Novel Routing Approaches for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
R.Regan1, D.Muruganandam2, K.Rajagopal3
1Mr Regan. R, Department of Computer Engineering, University College of Engineering, Pantruti, India.
2Mr. Muruganandam. D, Department of Computer Engineering, University College of Engineering, Pantruti, India.
3Mr. Rajagopal. K, Department of Computer Engineering, University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, India.
Manuscript received on March 02, 2013. | Revised Manuscript received on April 13, 2013. | Manuscript published on April 30, 2013. | PP: 696-700 | Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2013. | Retrieval Number: D1487042413/2013©BEIESP

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Abstract: In wireless ad-hoc networks, a new routing scheme is proposed; it is called Novel Routing Approach-NRA. This method adopts reinforcement learning framework to route the data from source to Destination in the absence of detailed knowledge of entire channel. In this method, an every node itself determines the efficient way to transmit data and utilizes the network opportunity. Also this approach addresses the network congestion problem and improves the throughput that minimizes the delay. This paper examines the traffic flow of a wireless Ad hoc network; Congestion occurs due to elastic traffic that degrades the performance of the entire network. In order to predict the future congestion situation, a relevant estimation is designed for each forwarder node and our proposed algorithm Agent Based Congestion Control(ABCC) Routing Protocol which possess the estimation function. Hence our proposed work can minimize the amount of congestion and delay in opportunistic routing models than the existing ones.
Keywords: Maximization, Wireless ad-hoc networks, Agent Based Congestion control Routing Protocol.