Providing Security in VPN by using Tunneling and Firewall
Sonam Wadhwa1, Kunwar Pal2
1Sonam Wadhwa, She Achieved her B. Tech Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from G.B.K.I.E.T, Malout, Punjab, India.
2Kunwar Pal, He Achieved her B. Tech Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from KNIT, Sultanpur, India.
Manuscript received on January 26, 2013. | Revised Manuscript received on February 12, 2013. | Manuscript published on February 28, 2013. | PP: 381-382 | Volume-2 Issue-3, February 2013.  | Retrieval Number: C1145022313/2013©BEIESP

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Abstract: The use of security increased consistently day by day. Huge amount of network requires large amount of security. For maintain things consistent and proper functioning, people require secure way to share information over the network. To accomplish this goal Virtual Private Network is one of the popular techniques. It constructs logical link by using existing public infrastructure. Internet is one of the public networks and VPN utilize the internet to connect the users. IPSec Protocol is a protocol suite based on VPN to protect the communication. For uninterrupted VPN services, it is necessary to provide some mechanism by the combination of tunneling and firewall. This paper proposes a new kind of configuration for security to the public network.
Keywords: Tunneling, Firewall, IPSec, Virtual Private Network, Algorithm.