Job Execution Framework for Performance Testing
Mangala S Joshi1, K Nirmala Kumari2, Saumil G Merchant3
1Mangala S Joshi, M.Tech, VLSI Design &Embedded Systems , Dept of E & C, BIT, Bangalore.
2K Nirmala Kumari, Asso.Prof, Dept of E & C, BIT, Bangalore.
3Saumil G Merchant, 3 Systems and Technology Group, IBM India.
Manuscript received on July 17, 2012. | Revised Manuscript received on August 25, 2012. | Manuscript published on August 30, 2012. | PP: 204-208 | Volume-1 Issue-6, August 2012.  | Retrieval Number: F0666081612/2012©BEIESP

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Abstract: Performance Testing [2] determines the system behavior under specific system workloads. The process involves identifying the attributes and acceptance criteria followed by design of tests and configuration of test environment. These tests are implemented and executed on the system. Validation of tests, results collection and analysis of the same is carried out in the next step. Implementing and executing a number of tests either at the instant or schedule it to execute at a particular time on the system would be easier and helpful as it saves tester’s effort and time. Job Execution Framework (JEF) is generic in nature and fulfills the above requirement. It supports 10 functions of which 8 are open to users. This paper gives detailed description of all the functions and their usage.
Keywords: Job Execution, Framework, Generic, Nature, Fulfills, Requirement