Application Aware Energy Efficient Geographic Greedy Forwarding in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
Ashish Jaiswal1, Santhosha Rao2, Kumara Shama3
1Ashish Jaiswal, Senior Software Engineer, Philips Private Limited, Bangalore.
2Santhosha Rao, Assistant Professor-Senior, Dept. of I&CT, MIT, Manipal, Manipal University.
3Kumara Shama, Professor, Dept. of E&C Engg.,MIT, Manipal, Manipal University.
Manuscript received on May 17, 2012. | Revised Manuscript received on June 10, 2012. | Manuscript published on June 30, 2012. | PP: 222-227 | Volume-1 Issue-5, June 2012. | Retrieval Number: E0481061512/2012©BEIESP

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Abstract: Finding maximum number of node-disjoint paths for transmission has always been a prime aim to achieve reliability, security, load balancing and improved performance. Finding paths that lead to maximum network lifetime is the other extreme that is desired. Algorithm that aims at one of the requirements tends to oppose the other. In this paper, we propose an Application Aware Energy Efficient Geographic Greedy Forwarding (AAEEGF) routing algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) that is a trade- off between finding maximum number of node disjoint paths and finding paths with maximum network lifetime. AAEEGF takes into account both the requirements of real time multimedia transmission and the realistic characteristics of WMSNs. It finds list of node-disjoint routing paths with improved lifetime with path delays less than time constraint of the application. AAEEGF supports three features: (1) hole-bypassing, (2) explore maximum number of node disjoint path, and (3) lifetime improvement of paths, at the same time. AAEEGF is a pure geographic greedy forwarding routing algorithm and is an extension to Two-Phase geographic Greedy Forwarding (TPGF) [1]. Exploring paths in AAEEGF is time constraint dependent. All the paths obtained as a result have path delay less than time constraint of application. Unnecessary paths, whose end-to-end delays may exceed time constraint, are not formed, thereby making such nodes to be available for other useful path formation. This point allows more nodes to be available for AAEEGF to explore more routing paths, and enables AAEEGF to be different from many existing geographic routing algorithms like TPGF. AAEEGF improves lifetime of the found paths within the time constraint. Both theoretical analysis and simulation comparison in this paper indicate that AAEEGF is highly suitable for multimedia transmission in WMSNs. 
Keywords: Node-disjoint path, NetTopo, TPGF, Wireless Mutimedia Sensor Networks.