The Adoption of Electronic Procurement and Readiness Assessment in Central Ethiopia Regional State
Hanna Moges Dereje1, Getnet Assefa Habete2

1Hanna Moges Dereje, Department of Construction Technology and Management, College of Engineering and Technology, Wachemo University, Hossana, Ethiopia.

2Getnet Assefa Habete, Department of Information Systems, College of Engineering and Technology, Wachemo University, Hossana, Ethiopia. 

Manuscript received on 02 May 2024 | Revised Manuscript received on 10 May 2024 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 June 2024 | Manuscript published on 30 June 2024 | PP: 32-44 | Volume-13 Issue-5, June 2024 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijeat.E446713050624 | DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.E4467.13050624

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Abstract: Electronic procurement is a digitalized means of procurement processes. This study aims to assess its applicability in the central Ethiopia regional state by studying the hindrance factors and the opportunity that can come for the construction sector of the region. A descriptive and explorative study approach has been performed. Qualitative data from public procurement administrators, IT professionals, and construction stakeholders were collected through interviews. -P nor eGP has not been introduced to the region yet. Also to use it factors such as the knowledge gap, lack of infrastructure provisions, and collaboration works with fear of losing competitiveness were probable hindrances. On the other hand, resource-saving, increasing transparency, and accuracy of bid evaluation were found as main probable opportunities. Incorporating practitioners, and combining system development with an adaptability test can provide useful input for further. Timely support from the federal government, capacity-building programs, facility and infrastructure development, and government enforcing mechanisms were found as necessary matters to implement the e-P system for the construction sector. This research is the first study in the area with this topic and also it is a very new topic as a country in general. Hence, in a way, it introduced the system for the pubic construction procurement of the region and stakeholders. The findings contribute as a source to the public body for the launch of the eGP Ethiopia in the region, and a lead for private developers. Additionally, it implements the very nature of the research which is multidisciplinary by incorporating IT professionals.

Keywords: Construction Sector, e-procurement, Region, Procurement
Scope of the Article: Civil Engineering and Applications