm.The error analysis is done with the help of ANN and flow visualization were done using CFD.
Keywords: Natural convection, Fin spacing, Response Surface Methodology.