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Student Locker Protection Using RFID Tag & Reader
A.M. Balaji Venkatesh1, Karthik Kalkura2, Shriraam A.C3
1A.M. Balaji Venkatesh, is currently pursuing his final year at Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College. His Interests are Embedded Systems and Power Systems. He is planning to Masters in the same field.
2Karthik Kalkura, is currently pursuing his final year Engineering at Meenakshi Sundarajan Engineering College. His interests are in Embedded Systems. He is planning to do masters in the same field.
3A.C. Shriraam, is currently pursuing his final year engineering at Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College. His interests are in Embedded Systems. He is planning to do masters in the same field.
Manuscript received on November 26, 2013. | Revised Manuscript received on December 12, 2013. | Manuscript published on December 30, 2013. | PP: 5-7  | Volume-3, Issue-2, December 2013.  | Retrieval Number:  B2320123213/2013©BEIESP

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Abstract: Student lockers are something very common and essential in an educational institution. A student keeps all his valuables inside the locker, and the protection of it is an essential aspect in the design of student lockers. A student not only stores his material valuables, but can also keep his intellectual ideas like research prototypes and important project papers. Some the student’s wouldn’t have obtained patent to his work when lost will be a huge loss in his career. These kind of theft can’t be neglected and we have planned a project on the prevention of these thefts. This Project is designed to enable security to student locker in educational institutions using RFID tags and Zigbee protocol to create electronic locks and password protected. The locker can be opened by the authorized individuals. To ensure this, the system uses RFID reader which is placed in the locker and the corresponding tags are given to the authorized individuals. Then using wireless Zigbee protocol the values are compared with the database and the lock is opened using a random password. When someone unauthorised tries to access the locker a message is intimated to the owner.
Keywords: PIC Controller, Random Number Generation algorithm RFID, Zigbee.