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Traffic Load Computation for Real Time Traffic Signal Control
Pratishtha Gupta1, G.N Purohit2, Sweta Pandey3
1Pratishtha Gupta,  M.Sc (CS) and B-Level and Undergoing Ph.D from Banasthali University Rajasthan, India.
2G. N. Purohit, Professor in Department of Mathematics & Statistics at Banasthali University Rajasthan., India.
3Shweta Pandey, Active Researcher in the Field of Image Processing, Currently Studying in M. Tech  from Banasthali University, Rajasthan., India.
Manuscript received on March 02, 2013. | Revised Manuscript received on April 13, 2013. | Manuscript published on April 30, 2013. | PP: 891-895 | Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2013. | Retrieval Number: D1591042413/2013©BEIESP

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Abstract: Traffic load computation for real time traffic signal control system has become a challenging problem as well as the need of hour to make road traffic decent, safe, less time and fuel consuming. CCTV Cameras can prove to be a robust and sufficient solution in this direction. Images of the traffic captured with the help of CCTV Camera, can be processed to retrieve the required output about current traffic. This document presents a model to count the traffic load by some parameters such as edge detection, histogram equalization, labeling and removing the noise with the help of median filter. The load computed can then be used to control the traffic signals.
Keywords: Image processing, MATLAB simulation, Traffic load computation.