Ltspice Simulation of Non Linear Technique SSHI Serial and SSHI Parallel of Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting
Abderrahim Mountaciri1, El Mostafa Makroum2, My Abdelkader Youssefi3
1Mountaciri Abderrahim*, Laboratoire d’Ingenierie, de anage ent Ind trie et d’Inno ation (LIMII) , Feclualt des Sciences Techniques (FST), universite Hassan I, Settat, morroco.
2Makroum El-Mostafa, Laboratoire d’Ingenierie, de anage ent Ind trie et d’Inno ation (LIMII) , Feclualt des Sciences Techniques (FST), universite Hassan I, settat, morroco.
3My Abdelkader Youssefi, Laboratoire d’Ingenierie, de Manage ent Ind trie et d’Inno ation (LIMII) , Feclualt des Sciences Techniques (FST), universite Hassan I, settat, morroco.
Manuscript received on January 30, 2021. | Revised Manuscript received on February 15, 2021. | Manuscript published on February 28, 2021. | PP: 87-94 | Volume-10 Issue-3, February 2021. | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijeat.B3266079220 | DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.B3266.0210321
Open Access | Ethics and Policies | Cite | Mendeley
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Abstract: In this paper, a simple but effective proposal for piezoelectric energy collectors. synchronized switching harvesting in the SSIH technique (synchronized switch harvesting on parallel inductor consists in placing a switch which will be commanded on closing at the instant when the amplitude of the vibrations passes through the extreme this technique makes it possible to increase the power harvested from a ratio of 8 compared to the power of a harvester based on ac dc converter similarly the SSIH command (synchronized switch harvesting on inductor for LT SPICEs-based simulations of the two techniques is carried out finally a comparison with respect to the standard structure of energy harvesting is made in order to validate theoretical concepts.
Keywords: Harvesting, SSHI, piezoelectric, WSN, LTSPICE, FBR.
Scope of the Article: RF Energy Harvesting